Saturday, November 21, 2015

Glenn to protesters: Don’t throw a fit, make an argument!

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edutcher said...

Tantra do not go down well with adults.

ndspinelli said...

I like these 2 guys. When the blonde wino is on w/ either of them it's unwatchable.

ricpic said...

"It doesn't make you a racist because you're pro police!"

The fact that Loury has to say that and say that with an exclamation point at the end is astounding. Astounding because what other "community" sides with its criminals?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jonah G says:

“After 9/11, big swaths of the Left immediately wanted to talk about censorship and the threat to Americans’ First Amendment rights…It is a natural human tendency to want to just go and play with your toys when the world is crashing down around you. The campus Huns pillaging higher education these days only want to talk about “white privilege” — unimpeded by debate, facts, reality, or anything smacking of an opposing point of view — because it is psychologically comfortable and politically empowering. Contemplating that your problems don’t have all that much to do with systemic bigotry is discomfiting. So they want safe spaces to play with their conceptual Lincoln Logs and Tinker Toys..."

chickelit said...

Notice how Loury continually looks right (over his shoulder out what must be a window). It's as if he's afraid that saying what he says will get him in trouble on campus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The nexus of the unrest is our media's unwillingness to report truth. MSNBC interviewed Michael Brown's accomplice over and over, and pushed his lies as if they were truth and ignored the truth of what really happened. The NFL joined in the lie, for crying out loud. To this day, MSNBC and other media outlets have not corrected the record, and to this day millions of people believe a total lie about that case.
"fake but accurate" - Obama-Holder pushed even after an official investigation cleared the officer of any wrong-doing because Michael Brown was in fact a criminal who robbed a convenience store and a bully who tried and almost succeeded over-powering an officer for his gun.

So here we are, "racist" if ya think "all lives matter"... racist if you support our police.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"It's as if he's afraid that saying what he says will get him in trouble on campus."

If you watch the whole video, he talks about a letter from some of the faculty expressing support for the protesters. The letter was passed around for signatures, but because he was on sabbatical, the letter didn't come to him. I was left with the impression he was relieved.

Methadras said...

Look, leftists want to impose their fascism onto everyone else. They have found succor in academia and have created a self-inflicting monster they can no longer control and will either wilt under it's own weight and burn out or it will metastasize into something completely unrecognizable that no one will be able to control anymore and it will flourish outside of academia into the private sector and if that happens, God help us all.

So I say this shit gets nipped in the bud now. You have a theological dogma running rampant with no one to stop it because it is in its safe space right now. But then again, leftists show all of us that they are incapable of accepting anything not of themselves and their calls for diversity, multiculturalism, acceptance is simply a one sided affair, just for them and only for them and no one else. No differing thoughts, no differing view points, nothing that would remotely challenge the unfettered stupidity that is leftism.

bagoh20 said...

"Don't throw a fit, make an argument!"

It really is identical to a brat having a fit at the grocery store. The Same exact behavior and dynamics. These kids were simply never raised. They were fed and clothed, but it seems that's all they got. So who's fault is that?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It really is identical to a brat having a fit at the grocery store.

Exactly. As a parent it is your responsibility, your job, to raise a child from an uncivilized little savage into a productive, responsible, functioning adult and then set him/her free onto society.

Toddlers will throw tantrums in the grocery store or anywhere else in order to try to get their way. A parent does NOT give in to the tantrum, because that is the way to ensure that you will get more and bigger tantrums in the future.

Evidently the parents and other adults in authority have not done their jobs in raising this generation of childish adults. Grown up toddlers. And WE have to deal with it. Perhaps it is time for some adults to step in and given them all a good spanking and a time out in the corner. Take away their cell phones and internet access too! That'll hurt 'em.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Pat Sajak ‏@patsajak...

All this on-campus bleating will be a boon to online colleges. Who's going to want to send their kids into all that?

bagoh20 said...

"..., make an argument!"

I have watched quite bit of this tantrum around the country, and I have not heard a single argument. It's just yelling, chanting, name calling, and demanding. They do what they know how to, so don't wait for an argument. Pull the money. It's up to alumni, and parents who are throwing away their money and buying anarchy and destruction of what were once great institutions of learning. Your coddling has destroyed it all. Your spineless, rudderless principles have ruined some of the greatest accomplishments of our culture. You made this - now stop it. Starve the beast.

Chip Ahoy said...

I caught a few seconds of a local show, the type thing produced on free access, so, raw, students from Auraria is the feel of the naked setting. A slender student dressed in a suit, the shirt not fitting the pencil-girth neck, the tie of some fabric that defies proper tying of undimpled half-Windsor knot and deplorable dull colored salesman's stripes.

He's the intellectual. He'll be pontificating.

"For you see, Tom, but that's where things begin getting complicated regarding free speech."

Adorable. First of all, erase the chalkboard. I'd say erase the whiteboard but that could be checked racially insensitive by little dummkopfs. Everything you know is wrong. And I don't care if you just now read six big fat text books straight through on critical race theory and become the expert. You'll need six times six times six more books to the contrary for your corrective, that's 216 more books before spouting off. It's true! Everything you know is wrong starting right off the bat with "but" there are no "buts" to the 1st amendment, it's nearly absolute, and secondly 1st amendment is not complicated, rather, it's simple as can be. So there's really no point in listening to your garbled nonsense any further, you simply must shut up and get busy reading.

But instead what happened was, "adorable," *click*

ricpic said...

"'s up to alumni..."

Well, apparently it's more important to them that the team be competitive than that liberty be upheld on campus.

And I'm not exaggerating for effect.

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

The Alinsky rules have come home to roost. This what happens when the radicals finally get what they wanted.

Some enterprising schools should announce and advertise their policies that protect and preserve classic liberal values. Then people will have a choice, and the marketplace will destroy this stuff. No serious student wants to go to the schools mired in this morass. No parents want to send their kids there. No quality teachers want to teach there. No employer wants to hire the product. It has no future, so the alternative is an incredible market opportunity to make the best, get the best, and reap the profits from that for all involved. How do get that from the current universities which are staffed with so many people who mostly agree in principle with the stupidity? Money. We can't pay you anymore because nobody wants to come here.