Monday, September 2, 2019

Any other

Sometimes word combinations in ASL go together well as if made for each other, and other times they're weird.

[If I said that sentence in sign the two instances of "other" would be shown differently.]

Any other is such a word combination. They go together weirdly but well. They're nearly the same "thumb" thing reversed. [There's that word "other" again.]

A fist with the thumb sticking up is the sign for "10"

For the word "any" the thumb starts out pointing outward, the whole wrist forms a "c" in the air to end up with the thumb pointing the opposite direction inward.

Any. (They don't like it when I copy their vids)

Another woman does "any" more broadly, more dramatically. She starts with thumb upward as with "10" and pull it down her entire torso for the thumb to point inward.

The sign for "other" is the same thing except the thumb starts pointing upward with "10" and simply flicks outward. So at first sight you think "10" then quickly accept it as "other."

The same second woman does this "other" more dramatically too. She begins with the thumb pointing inward and broadly flips the thumb outward. There is an "other thing over there" aspect to it.

So the two put together, is the thumb starting pointing outward and broadly flipped inward, then flipped outward to its original position. It goes "thumb flip flip" and that means "any other."

The way I keep "any" straight from "other" is that "any" ends up pointing inward to your "knee." Get it?  Any = a knee. It's weird, but it works.

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