Wednesday, May 25, 2016

"South Carolina Gov. signs 20-week abortion ban"

AP:  The law took effect Wednesday with the Republican governor's signature. The only exceptions are if the mother's life is in jeopardy or a doctor determines the fetus can't survive outside the womb.
These bans are now in effect in 13 states and blocked by court challenges in three other. South Dakota's ban takes effect July 1.


ndspinelli said...

Liberals are the science deniers. As viability gets earlier and earlier, abortion is becoming more abhorrent to women.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I think many European counties go with a 20 week ban (very few are as broad as the US for killing children).

Trooper York said...

This is a great first step if it works. Why do I think that it won't?

Leland said...

Viability is 22 weeks at best, most often 23 or later. Still, this is a major shift left for the pro-life, as it recognizes a 20 week period when a life isn't human enough to protect. Pro-choicers that still complain are now the ones not budging on the issue and refusing to literally meet in the middle. It's clear that the posturing in the past by pro-choice was a lie. They are not really pro-choice, they are pro-abortion.

On another note, this organization is messed up.

The Dude said...

So, is Haley angling for Rubio's VP slot?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Have you ever notice how liberals never give up what they want when they are turned down, be it at the polls or in the courts.

Conservatives need to be the same with core issues, like abortion on demand.

Trooper York said...

I hope Niki Haley and Susana Martinez get together to celebrate the anniversary of Thelma and Louise.

Michael Haz said...

Good. It's a start. Elective abortion needs to be ended, and politicians who have supported it need to be removed from office.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

I think Nikki Haley has realized she's hitched her wagon to the wrong star. Way too late.

Trooper York said...

This is a great first step if it works. Why do I think that it won't?

Ever since ultrasound, it's been impossible to deny that's a human being in there, so abortion has been a lot harder to justify. There could easily be 4 new Justices for SCUS in the next few years, so a lot could change.

Lem said...

Have you ever notice how liberals never give up what they want when they are turned down, be it at the polls or in the courts.

Conservatives need to be the same with core issues, like abortion on demand.

You nailed it. They believe in incrementalism, as well. They have a lot more fanatics because a lot fewer of them have families to take care of.

One big advantage we have, now that the Libertarians have been shown up for what they are, is that they and the Whigs won't be heeded with their, "We can't win on social issues", whining.

This is one where science, God, morality, and the good guys are winning.

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

Liberals are the science deniers. As viability gets earlier and earlier, abortion is becoming more abhorrent to women.

Viability isn't the barometer for life. Conception is. Abortion has always been abhorent. Always.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary likes dead full term babies.

I wonder how many abortions Bill Clinton's victims have had?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They're not constitutional.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Liberals are the science deniers. As viability gets earlier and earlier, abortion is becoming more abhorrent to women.

So go pay to incubate it then, Chief.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pro-choicers that still complain are now the ones not budging on the issue and refusing to literally meet in the middle. It's clear that the posturing in the past by pro-choice was a lie. They are not really pro-choice, they are pro-abortion.

That's because it's the papists who refuse to budge by actually thinking they can define fertilized eggs as people. And there's a good reason for sticking with the discretion afforded by Roe v. Wade for all you amateur armchair gynos. Who knows what the medically acceptable reasons will be or how harsh or clumsy in navigating them the state of SC - which still clamored for the morals of 1860 as of a few months ago - will be? States have a habit of legislating medically ignorant nonsense in dangerous ways. Better to err on keeping the government out of people's bodies than inside them, but I realize that's not good enough for many of you creepy commenters.

So let's hear it for back-alley abortions. It's great that there are so many males who fear being passed up on the chance for a woman to incubate his "property" that they'll gladly skew in favor of uterine tyranny by a margin that would be nowhere close to the margin of women who would be dumb or self-hating or tyrannical enough to entertain it.

ndspinelli said...

Meth, I agree. However you must realize most people don't hold our views.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Viability isn't the barometer for life. Conception is.

Tell that to all my dead sperm cells you son of a bitch! I demand you incubate every last one of them! Especially the ones that got "in there" only to not reach an egg. Don't you dare tell me my sperm and her egg weren't alive, you horrible, horrible, evil person, you!

Abortion has always been abhorent. Always.

La lala la la - 10 - 20% of known pregnancies (possibly 50% of undiagnosed pregnancies) end in miscarriage. You calling the man upstairs (not the woman, of course) abhorrent? Are you? Are you? Sacrilege!

edutcher said...


Citation, por favor?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The evil, liberal Mayo Clinic.

What does it matter, it's not going to change your mind, is it?

I guess this is why Pajamas Media/FOX etc., don't have to have a science editor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, it's not like I don't feel like a jerk for spouting off this way. It's just that I'm way too skeptical of the state doing stuff like this to share/join in the embryonic odes to Kumbaya being praised and sung here without being a bit of a canary in the coal mine. Sorry.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

The evil, liberal Mayo Clinic.

And their source is...?

I mean, all we get is somebody's say-so...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

OH for god's sake.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

ed, I'm confident there's a source for the source for the source for the source for the source, and a little Chinese man at the end of the daisy chain inspecting the original observations with a magnifying lens. But I've got to pack tonight. Suffice it to say, having to work a lot with medical information and sifting endlessly through the wheat from the chaff, I've never come across a wildly erroneous statement from Mayo. Sure, it could happen. An asteroid could end civilization tomorrow. But I'm skeptical that in the market for consumer medical information, they saw it as their calling to get just as sloppy as the rest of the copious volume of garbage out there. Some reputations do end up being meaningful. But I've got to pack tonight. If it's a published peer-reviewed review article you want, I suggest PubMed or UpToDate or a few others I can divulge. But until then, I'm off the clock. Sorry again!

