Thursday, May 26, 2016

WaPo: Clinton’s inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules

WaPo: HILLARY CLINTON’S use of a private email server while secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 has been justifiably criticized as an error of judgment. What the new report from the State Department inspector general makes clear is that it also was not a casual oversight. Ms. Clinton had plenty of warnings to use official government communications methods, so as to make sure that her records were properly preserved and to minimize cybersecurity risks. She ignored them.

The 83-page report declares that “beginning in late 2005 and continuing through 2011,” the department revised its Foreign Affairs Manual and “issued various memoranda specifically discussing the obligation to use Department systems in most circumstances and identifying the risks of not doing so.” Ms. Clinton didn’t.

During her tenure, State Department employees were told that they were expected to use approved, secure methods to transmit information that was sensitive but unclassified, or SBU. If they needed to transmit SBU information outside the department’s network, they were told to ask information specialists for help. The report said there is no evidence that Ms. Clinton ever asked, “despite the fact that emails exchanged on her personal account regularly contained information that was marked as SBU.” On June 28, 2011, a cable was sent to all diplomatic and consular posts over her signature warning that personal email accounts could be compromised and officials should “avoid conducting official Department business from your personal e-mail accounts.” At the time, Ms. Clinton was doing exactly that.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Doesn't everybody set up a private server while in one of the highest positions of power to help secretly enrich themselves?

Everybody does it.

***you too, Powell and Rice. ***Hillary-media created lie****

How will the pro-democrat Clintonopolis media spin this?

ndspinelli said...

All of this is a tempest in a teapot unless there is an indictment. And as information drips out, I think the email stuff is secondary to this bitch selling the SOS office to foreign companies just like they sold the Lincoln Bedroom. The Clinton's have the deuce. They are obsessed w/ power and $$$$$$$$! He was white trash and that ilk become the most greedy. It fills a primal need.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The pro-Hillary Clintonopolis-Couric media are as corrupt as the Clintons.

ndspinelli said...

April, I am trained to be objective. But, no one is a robot or Spock and emotions do creep into analysis. But, I am starting to see the wheels on the Clinton Cabal Bus starting to come off. Some of it is simply age. Young people hate them. Sanders has shown that. The Bus wheels are inching onto the shoulder.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ND -It's long past time. The Clinton Crime Family needs to exit stage left and let this nation MOVE ON. *

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think an obstruction charge would not be a stretch here.

Hillary obstructed people whose job was to secure her communications from doing their job.

ndspinelli said...

April, Wholeheartedly agree. However, in the past, the Clinton's opponents have been over matched. If, as I surmise, there is some Machiavellian shit going on by Obama[he HATES the Clinton's], then they may have met their match. We'll see soon.

edutcher said...

The WaPo is getting worried.

How Bernie does in CA will be interesting now that it can't be chalked up to the VRWC.

If we start heating talk about Draft (____), you know it's over.

edutcher said...

PS Something I tripped over off Drudge wrt Hillary's problems - Looks like Bernie's moving up in CA.

PPS Dick Morris gives an inside look at the effectiveness of the psy op Trump is pulling on Hillary.

The Dude said...

I am very familiar with security clearances and secure facilities. By breaching security the way she did, in a just world, she would be in prison already. It is a far more serious crime than the news media will ever report, partly because they are ignorant, mostly because they hate this country.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

One of the issues is that many people, especially the older supporters of the Clintons, just do NOT understand technology. Email is mysterious to them in the first place. They do not understand the significant difference between and email "account" and what a "server" is.

Many of them barely know how to access their own email "accounts" on AOL or some such and when you bring in servers, ISPs, hacking, email and record retention they just do not get what the big deal is.

Hillary is counting on the ignorance of the general public just as Obama did when they lied through their teeth about ObamaCare.

edutcher said...

Interestingly, her ignorance of technology is what's killing her now and what killed her 8 years ago.

She doesn't get it and most of her people really don't get it.

And, while older people may not get technology, they get national security. They lived through WWII and the Cold War and hitting them with the idea the bad guys knew our secrets because of her will hit home.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The ignorance of the general public is intensified by a media who covers for her. Oh - Hillary isn't in trouble here. No no - it's those mean R's making a big deal out of nothing. It's her server, not her. Everyone does it.

edutcher said...

That's the point, somebody set it up for her and I'm betting Grassy Knoll himself came up with the idea. According to Huma, Cacklepants doesn't even get email.

You're kidding yourself if you really think she's that smart. Like Willie, she knows how to get into trouble (she's always for anything devious), but she always gets found out.

So she's really pretty incompetent and, were it not for that compliant media, she and Willie would by now have passed their Silver Anniversary in adjoining cells.

Methadras said...

Just another borefest stating the obvious with no way on how to actually make the bitch pay for her crimes against humanity and specifically against women.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary 1
"Oh! you can set up a private server so I can hide all my politically connected graft haul?" ..."do it."

or Hillary 2
"I need a private server set up down here so I can hide my politically connected graft haul."

She's not stupid. she's greedy, desperate, entitled and delusional.