"Here's what awes me: we travel through this 4-D spacetime always at a constant speed: c, the speed of light.
No matter what we do in our momentary lives, we are always truly traveling through our universe in time and space together, always at at the same rate. Let's consider a few facts that follow from this realization.
A man who sits still uses none of his lightspeed to travel through space. Instead he is travelling in time at the speed of light. He ages--in the view of those around him--at the fastest rate possible: light speed. (How's that for a philosophical argument against sloth?)
As we travel about in our daily lives, we use up a miniscule amount of our alotted light speed to move through the spatial dimensions surrounding us. We borrow that speed from our travel forward in time and thus we age more slowly than our sedentary neighbors. You've probably never noticed that fact, and there's a clear explanation why. It's only when you travel at unimaginablly high speeds that the weirdness of time becomes large enough to notice. The mathematical reason for this is that the effect of time dilation at a particular speed "v" is only (v/c)2."
They told us there would be no math.
So if I am really really busy all day and my Fitbit hits 20,000 or even 50,000 I won't have as many wrinkles? Of course I'll be half dead, at least.
And here I thought it was the gravity.
lol John.
JAL. as a gravity challenged American suffering from RBF, I salute you.
We are just a blip in the space~time continuum.
Slightly/mostly ot and silly.
No cable so I was fell asleep watching an old episode of Laverne and Shirley on METV - a channel that plays all the old sitcoms of yore.
They were all gathered around a table playing a personal trivia game. It was Lenny's turn (of Lenny & Squiggie) and the question on the card was "What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?" He paused and answered.. "I'd kill myself."
I was fell asleep. yeah. All your was fell asleep belong to me.
What boggles me is how lucky for us that the soup at the beginning of time just so happened to have all the right ingredients to come up with the infield fly rule.
Obama is doing a campaign speech at the Arlington Cemetery.
I still don't understand what E=MC2 means and I never will and I'm PROUD OF IT! Yes, I'm proud of my resistance to all that impenetrable gobbledeegook.
Eat your heart out, Einstein, wherever you are in the space-time continuum whatever that means.
But I liked the bunsen burner turning yellow things blue.
Ricpic, space-time means that space (the three dimensions, length, width, depth) and time are inextricably linked. If you want to cross the room you need the space to do it in, and time passes as you cross. Without space there can be no time.
e equal mc squared...mmmmm...lemmesee...
They also know that light bends. Mass bends light. And since it's bent that makes it take longer to go around, incrementally at tremendous high speed, but longer nonetheless. And that lengthening of the speed of light, that stretching of of light around mass suggests a fabric nature to space, one that can be stretched and compressed. Light stays the same speed but it occurs in shorter or longer distances. Instead of traveling the distance around the fabric of space, fold the space and touch points as if folding a bed sheet and traverse the space point to point by eliminating it. Goddamnit, do I have to invent the machine to show you?
No, cirrusly, you know what killed me though? I was studying the clouds again and pondering why they stop being spectacular in Fall and Winter and Spring and I concluded it is angle of Earth axis combined with distance and our place on the globe. But this YouTube video was not helpful at all in understanding, although fascinating and excellent and interesting and filled with newish information, as it its, the video did not answer my questions directly. It did show that our simplistic idea of an orrery <--- it's a word! Our model of our solar system is simplistic. It's more like a Spirograph game.
They didn't show Earth orbit shaped like an egg.
They didn't show it clocked out in quadrants evenly so that is swings by near the sun much more quickly than the outer reaches, seemingly, it's all the same speed, but man our summer sure is short because of it. While the opposite hemisphere summer will be long. That's what I needed to see, and the angle of light on the northern hemisphere during that quick spin near the sun.
Except somebody's pulling the tablecloth as you draw the Spirograph loops.
And except somebody is pushing the game table across the room.
Except the room is inside a mobile home.
Except the mobile home is actually on a barge crossing the ocean
Except the ocean barge is passing through the Panama Canal.
Except Panama itself is shifting on tectonic plates.
deborah said...
Ricpic, space-time means that space (the three dimensions, length, width, depth) and time are inextricably linked. If you want to cross the room you need the space to do it in, and time passes as you cross. Without space there can be no time.
Actually Deb, I've posited an alternative theory to that and that being that Time preceded space, even prior to the creation of the universe we know. Time is the catalyst. There had to be a something, not a nothing to fill all of that void. Time is that void, just sitting there waiting to be filled by space and once space enters into the void of time, then they interweave with each other like water penetrating into a fabric and they are now interlinked to give space-time. I believe time has always been present. It is the canvas by which everything else is immersed into it.
Explaining his Theory Of Relativity Einstein wrote:
Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended (as fields). In this way the concept 'empty space' loses its meaning.
I always thought that set up a cool frame of reference for everything.
Beautifully put, Meth. The Tao does nothing, but leaves nothing undone.
Chick, cool, thx.
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