Friday, November 20, 2015

WaPo: ‘White Student Union’ challenges Black Lives Matter at University of Illinois

"A Facebook page ostensibly created for an audience at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign called “Illini White Students Union” has drawn fire after it characterized the national Black Lives Matter movement as “terrorism.”"
The page did not last long in its original incarnation, but was taken down after three hours. It has since been revived here.
“We recognize the right to free speech, and we encourage you to exercise that right when you see examples of racism, discrimination or intimidation on our campus,” Interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson, who called the page “extremely disturbing,” wrote in a message Thursday to the student body.
In an anonymous message to the News-Gazette, the page’s administrator discussed Black Lives Matter.
“We feel they disrupt student daily life and activity far too much,” the message read, saying that movement “marginalizes” white students. “… We are in the United States and not Africa and we don’t desire to have an African flag on campus.”


Methadras said...

And so it starts.

bagoh20 said...

I'd like to hear the logical justification for why only a white group saying the same things as other racially based groups is racist and "extremely disturbing", while the others are welcome and healthy.

edutcher said...

I love it.

Hit them in the face with it.

They want segregation, give it to them.

Good and hard.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In a healthy society when there is too much of something, it finds way to balance it self out.

The Human body is a good example.

bagoh20 said...

If Obama could have just one more term, the racial divide would be healed. We are so close.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

No, this is wrong.

Mockery of stupidity is fine, but do not duplicate stupidity. Even if just to mock it.

AllenS said...

You go, Illini! Yea!

Trooper York said...

It is all about tribes. If you don't stand with your people you will be overwhelmed.

White students need a place to be safe. It used to be the library. You never saw the Black Lives Matters types there. Just like brunch. But they decided to go where they can attack, curse at and disrupt students who are doing what you are supposed to do in college. Studying.

I am just surprised they knew where the library was located.

chickelit said...

This is Shouting Thomas bait.

chickelit said...

Turn about is fair play.

Meade said...

"It is all about tribes. If you don't stand with your people you will be overwhelmed."

And your people — your tribe — are what — white? The white people? The white tribe?

What is it that you think makes you white?

Trooper York said...

I thought Turnabout is a crappy "Yes" song.

Or was that Roundabout? They all sound the same.

Amartel said...

BLM is run by a white guy. It's a front for progressive politicians gaming and scaring the black community into continuing to return them to power. Be good enough not to play along.

Trooper York said...

Just as there are self hating Jews there are self hating white people. They will be happy to turn over people to the ovens as long as their rice bowls are protected. This is endemic in college campuses where liberal elitists will purposely discriminate against whites or Asians. It is just a fact. You see it played out every day the last few weeks.

Check out this post on Legal Insurrection about Brandeis University Latest to Receive Demands from Black Lives Matters which shows you the comical level of the demands this mooks are making.

By the way "Legal Insurrection" should be your go to blog on legal matters. Prof. Jacobson is a real law professor and not an ignorant poseur who only got an increasingly shaky sinecure because of affirmative action. Highly recommended.

Amartel said...

It is.

chickelit said...

Amartel said...
BLM is run by a white guy. It's a front for progressive politicians gaming and scaring the black community into continuing to return them to power. Be good enough not to play along. <-- This

edutcher said...

Meade said...

It is all about tribes. If you don't stand with your people you will be overwhelmed.

And your people — your tribe — are what — white? The white people? The white tribe?

What is it that you think makes you white?

Well, mostly I look in the mirror and I look nothing like Woody Strode or Keye Luke.

bagoh20 said...

My tribe is Americans, and we have a code. It's even written down with a preamble, articles and amendments. Our laws as well as our mores do not include racist hatred, segregation or intimidation, so I'm certain BLM is not part of my tribe.

Amartel said...

An irony-free "Fuck YEAH" to that!

bagoh20 said...

Someone should show up with a sign that says: Unborn Black Lives Matter

bagoh20 said...

At Planned Parenthood.

Meade said...

"Well, mostly I look in the mirror and I look nothing like Woody Strode or Keye Luke."

How about members of what some people call the white race: Lyndon Johnson, Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin. Ever see any of them in that magic racial mirror of yours?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I want to be part of the MLK tribe where we judge people on the content of their character. After the last 7 years, the tribe disbanded.

chickelit said...

How about members of what some people call the white race: Lyndon Johnson, Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin. Ever see any of them in that magic racial mirror of yours?

There's no reason that ed should see those losers in the mirror. Unless you're saying that Obama should see Idi Amin or Robert Mugabe in his mirror. Is that what you're saying Meade?

chickelit said...

And if you're so offended by words like "white", why not be offended by words like "black"? Why not admit that "All lives matter" is the right answer to the question: "Black lives matter or all lives matter"?

Meade said...

The words don't offend me. Does racialism and tribalism not offend you, chiclet?

Trooper York said...

Some people see Joe Gillis when they look in the mirror.

chickelit said...

Of course it does Meade. But when the POTUS congratulates and cheerleads one side of a tribal skirmishes, I too begin to wonder at my own neutrality. What if I were caught up in one of the many racial controversies he weighs into? His partiality threatens racial neutrality.

Methadras said...

Cruel Neutrality. lulz.

ndspinelli said...

Joe Gillis is perfect, on both ends of the toxic couple. "I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille" is a quote I've used to describe the blonde wino. William Holden was a very good actor. Better than John Wayne.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jonah Goldberg writes:
“After 9/11, big swaths of the Left immediately wanted to talk about censorship and the threat to Americans’ First Amendment rights... It is a natural human tendency to want to just go and play with your toys when the world is crashing down around you. The campus Huns pillaging higher education these days only want to talk about “white privilege” — unimpeded by debate, facts, reality, or anything smacking of an opposing point of view — because it is psychologically comfortable and politically empowering. Contemplating that your problems don't have all that much to do with systemic bigotry is discomfiting. So they want safe spaces to play with their conceptual Lincoln Logs and Tinker Toys...”