Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hillary campaign -- comedy lead.

Hillary Clinton's campaign is going after five comedians who made fun of her at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood. The comedian's brief acts are featured in this video of less than three minutes hosted on the Laugh Factory site. Jamie Masada at The Laugh Factory was called by a "prominent person" inside Clinton's campaign the moment the video was posted asking who put them up to this. Not only does the campaign want the video taken down they also want the names and contact information of the comedians.

Judicial Watch believes this appears to be a first for a serious presidential contender.


Swifty Quick said...

One on the main reasons it was so important to NBC to get Jay Leno off the air and replaced in 2014 was to make sure there weren't any of late night jokes about Hillary in the 2016 campaign.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just saw the video... seems harmless.

AllenS said...

Please dear Lord, do not let this woman run this country. Please.

bagoh20 said...

How is she gonna handle the orphans and widows of ISIS if she can't handle a few comedians?

Amartel said...

How can anyone, especially a candidate for President of the United States of America, think that trying to intimidate free speech is a good plan?

And who would be threatened by these pitiful efforts at comedy?

Point deduction for being oblivious to common sense.
Point deduction for being thin-skinned.
Point deduction for being humorless.
Point deduction for having evil minions.
Point deduction for trying to enforce her narrative through intimidation.
Point deduction for not understanding how free speech works.
Yes, I know she has free speech, too. That's irrelevant. She's running for President and trying to persuade people to vote for her. She has the right to go around openly saying "vote for me or I'll come to your house and make you" or "don't say anything bad about me or I'll make sure you get audited once I'm President." But she doesn't do that because it's not persuasive. She has some minion sneak around intimidating people to toe her line. That's contemptible.

ndspinelli said...

Well. I think Andrew Dice Clay needs to put together a bit on the fat, liar, lesbian, felon, bitch.

Amartel said...

Acting Deputy Assistant in Charge of Trolling the Internet for Contraindicated Verbalizations.

Meade said...

In her defense, she does seem to be getting a little smarter about the war.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

They must believe her age is a big vulnerability among a vote Obama had pretty much to himself. The young.

If she's no seen as hip and cool, but, the butt of jokes..

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The ridiculing of Hillary makes Rubio more attractive... or something.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The best part of this is having Hillary denying it.

Good enough to suspect it might be a dirty trick.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Not really that funny, & not really damaging to her campaign either. I wonder why they would care?

edutcher said...

Typical. she's that insecure.

I hear even Adolf told a great fat opera singer joke.

ndspinelli said...

Well. I think Andrew Dice Clay needs to put together a bit on the fat, liar, lesbian, felon, bitch.

You just made my day.

Meade said...

In her defense, she does seem to be getting a little smarter about the war.

The enemy is brutal "jihadism," not Islam, the former secretary of state said, and those who "obsess" over what label to place on the terrorists miss the point, she said.

More of the tap dance from Suha Arafat's favorite slice of white meat.

She is alone among the Democratic candidates in calling for a no-fly zone, which she described Thursday as a protective strip in northern Syria, along the Turkish border, where civilians could find refuge. In her most detailed discussion of the proposal, she likened it to the allied no-fly zone in Iraq after the Gulf War and said it would be difficult but "doable" to enforce.

She also prescribed "a more effective coalition air campaign, with more allied planes, more strikes and a broader target set."

Read the article. She's talking about leading out of her behind, instead of President Pissy's.

Conjure with that image for a while

But Clinton echoed Obama in defending the resettlement of Syrian war refugees in the United States. Republicans among the 2016 field and in Congress and state houses have sought to bar refugees, at least temporarily, for fear that terrorists might be among them.

So we can have the Mogadishu fight here.

Meade said...

Whatever. We will need war presidents until the terrorists are exterminated. Right now she's leading in the polls so it should be good to know she's at least hitting some of the right rhetorical notes re Islamic State.

Dad Bones said...

Comedians were afraid to ridicule Obama when he was running. She wants them to know that she's the one they should fear, and maybe they should.

ricpic said...

