Thursday, May 26, 2016

Racist Chinese commercial

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Link to source where the top voted comment is a link to another video... (below)


ricpic said...

Racist? Please God let racist come to America.

The Dude said...

I like my whites to be white, not yellow.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If you want racism directed against Chinese, go to an Ivy League school's admission department.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Of course Ivy League Chinese racism is only directed to Americans of Chinese decent. If they are Chinese Nationals from Chi-Com, then they are welcomed with open arms and will also bump out in state students at most State Colleges.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This commercial is a kind of catch 22, damn if you post it, damn if you dont... a little bit.

I mean, sometimes i believe the attention it has gotten over the last 50 years, ever since the civil rights movement started has been enough to... raise the consciousness, for lack of a better terminology right now. But when you see this, it makes you pause and think.

On the other hand, I giggled when I saw it. Does that make me a bad person?

Trooper York said...

Lem you have to stop being concerned about posting edgy material if you want hits and clicks. That is how you get noticed. Push the envelope.

ndspinelli said...

Lem, You are one of the least bad people I know. You could use a little bad.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...
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Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Of course, she probably didn't want him to loose all the "black"

Is it racist to think Asian men have small penises?

Here's some old vintage ads

Rabel said...

I can see this being re-purposed in the coming advertising race wars:

You'll wonder where the yellow went
when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.

Chip Ahoy said...

When I was a little bitty baby my mama would rock me in a cradle in those old cotton fields back home and we babies wore cotton diapers made of cloth and it was a thing with Mama to get them diapers white. On account of the cotton balls all over the place to have for comparison.

I remember Mama saying the neighbors and wandering pedestrians would actually stop and ask her how she gets the diapers so white.

It was the cheapest product available. The most direct thing to whiteness, a product with blueing. Go figure. Probably something heavy in phosphates, whatever those are, they sound horrible and outlawed and probably got things very clean. Like, what is it? Same as the fuel additive STP

STP is awesome. It is so many things.

You're not going to believe this, but not only is STP Sodium Triposphate, that sounds like some kind of salt with three kinds of phosphates, it's also a commercial fuel additive, a whole line of them. Scientifically Treated Petroleum.

STP is also an Egyptian triliteral sign. This sign is seen a lot and in royal names. "Setep" to us. It is a picture of an adz striking a block of wood. And you'd be fine in thinking, "Chip, you be so crazy" but check it out. First thing. Very first two results in Google images are correct.[S T P triliteral] Only the first two are the right symbol, everything else is wrong.

For example STP occurs in Rameses cartouche. Do you see it? Do you see it? Huh? Huh? Do you see it?

And now you can be crazy too. Sodium triphosphate = Scientifically Treated Petroleum = important Egyptian hieroglyphic triliteral sign for Setep.

We can read it from here if we like, it goes, Ra, then a picture of person in a chair with a feather on their head, that tiny feather means "Maat" Then adz with a block, "Setep" , then Ra again, then zig zag water is "N"

Setep N Ra

I bet they call him Setepenre. Turns out Setepenre is a princess and there's that crazy adz again all over the place.

ricpic said...

When I was a kid I could never figure out why STP was the razor's edge. Years later the nickel dropped...the racer's edge.

ricpic said...

If Lem let's the bad out there'll be no stopping him. I, for one, rue the day!

Methadras said...

Of course the chinks don't give a shit about their racism because to them it isn't racist. You get a dirty negro, shove him into the washing machine and out you get a cleaned up chink. Simple. Ta-da. It's racial rehabilitation all in one commercial. The darkie is bad, the yellow man in white is good and clean.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Racism in Asia is just matter of fact. But on the racist spectrum the group at the bottom (at least in most Asian countries I have been to) is Arab Muslims. They will take their money, but they are despised.