Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"Oh my God, you are such a weasel!": Things pols say to each other behind the scenes

"The audio recording is a conversation between two political candidates trying to schedule a meeting with each other. But at times, it sounds more like a Hollywood thriller — an especially melodramatic one."
Greitens: “I'm going to ask you one more time, John . . . when we sit down . . . I want you to look in my eye and I want you to tell me the truth.”
Brunner (laughing): “Listen, Eric, you don't need to tell me how to look in a person's eye. All right? . . .”
Greitens: “I want you to look in my eye – ”
Brunner: “Who do you think I am, telling me to look in your eye? (Laughing)
Greitens: “You won't answer.”
Brunner: “. . . You think I'm a kid? Let's have a decent respect for each other . . .”
Greitens: “A decent respect for each other? A decent respect for each other is not hiding.”
Brunner: “Eric, I've never hidden in my life . . . ”
Greitens: “. . . It's very clear, John, to everyone, that this (negative campaigning) is you. . . .
Brunner: (Laughs) “Well, Eric, that is nice that you can draw all these conclusions . . .”
Greitens: “You won't deny it. You won't deny it.”
Woman's voice, whispering to Brunner (at 8:37): “Just deny it. Deny it. Deny it.”
Brunner: “Eric, listen, the truth will come out when you and I sit down and talk, and I don't take accusations over the phone, I don't take people yelling at me, I don't take people insinuating anything, and frankly I think it's disgusting the way you've handled this phone call and the way you've handled this whole situation.”
Both campaigns confirmed this week that the recording is genuine, and Brunner's campaign confirmed it made the recording.

1 comment:

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm on my way to Orlando with family for a thanksgiving get together. Posting maybe sporadic. Enjoy the Holiday. And remember to give thanks.