Monday, November 23, 2015

Hillary Tweet backfires


bagoh20 said...

As an attorney, she proudly defended a rapist that she knew was guilty and laughed about him getting off.

She repeatedly attacked the women who accused Slick Willie of sexual assault, and I'm pretty sure she knew they were telling the truth.

I don't know of any woman less appropriate to be taking up the case of sexual assault on women? She has binders of women who were sexually assaulted who she attacked and invalidated.

Will the Press ask her about that?

AllenS said...

Why, that's almost as bad as Trump saying that "thousands" of Muslims rejoiced when the Twin Towers collapsed!

I cannot imagine why so many women will vote for her.

Leland said...

She tried this a few months ago, and it didn't work. I think this is why she is do desperate to build the Republican War on Women meme, so that she won't have to face her own lack of feminist support when it was her husband personally assaulting women. Whatever the case, her only feminist accomplishment is sticking by Magaret Sangers beliefs in eugenics, err abortion. She would like to accomplish being the first woman President, but she failed to support other woman who tried or are trying to do the same,

Methadras said...

The cankled harpy is nothing more than a poor substitute for a woman. She's a tone deaf moron that is as transparent as a thin film of miasmic oil on top of water.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Forgive my Hillary psychoanalysis:
H is a woman who enjoys feeling strong in the face of her opponents attacks. She is proudest of the enemies she has made from the Republicans.
This woman is never happier than when she gets that feeling of standing tall while evil men try to tear her down. Bill is a major part of this lifelong pathology. Of course H knew Bill was a horndog when she married him, she is not stupid, each time she walked into the Capitol in Little Rock she knew that every one of the legislators had heard all the Bill stories, she had to look each of them in the eye and dare them to say something. Every time she gets interviewed, she knows that the journalist has read the Starr report. And yet still she keeps her head held high. If you think about it from her point of view, if you are a strong woman who likes that feeling of ‘they can never make me cry, they will never break me’ Then Bill is a never ending source of humiliation to be turned into triumph.

I’ll still take odds that she implodes before the convention. It will be a somewhat trivial event,(whatever it is) but the cover-up and the lying about it is what will make the party and the super-delegates abandon her. Like Nixon she will hand them the sword and show them right where to stick it in.

Amartel said...

It is absolutely astounding that this obviously and thoroughly incompetent, venal, corrupt woman is seriously being considered as a credible presidential candidate, much less the Democrats' front runner, while credible and dignified (and a certain credible but delightfully undignified) Republicans are dismissed outright on the thinnest of pretexts. She may not even be mentally competent. Who makes a mistake like this?

People (including me) forget what a nasty piece of business Clinton was. We forgive him a little because guy stuff and because he did the practical thing and bowed somewhat to the pressure of common sense in his second term. But think what it must have been like to be Paula Jones or any of the other women who had to deal with this nasty creep coming at them sexually and then, with his wife's help, coming at them again in the court of public opinion. With all the Social Justice Harpies and journalists screeching and calling them trailer trash for not quietly accepting the judgment of the Royal Penis. NO MORE YEARS!

Amartel said...

"I cannot imagine why so many women will vote for her."

What about all the men who will vote for her? These people are all the same, the women and the men; they won't even consider reasonable alternatives, just full steam ahead Democrats Uber Alles. At least the enthusiorgasm levels are somewhat depleted since King Putt is ascending to the heavenly fairways.

Methadras said...

Amartel said...

It is absolutely astounding that this obviously and thoroughly incompetent, venal, corrupt woman is seriously being considered as a credible presidential candidate, much less the Democrats' front runner, while credible and dignified (and a certain credible but delightfully undignified) Republicans are dismissed outright on the thinnest of pretexts. She may not even be mentally competent. Who makes a mistake like this?

If Obama and this woman is the best that Democrats can produce, and in the case of Obama gets voted in twice, what does that say about the state of affairs for our country as a whole? Remember, Democrats more or less already start the election with 200+ electoral votes vs. the 150 or so that Republicans have and all you need is 270, so look at that line up and tell me again who in the republican field can keep this leftist indignant cunt (if she even has one) from getting 270?

edutcher said...

And then Juanita Broaddrick breaks her long silence.

Ya love it, right?

AllenS said...

Why, that's almost as bad as Trump saying that "thousands" of Muslims rejoiced when the Twin Towers collapsed!

I cannot imagine why so many women will vote for her.

They did and they won't.

AllenS said...

That right there is a good ad for not letting this woman near the White House.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As an attorney, she proudly defended a rapist that she knew was guilty and laughed about him getting off.

Right. So where's the backfire? If it had been retweeted more often with credible source links to the above message, then that might have constituted a backfiring. But her tweet in itself requires familiarity with the backstory - which is I'm sure something that at least half the voting public hasn't heard about or confronted.

Amartel said...

What's the problem with an attorney defending an accused rapist in court?
(The laughing about it afterward is obviously unacceptable but who's the witness and what was the context for that?)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Balls - you hear us complaining about media bias - well there's your answer.

