Ohio university production of Katori Hall’s The Mountaintop featured a white and black actor as King, which Hall says was ‘disrespectful’ and a ‘disservice’"
The casting of a white actor as Martin Luther King in an Ohio university production of Katori Hall’s acclaimed play The Mountaintop was “a disservice to not just Dr King but an entire community”, the playwright has said.
Hall wrote an essay for the African American cultural website the Root on Monday about Kent State University’s production of her play, which dramatizes the night before King was assassinated in 1968.
Hall told the Guardian that director Michael Oatman’s decision to double-cast the six-show production with a black actor and a white actor as King went “deeper than just casting a white man in the role of MLK”.
“I just really feel as though it echoes this pervasive erasure of the black body and the silencing of a black community – theatrically and also, literally, in the world,” she said.
Oatman, who like Hall is black, said in a statement in August promoting the play that he chose a white actor for the production “to explore the issue of racial ownership and authenticity”.
“I didn’t want this to be a stunt, but a true exploration of King’s wish that we all be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin,” Oatman said. “I wanted the contrast … I wanted to see how the words rang differently or indeed the same, coming from two different actors, with two different racial backgrounds.”
Oatman did not respond to a request for comment...
I call macroagression.
But really this is an interesting idea. Get people to really think.
Utterly predictable. Utterly boring. And the exact opposite of the propaganda barrage that race is a construct, a fiction, so what difference does it make which race plays who? The forces of "progress" want race to be a fiction? Then they have to live with the consequences, just as I have to watch a black King Lear.
I'm telling you --we need the rules for whitey racist rule book handbook.
The left really hates MLK's message. If he was alive today, they would be calling him an Uncle Tom.
This is clearly a micro-aggression that is going to require some theatrical 'safe space'. Diversity is a one way street for the special snowflakes. What's funny is that this is a double irony. The first is getting a vanilla to play MLK, the second is that it will require makeup, aka blackface, to get him to play MLK, which has been deemed racists. Oh man, this checks off all the lefts hysteria marks.
"The best part of the Obama era is all the racial healing."
Get Shaun King to play M L King. Hell, they even have the same last name.
Hey if a black dude can be a member of the Fantastic Four then why can't a white dude play Martin Luther King?
This movie, based on a real story of a black woman, was made with a white actress playing the part. No black people complained.
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