Wednesday, May 25, 2016

My Candidate for Vice President (hat tip to edutcher)

BOOM! GOP Senator Cotton RIPS “Bitter, Vulgar, Incoherent Ramblings” of Harry Reid (VIDEO) Gateway Pundit

"Republican Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton pulled no punches in attacking Democratic Senator Harry Reid on the Senate floor Wednesday, slamming him for “outrageous slander” and “cancerous leadership.”
“As a junior senator, I preside over the Senate. I usually do in the morning, which means I’m forced to listen to the bitter, vulgar, incoherent ramblings of the Minority Leader,” Cotton said. “Normally, like other Americans, I ignore them. I can’t ignore them today, however.”

Cotton tore into Reid for stalling a vote on a crucial defense bill, even though the bill eventually passed 98-0. “When was the last time the Minority Leader read a bill? It was probably an electricity bill,” Cotton quipped.
Cotton especially mocked Reid’s complaint that the bill was crafted in the “dark of night” despite being public for weeks. “And this coming from a man who drafted Obamacare in his office and rammed it through this Senate at midnight on Christmas Eve on a straight party-line vote?”
Cotton took particular offense to the fact that Reid called he was “doing it for the troops” while attacking Arizona Senator John McCain, calling it an “outrageous slander… How about this troop and his son and his father and his grandfather, four generations of service, to include almost six years of rotting in a prisoner of war camp?” he asked.
“To say that he’s delaying this because he cares for the troops, a man who never served himself, a man who in April 2007 came to this very floor before the surge had even reached its peak and said the war was lost, when over 100 Americans were being killed in Iraq every month, when I was carrying their dead bodies off an airplane at Dover Air Force Base? It is an outrage…


edutcher said...

After the convention, The Donald will have to be a bit more Presidential (no, not that much), so I'm wondering if this was an audition.

Methadras said...

I wanted to see that piece of shit Reid's face as Cotton uttered these words. That would have been priceless. Dude has got my vote.

ricpic said...

Who beat up Reid?

Still murky.

Trooper York said...

I think he is definitely auditioning. He came out and endorsed Trump right on the day that Paul Ryan was playing the ingenue. He knows what he is doing and has his name in the mix.

Even Cuckservatives at Power Line are impressed. He can bridge the gap with the conservatives.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cotton does a good job laying into Reid.

Oh, how did Reid get beat up?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Move over Ted Cruz.

Amartel said...

Called it already. Has the right attitude, for sure. Also, he'd be very reassuring to those of us who are, once again, being compelled to vote for our second/third/fourth/ninth choice. It's the right thing to do.
Bonus: Great insurance in case of impeachment threat.
Extra bonus: It would prime him for a future presidential run. Like, say, in 2020.

The Dude said...

He would have my vote if he dressed like that when he visited the Capitol.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

For Trump's sake: I hope this is not true.

AoSHQ on #NeverTrump

edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

Don't hold your breath. As the RedState (hardly an objective voice) piece said, Corker's been promoting himself. (could be he's being investigated because he's traded some of Hillary's cattle futures).

Also, things looking really bad for Cacklepants, unauthorized email sever compromised national security, stonewalled State investigation, failed to report hacks.

And Guccifer is rolling over.

Trooper York said...

I read that link Evi and it confirms what I have been saying for a long time. Ace states that one of the reasons he became Anti-Trump was:
3. Attempting to save one's professional reputation? I get this one myself -- someone asked me why I was so anti-Trump, and I said the man was so vulgar, stupid, and crass that he made it necessary to oppose him simply to preserve one's professional standing.

You see it is a rice bowl argument. Ace has to oppose Trump so as not to look bad. Not on the merits. On the looks of it. Cosmetics. Just like a whole bunch of them who looked like idiots because they swore up and down that there was no way Trump could be the nominee.

Methadras said...

ricpic said...

Who beat up Reid?

Still murky.

I would have loved to take credit for kicking the shit out of this piece of shit, but I can't.

Trooper York said...

It was most likely his never do well brother Larry.

No that is really his name.

I swear. I did not make that up.

Really. No kidding. Really I swear to God.

He has drunken fool of a brother named Larry.


The Dude said...

Who doesn't?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Powerline said it was Larry Reid.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, I am not going to speak for Ace, other than it appears he does not like Trump but dislikes Hillary more.

edutcher said...

That's how these things usually work.

edutcher said...

Here's an example of why the Corker story may be nonsense.