Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ben Carson: how have we "managed to convince women that that baby inside of her is her enemy and that she has that right"

"Speaking at “The Gift of Life Banquet” fundraiser for First Choice Pregnancy Center in Las Vegas, Carson argued that the “culture of death” was accepted in America because of “peer pressure.”
“Someone has tried to make this into an issue of women’s rights,” the GOP hopeful told the crowd.

“What about the baby? You know, it’s one of the most sacred relationships in the universe, a mother and that child inside of her. How have we become so distorted that we have managed to convince women that that baby inside of her is her enemy and that she has a right.”"


This, for me, goes to the heart of the question of abortion. At the center of the decision to abort is the woman's choice to kill not just an individual, but also part of herself, based on societal reasons.


windbag said...

Everything hinges on when life begins. Those who refuse to answer that already have.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I think the link may be pointing to the wrong story.

Methadras said...

The answer is easy. Leftism has found a way to convince women that their babies in their wombs is nothing more than a collection of cells not resembling anything remotely like a person. So after decades of this constant drumbeat and heaping a whole host of other indoctrinated ideas about the entire process, you are left with generations of women who believe abortion is no big deal and that it's about as painful as getting your brows waxed.

Again, leftism is at the root of this problem and it is leftism that is the real nefarious and dangerous death ideology that has polluted the minds of billions with evil.

edutcher said...

I think a lot of it comes from the hippie dippy "Do Your Own Thing" Free Sex business.

A lot of people are just weak enough morally and mentally to be vulnerable to the idea that child is not human if it gets in the way of your fun.

It didn't take much more persuasion for the thermostat at Auschwitz to kick on.

deborah said...

Thanks Jim, it should work now.

ricpic said...

People are weak reeds. That's why we NEED commandments. Thou Shalt Not Kill covers this entire question. And for all the so-called sophisticates who say that's simplistic, look at the horror you have wrought disobeying Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Chip Ahoy said...

I know how.

Ben Carson knows how too. This is his manner to start the discussion one step behind where he actually is, he could have started by answering his own question, we got here by way of it benefitting a morally unmoored political party, while the question behind this opening childlike question bears on legitimacy. Because the pregnancy appeared not by conscious decision, "now I would like to have a baby with this man" but rather by other conscious decisions in series then the conscious decision to regard it illegitimate disruption is set against an array of available options.

My Christian brother spoke of a relative and their bastard child. Startling to hear that unChristian non-born-again sentiment from him. How dare he regard the child illegitimate as if the person should't have happened. They have no right to authentic existence. It got me tripping about legitimacy.

How dare a party regard an entire race illegitimate as it does openly and in the guise of helping them manage economically. The president speaks this way himself about his own two daughters, about not wanting them straddled with an illegitimate burden.

Religiously and metaphysically it's even trippier.

Here goes.

Christians have a very good point, this baby-making business is your invitation down here in the mud to actually engage with God in life co-creation. A trinity. God, and you two mud people can actually create a new life imbued with eternity-potential. God is inviting you to create a new soul, a new and unique universe personality and with eternity potential.

Metaphysically this is everything. It's what the universe is about. Brace yourself, we take a steep turn.

Metaphysically, though, the life created on this physical realm is mere living meat.

Sorry to break it to you.

It is not possible for a portion of divinity to inhabit living meat. Nothing happens. The only way for divinity to connect, for divinity to take up its residence, the only thing with eternity potential, is for the red meat to make a moral decision, and any moral decision will do.

"Should I blame my little brother or not?" Is good enough a moral decision, and this type of moral decision occurs in people around the age of four or five. Before that, man and woman produced living and somewhat troublesome red meat, after that first moral decision the child is divinity inhabited with eternity potential.

Just like that.

The decision is the awaited for signal. It occurs in an instant. Profound. Unnoticed.

This bears on the issue of abortion, and the entity being slain. The aborted baby did have eternity potential but had not yet itself made its first moral decision and so was not divinity fragment inhabited, can not be, and with no potential as eternal soul.

The little baby graves are so pathetic.

ricpic said...

In Christianity all human life is sacred. Yes, it is meat. That doesn't make it any less sacred. And it's sacred from the moment of conception not the moment of moral decision. You either buy the whole megillah or you're not a Christian, no matter what the cafeteria christians say.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Thanks Deborah.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Btw. Trump is not a pro life candidate. The more you know ⚠️

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So much that's wrong about this (the argument plus B.C. as the new and improved messenger) but it's been around before so many times that it's not worth it - esp. now. Happy Thanksgiving!

Methadras said...

Lem, it doesn't, matter if he is pro-life or not. If he says he is, he get's support. If he says he's not, he loses support. Remember, as a pure populist, you cannot come near Trump. He will out-populist you.

Methadras said...

ricpic said...

In Christianity all human life is sacred. Yes, it is meat. That doesn't make it any less sacred. And it's sacred from the moment of conception not the moment of moral decision. You either buy the whole megillah or you're not a Christian, no matter what the cafeteria christians say.

That's true, but up to a point and even between God and Christ, they knew that even though all life was sacred, you needed a backup plan for when that life took itself out of the sacred column. Sodom and Gommorah is a perfect example. ISIS is another. It's up to you to life up to that potential of the sanctity of life, but when you treat life like it's a disposable nuisance, well, don't expect the good lord and his son to not treat you like a nuisance too. Just sayin'.

Meade said...

Perhaps this woman should be tried for murder?

deborah said...

Strangely Chip, an argument for post birth euthanasia is that the infant hasn't formed and identity, or some such.

Yes abortion is a perennial subject I seldom engage in because the arguments go round and round. Our society is geared for commerce, so conveniences like abortion, and schools timed to the parents' work day take precedence over what is good for the child.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Perhaps this woman should be tried for murder?

Why? She had an abortion based on sound medical diagnosis. All life is sacred, but between her, her husband, and her doctor, they all formulated a plan to deal with this horrible prognosis. She shouldn't be tried for murder for receiving sound medical advice that led to this couples decision to stop the suffering of one child that was affecting not only its own life, but that of her sibling and her mother. In this regard, it wasn't meant to be and as horrible as the decision to end this child life, I wouldn't fault them for that decision because it was done with a great deal of knowledge and forethought as to diagnosis and the prognosis.

It is the careless and wanton nature of treating babies in utero as disposable afterthoughts or mistakes. These people wanted children and they were blessed to have them, but something went wrong and sometimes that happens and decisions have to be made. Tried for murder? Only a zealot would think so.

Meade said...

Good point.