Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Breaking News: The dead are voting in California

“He took a lot of time choosing his candidates,” said Annette Givans of her father, John Cenkner.
Cenkner died in Palmdale in 2003. Despite this, records show that he somehow voted from the grave in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010.
But he’s not the only one.


edutcher said...

How else does Jerry Brown wield the coercive power of the state?

BTW isn't this a civil rights issue?

I mean one for the new Administration.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You know why Bill Clinton says "relax" ? - The Democrat cheat machine is in full swing for queen corruptocrat money grubber.

Bill says "relax" in other contexts, too.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Nope....no voter fraud here. Ritmo says it is a figment of our imaginations.

Vote by mail, computerized voting, no purging of the voter roles for dead or moved persons, Motor Voter rules in California where all illegals who get driver's licenses are automatically registered to vote, provisional voting where you just show up and say you are who ever you want to be and cast a vote, NO ID requirements.......what could possibly go wrong.

And then we wonder why Hillary will be elected??

edutcher said...

People have been saying Barry's miraculous victory '12, breaking every electoral precedent for the past 80 years, was all Romney's fault, too. C

Couldn'ta been vote fraud.

And yet the Columbus Post-Dispatch found 20% of the names on the voter rolls in swing state OH were bogus.

And here are a few more: 141 counties have more voters than people.

7 million multiple voters in 28 states.

DOJ plays dead on states with dirty voter rolls.

OH woman voted for Pissy 6 times.

This is why Trump needs those Reagan Democrats. They get him past the margin of fraud.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The ultimate would be a dead person voting multiple times in the same election.

It's not far off, considering the first trick, voting while dead, is the hardest one to pull off.

bagoh20 said...

The dead Californians aren't the problem. It's the live ones that are fucking it up. You could eliminate voter fraud 100% here and still get the same result. Voter fraud sucks, but in California, nothing short of an extinction event can fix it. It's pretty sick, but every time there is a scare of a new disease or natural disaster, I start to feel the hope and change.

Leland said...

All those zombies at the convention will be messy.

Sydney said...

This is why Hillary wins all the counties in each state with big cities. It's easier for the dead to vote in urban areas. Bernie wins where people know each other.

Methadras said...

Dead democrats are the gift that keep on giving. Zombie votes.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

St Louis always swings big for the democratic party, but around here it’s mostly the absentee votes that just show up in big bags from some back room in city hall. I don’t know if those voters were ever alive, but local news will do stories about 50 voters being registered at a vacant lot, or 30 people all giving the same PO box as their voting address.

Amartel said...

Every election the same thing. Unexpected vote fraud! A ridiculous problem in the most technologically advanced and wealthy nation ever.