A Vietnamese-Australian called Phuc Dat Bich has spoken of his anger after repeatedly being blocked by Facebook. His picture of proof, and its accompanying message, has been shared more than 123,000 times."
Phuc Dat Bich (pronounced "Phoo Da Bic") |
"I find it highly irritating the fact that nobody seems to believe me when I say that my full legal name is how you see it," he said.
"I've been accused of using a false and misleading name of which I find very offensive."
He went on to explain that his frustration was due to what he suggested was a lack of understanding in the West for names which appear amusing to some.
"Is it because I'm Asian? Is it?" he asked in the post.
Thousands of Mike Hunts in the world empathize.
He should change his name to the pronunciation. Phoo Da Bic.
I tell this story all the time, so stop me if you've heard it before.
I once had a cat named Phuket. (pronounced poo-ket) She was named after Phuket Thailand because she was Siamese. and it's fun to say poo-ket.
Anyway, & I kid you not - once, a young male vet tech asked me with a straight face - "why did you name your cat fuck it?"
I worked with a Vietnamese guy named Ji Tu.
Bich lives matter.
Somewhere along the way, you would think that he would get the idea that his life would be a lot easier if he took the trouble to legally change his name......He's more a victim of his own stubbornness than American racism, but in some ways it's a cool name. He'd make an excellent campaign worker for Hillary. Lots of people would get behind Phuc Dat Bich if he campaigned for her.
Good idea, William. It is not hard to change your name. There is no judge anywhere who would object to your request.
Hey, he's lucky, at least his name wasn't Sum Yung Gai.
Great porn star name.
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