Tuesday, May 3, 2016

"Softball team loses championship on walk-off after premature celebration"

Wylie (TX) believes they've won the district softball championship and begin to celebrate, not realizing they have only recorded two outs and McKinney North (TX) takes advantage by scoring three runs to steal the title. Link to story


AllenS said...

If there's one girls sport that I like watching, it's girls softball. Ain't none of them throwing "like a girl".

ndspinelli said...

One of the many things I hammered home in 30 years of coaching is NEVER celebrate until you've won. NEVER. I was coaching a Legion baseball game about a decade or so ago. We were down by 4 runs in the last inning. The bench players and coaches on the opposing team started high fiving each other and packing up their gear. I pointed it out to my team. We rallied and won w/ a walk off double by our best hitter.

Team sports are one of the best educations for a young person. When I went back to college in the late 90's I took a graduate adolescent psych course. I did a project on eating disorders in young women. I found an extensive study that showed girls who play team sports are @ a significantly lower risk for eating disorders, drug abuse, unwanted pregnancy. This is not apply to girls who played individual sports. It's the team aspect that was the key. Those team skills of selflessness, camaraderie, sacrifice, I got your back, picking up your teammate, are skills more important than one can ever learn in a classroom. They transfer to future life like none other. I can often tell someone who played a team sport, and certainly one who didn't.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, I coached girls softball for several years. Our daughter was a 1st baseman[southpaw] on the varsity HS team. There was an asshole father who was going to coach them during the summer. Her teammates would come and watch my Legion team[boys!!] and told Lauren to get me to coach them. Lauren had trepidation as did I. Having coached my son for several years, I much preferred not having that parent/player dynamic. But, I coached the girls. The first thing Lauren told me was "NO SWEARING!" I don't swear @ kids or umps[I never argued w/ umps] but I swear like a sailor around older boys. Not swearing was tough. I did not like softball nearly as much as baseball and much preferred coaching boys. But, it was a positive experience. They do cry. I never got used to that.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Is this a warning to Team Trump and Team Hillary about their competition?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Could be...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Gawsh those girls sure are smart.

What's with these times that we're living in? It seems like everywhere I look the gentler sex is taking every chance it gets to persuade me of how incompetent it is.