If Hillary had an R behind her name, her history would have destroyed her a long time ago.

Meade said...

Any of you who are still supporting Trump should come clean and just admit you want Clinton back in the White House. Trump has known all along that he can't win the Repub nomination. He will then run third party and perot the Repub nominee.

Talk about low information voters. Thanks a lot in advance. For nothing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The 5-10 commenters on Lem's are ruining everything!

Meade said...

Freedom of speech is not free, AprilApplebutter. Lem's Levity blog is read by millions. Widely influential.

Shouting Thomas said...

Talk about low information voters. Thanks a lot in advance. For nothing.

You've been bullshitting on the web for too long. "Low information voters" jargon identifies you as somebody who's just spent to much fucking time bullshitting on the web.

There's still a year until the conventions. Trump might win. He might not. The process will play itself out. It is only since the invention of bullshitting chat rooms on the internet that people even bothered with elections until a couple of months before they happen.

I'll decide who I'm going to vote for when it's necessary to decide.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, it does take incredible chutzpah on the party of Hillary to spout off on that subject.

Meade said...

You see? First comes praising Trump's trumpiness. Then Hillary's chutzpah. Then all of a sudden the Clintons are back in the White House. Thanks a lot, big talking 5 - 10 commenters.

Leland said...

So where's the backfire?

It's not so much that it backfires now. Just that it exists, she makes it to the general election, and then can be brought up again with the backstory.

Shouting Thomas said...

I highly recommend The Perfect Dictatorship," a film made by Luis Estrada, who directed the even better El Infierno.

Both movies are about the alliance between Mexico's ruling class, politicians and narcotraficantes.

The movies are interesting to watch because the U.S. is rapidly becoming indistinguishable from Mexico in the way it conducts its political biz.

It doesn't matter all that much who's president. I've gotten some laughs out of Trump, particularly when he said "I've paid off all of them... on both sides!"

A rare moment of honesty from one of our pols.

chickelit said...

Jim In St. Louis wrote: Forgive my Hillary psychoanalysis:

I thought is was pretty good, actually. I suspect that Hillary despises men at a very, very, basic level. She doesn't trust them. Obama has the same problem which is why he surrounds himself with women as his closest advisers.

It's quite possible that Hillary will take out a lifetime's worth of humiliation on the American public, or at least half of them.

The other night, I was following Victoria (vbspurs)'s tweets and retweets as she watched Trump on 20:20. Most all of the other women were experiencing a visceral dislike for Trump, tweeting things like "'Women respect me.' -Donald Trump
Fact Check: False." I chimed in with "To be fair, Hillary never said: "Men like me" b/c the answer would be no."

I think that both are true in a profound way which will shape the coming election like no other.

chickelit said...

I agree with Shouting Thomas that there is plenty of time to decide. Hillary and her supporters are in a hurry for a single opponent to focus their efforts on. Trump is impressing me more and more by confronting Hillary; Cruz is even improving.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's not so much that it backfires now. Just that it exists, she makes it to the general election, and then can be brought up again with the backstory.

By then it will be too late. She will sidestep that one as easily as she sidesteps everything else. Sure it will/may come up and sure the liberal press (you're right about that, esp. given this context) may/will talk about it for a day or two. Or even a week. But at the end of the day it will just be another issue of feminist regressive leftism being about nothing more than a woman being as ambitious and ruthless as she feels she "needs" to be in order to gain power and if that involves laughing off having acquitting rapists, then so be it.

You guys are right about the press and about Hillary and about regressive "feminist" leftism and this whole sorry little tale just ties it all together better than anything else. Hopefully it will have teeth. I doubt it and I think most people will have chosen their sides/loyalties by then but it is a fucking shame and one that America will see the error of in hindsight twenty or thirty years later.

This is just one of those embarrassing mistakes that you have to sit back and watch your country make. Like when you watch your kid fuck up something that you know is slightly insane, but part of a lesson that he can only learn on his own, no matter what you say or do. Sigh.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

But it should also be noted that 'we the people' have very little impact on selecting the president. The two party system and the electoral college make your vote and mine kinda pointless. Primary and Caucus results are not even a guarantee of getting the nomination.

H was abandoned before by the Dem party (the delegates and super-delegates). They know that victory is voter turnout, and H is about the most hated person I can think of. Conservatives,and the evangelicals will show up at the polls just to vote against her. The greens, the peace-niks, and occupy folks are not motivated by her, they grudgingly accept she might be better than the Rep candidate. Obama has been a disaster for Dem politicians down ticket, and the Dems will not want another leader who is concerned with themselves only.

AllenS said...

What if Trump and Bernie Sanders both went their own way and ran as a 3rd party candidate.

You'd have your choice of 4 people!

Methadras said...

Balls, she doesn't need to sidestep anything when her adoring sycophants in the media simply will not say or do anything against her. She can just walk the straight line into the white house while the 4th estate and the 5th column do all the dirty work and takes all the heat.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, 4 choices would be a nice start.