I'm Full of Soup said...

I think I read that the Scandi countries have limits like this 20 week.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Billing hours are over.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think I read that the Scandi countries have limits like this 20 week.

Do I hear AJ Lunch chugging along on the Bernie Sanders train? All this looking to Northern Europe for policy advice? Yes, I think I do! Let's hear it! Hear the whistle blowing the Republicans are getting aboard the Bernie Sanders Northern Europe policy advice train! All right!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If we make America a Nordic utopia for the -5 mo. olds, can we start doing the same for everyone else?

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

OH for god's sake.

He won't help you and we've all been snowed by the Left with bogus data, so a healthy skepticism is hardly unwarranted.

I think I read that the Scandi countries have limits like this 20 week.

Do I hear AJ Lunch chugging along on the Bernie Sanders train?

No, you hear a foot slipping into the doorway.

Michael Haz said...

"....... many of you creepy commenters.

The real creepiness is someone asserting that killing the unborn is an acceptable practice.

It isn't an acceptable practice. It never has been, and it never will be.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mayo is now a "Left"-ist organization? Why not just claim that medicine is a leftist organization?

Every good conservative I ever knew remains true to witch doctors and other "traditional" forms of faith healing, instead.

Sometimes I wondering if our disagreements aren't a result of one of us having a "faith-based debate."

Michael Haz said...

Progressives revere the rituals of ancient civilizations, while the rest of the educated world despises child sacrifices, including those made to the false gods of political expediency and convenient immorality.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The real creepiness is someone asserting that killing the unborn is an acceptable practice.

Well the creepier of the creepiest is someone throwing around bizarre words like "unborn" as if they instill magical powers onto our biology. Is your sperm "unborn", Mr. Haz? And I ask this seriously, in order to contrast it with the equally illuminating "undead". Because yea, it is very important to know whether we are talking about zombie zygotes and zombie eggs and sperm or the non-undead version.

It isn't an acceptable practice. It never has been, and it never will be.

Lol. Just because your fellow Teutonic tribesmen were regularly leaving infants out to die of exposure prior to Constantine, etc., granting the best mercenaries Roman citizenship doesn't mean Jorge Borgoglio or any of his predecessors are any more infallible on this than they were on every other matter they got dead wrong.

No offense, but you really think that if certain celibates didn't get the ultimate proclamation on your own moral ideas, that you would be just as inclined to agree with them on this one?

Get real.

The whole reason for wanting to own female sexuality is rooted in a fear over uncertain paternity, and the way wealth was passed down from father to son in agricultural societies. The priests took this one step further in some cases, a few dozen in your own. But it's still the same issue. It's not for no good reason that you will never get a majority that own these body parts (i.e. women) to agree with you to grant the state license over how they're used.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Progressives revere the rituals of ancient civilizations....

Not revere. Just respect that they came from the same place as all your and our other misplaced errors. We didn't pretend that dressing up the tribal priests of old in white garments and granting them a position co-equivalent to "emperor" made them less inclined to error.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do you really think all ancient civilizations gave us nothing worth respecting, appreciating or learning from? What about the Code of Hammurabi?

Michael Haz said...

Ritmo, you're an idiot.

But you have freely chosen to be an idiot, so I respect the choice you made, even though I profoundly disagree with that choice and its abhorrence for human life at all of its stages.

Good luck with your cloying reasoning and sappy prose. I wish you a long life during which you have time to sit quietly and think about what it means to support the killing of human life in the womb.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anyway, at the end of the day I don't suppose that a bill that sounds like what I read had been signed in SC is the worst compromise. I'm just venting skepticism, is all.

Maybe it really is the best way forward.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, you're an idiot.

Michael, you're always so persuasive when you lose it.

But you have freely chosen to be an idiot, so I respect the choice you made, even though I profoundly disagree with that choice and its abhorrence for human life at all of its stages.

You really don't get freedom, do you. You have no choice but to respect the freedom people have to make their own choices, because this is the society your forebears chose to enjoin themselves to. And I will take your pretension to not "abhorring" human life at all its stages seriously when I see you sticking up for the destitute, the unemployed, the elderly, the unempowered, and every other marginalized and disenfranchised group that you feel it makes you more pure to hate if not disregard.

Good luck with your cloying reasoning and sappy prose. I wish you a long life during which you have time to sit quietly and think about what it means to support the killing of human life in the womb.

I wish you a long life of sitting quietly and not thinking. Because that's what you seem to revel in. Even while feeling the farty vibrations under your rump caused by an equally excited motorcycle engine, it must get dreary not engaging your brain.

And I love the hypocrisy of someone decrying the treatment of the "unborn" talking about cloying and sappy talk. That's hilarious.

Here's a short summary for you: You're incoherent.

But it's not your fault. Someone probably told you you had to be that way or you'd be lost forever.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Mayo is now a "Left"-ist organization?

The evil, liberal Mayo Clinic.

Your words, not mine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I was joking, ed. It was sarcasm.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Every now and then one of the cylinders in Mikey's bike misfires and the vibration that would have travelled up his bum to give him the fertile rush of inspiration he needs in his life just remains there, without sound or sense, to die and give way to the other cylinders. It remains, in a very real sense, "unborn."

I think one of the best things Michael could do to get out the pro-life message is to emblazon this on his motorcycle helmet.

Tell me you're down with the movement, Michael. Don't be shy.