So Hillary put up a big for sale sign at the State Department. What difference does it make when there's video out there of Ben Carson sneaking eleven items on the express checkout lane!

edutcher said...

Meade said...

Whatever. We will need war presidents until the terrorists are exterminated.


We've had 8 years of whatever and we're in lots worse shape than when Willie left office. The Demos don't want them exterminated, apparently, because when Dubya tried it, they didn't like it.

Right now she's leading in the polls so it should be good to know she's at least hitting some of the right rhetorical notes re Islamic State

So did Pissy 8 years ago. Talk's cheap and who's leading the Demos doesn't mean much because she'll fall back on the same Lefty canards her "husband" did.

Amartel said...

If we learned anything from the past 8 years, it's that rhetoric is super important.

Amartel said...

Polls, also, are super important.

Amartel said...

Poll-testing your rhetoric? Everything.

Amartel said...

Rhetoric about polls? Super important. Lives have been lost when rhetoric was not poll-tested.

Amartel said...

War Time Consigliere Who Appears More Than Just Casually Interested in Protecting the American People is polling well at the moment. Rhetoric adjustment noted.

Amartel said...

A Laugh Factory today can be an actual factory tomorrow.
Your move, "comedians."

Third Coast said...

She just wants to make the comedian community aware of the opportunity to contribute to the Clinton Foundation.
Nice routine ya got there funny boy, be a shame if something happened to it...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meade likes corrupt Hillary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the GOP candidates have said as much about defeating ISIS. why on earth would any sane person trust a power-mad pathological corrupt liar with good "war" rhetoric. Especially with her abysmal track record on national security and foreign affairs. All Hillary cares about is flying first class.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How is she gonna handle the orphans and widows of ISIS if she can't handle a few comedians?

heh. No kidding.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here's my impression of Ann and Meade: "Stop making us run into the arms of Hillary."

She's all yours.

Trooper York said...

That's why they fear Trump and Carson. They might defund the college bubble and it will be all over for the parasitic elites.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm certain that each and every refugee Obama lets in will be perfectly wonderful. Zero terrorists.

btw- Any media hacks ask Hillary her opinion on the matter? oh - yeah. NO.

Trooper York said...

I love the comparisons trying to say that not letting Muslims into America is the same as when FDR (liberal Democrat=anti-semite) refused to let Jews into America before WW2.

Listen morons. We wouldn't be letting in Jews. We would be letting in Nazi's.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Ozark Mafia runs deep.

Hack media - in español.

deborah said...

Devil's advocate, how accurate is this? Why wouldn't dude give the operative's name?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary Announces her plan to defeat ISIS: Defeat ISIS.


spot the strawman

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary hammers ‘obsession’ with the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ as she insists ‘Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.’

The real war is on Hillary's enemies. Americans who don't agree with Hillary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Some people just gravitate to dictators.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here's where you'd better make sure you all nominate the right person so that I can finally switch in the general and vote against this tyrant.

William said...

I think comedians have made more jokes about Mohammed's child bride than they have about Obama. After all these years of deprivation, Ameticans are hungry for some Prez bashing. Ndspinelli was right. If Andrew Dice Clay wants to renew his career, he should go full wife beater on Hillary. There's a huge market for misogynistic jokes about Hillary that is just waiting to be tapped.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wait ... what? am I dreaming?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Those jokes were lame! They slobbered all over he saying "I hope she wins... but"

You lost me at "I hope she wins."

ndspinelli said...

Mr. Althouse is the asshole in every bar who just talks out of his ass to get attention until someone knocks him off his bar stool. He trolls several blogs doing that loser act.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Got Law?

bagoh20 said...

Thanks April. I love Whittle, but never saw that one. That scene at the beginning with her laughing about it should be political death, but it's amazing how people on different sides of the political divide can see things differently almost without limit. People like me often joke about how some Democrats could be caught on TV beating a baby seal with a live puppy and it not affecting there supporters at all, but I'm not sure it's hyperbole. I would love to see it tested. Of course it would require professional baby stunt animals hired from The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.