Friday, November 20, 2015

Defeat ISIS

This is retweeted by Free Beacon but it is also a joke on Ace, by Ace whoever that is, some man who is funny on podcast describing Bill Clinton breaking down an insuperable problem into five mini insuperable problems and is cheered by American media for being master of policy without having offered any solution. Now it's Hillary's turn. It's a game. Come on, let's play. It's fun. Good training. John Podesta is funny here, I think we can be even more specifically general, even more Hillary-genius.

✓ disrupt supply lines
✓ destroy sources of income
✓ take out leadership and crush morale.
✓ shrink enemy forces
✓ apprehend their spies and interrogate them for more information
✓ adapt rules of engagement without risking innocent lives
✓ boots on the ground but not in harm's way
✓ coalition of forces
✓ smart diplomacy

Tada. Hillary-genius acceptable for U.S. Media.

[Sidebar] Not game related. Podesta's first checkoff is hilarious by restating the original insuperable problem as if it doesn't exist, the formula: defeat ISIS by defeating ISIS, reminded me of an item yesterday in Daily Mail about nearly seventy arrests in the U.S. in the last eighteen months including refugees who had been given safe haven but then turned to terror. It is an interesting article loaded with photographs of strange characters in large part with disturbing eyes, all of them really disturbing eyes, several conveying sanpaku condition of doom, the bottom kind, not the upper nutter kind. But before you get to the photos with their mesmerizing sanpaku eyeballs and their word descriptions of ineluctable doom, their brief bios, apparently accepted doom and of their genuine making, all of it. All roads lead straight to doom as spokes of a wheel, you first read in the subheading the same formula, and must recover from reading it or you'll miss the first of the good stuff, the second bullet point in the subheading, "Analysis shows that they include refugees who entered the United States as refugees."


Amartel said...

None of the actual things that must be done to defeat ISIS are politically expedient. Also it means taking the risk of actually doing something as opposed to talking about doing something.

edutcher said...

In the end, she still wants to lead out of her behind.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

To check off ISIS firstly like that when it's Boko Haram the number one terrorist group in the world seems kinda racist.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I don't have any concrete answers either, other than hit the bastards hard, and then hit them again and again until they do not get up off the floor.

Funding has puzzled me for a while. How does ISIS sell oil? I understand commodities are traded in an open market but I do not get how oil in the ground in Iraq can make it to a refinery and that ISIS get money for it. I would think that somebody is paying for the rockets and ammo and that disrupting the money would be a big help in the fight. I thought that we were in a integrated world wide economy. so doesn't that mean that banks and brokers and middle men are involved?

bagoh20 said...

Figuring out what to do was never the problem. Kinda like if you need to lose weight. You don't like the pain of what that requires, so you keep looking for some novel way to do it that doesn't feel like your doing it. This leads to failure.

deborah said...

Bago, you do have a way of cutting to the heart of the problem.

Jim excellent questions. I imagine it's fake papers from receipt from the supplying country, all the way to sale.

Methadras said...

So this vaunted check list does what exactly? Oh, it's just a check list, so that is acceptable as a function of actual foreign policy and military strategy. Got it. The marxist media rejoices. yay!!!

Methadras said...

Jim in St Louis said...

I don't have any concrete answers either, other than hit the bastards hard, and then hit them again and again until they do not get up off the floor.

I've got the answers for how to deal with them and they are very very simple. Annihilate them all.

Funding has puzzled me for a while. How does ISIS sell oil? I understand commodities are traded in an open market but I do not get how oil in the ground in Iraq can make it to a refinery and that ISIS get money for it.

They steal it by capturing refineries then sell it on the black market. And I think that's one of the reasons why Russia is there is to stop the black market sale of oil because it's cutting into their bottom line.

I would think that somebody is paying for the rockets and ammo and that disrupting the money would be a big help in the fight. I thought that we were in a integrated world wide economy. so doesn't that mean that banks and brokers and middle men are involved?

There are so many power players in the black markets and it isn't like the shit you see in movies either. These are suit and tie guys. Believe me.