Thursday, December 6, 2018

Camille Paglia: Hillary wants Trump to win again


The unnamed interviewer at Spectator asked Paglia what she thinks will happen in 2020. Will Hillary Clinton run again?

Paglia answers if the economy stays strong then Trump will be reelected. The Democrats are in chaos since 2016 and have no coherent message except Trump hatred. She summarizes the Democrat slate; Kamala Harris (ruthless inquisitor), Elizabeth Warren (screechy without a snowball's chance in hell), Kirsten Gillibrand (wobbly mediocrity), Cory Booker (gravitas of a cork), Andrew Cuomo (yapping puppy with long muddy bullyboy tail), Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden (way too old and creaky.)
Given how thoroughly she (Hillary Clinton) has already sabotaged the rising candidates by hogging the media spotlight, I suspect she wants Trump to win again. I don’t see our stumbling, hacking, shop-worn Evita yielding the spotlight willingly to any younger gal.
This woman is a riot.

To the question, Has Trump governed erratically? She answers, "Yes. Like a picaresque novel starring a jaunty rogue who takes to Twitter like Tristram Shandy's asterisk-strewn diary."

To the question , Does the 'deep state' exist? If so, what is it? She answers, "Yes. It's a sodden, intertwined mass of bloated, self-replicating bureaucracy that constitutes the real power in Washington and that stubbornly outlasts every administration. "

Continuing, she answers the questions:
What is true multiculturalism
What did you make of Jordan Peterson? Why is he so popular?
Is humanity losing its sense of humor?

Her complete answers available at the Spectator. It's a long and interesting and amusing article.


edutcher said...

She has always been equipped with a well-turned phrase.

ricpic said...

She may come of well on the page but she has so many tics and such a rat-a-tat delivery that she's almost unwatchable.

MamaM said...

Yes, I'd noted this yesterday, before finding this post:

Too many young people raised in affluent liberal homes are arriving at elite colleges and universities with skittish, unformed personalities and shockingly narrow views of human existence, confined to inflammatory and divisive identity politics.

...Peterson’s immense international popularity demonstrates the hunger for meaning among young people today. Defrauded of a genuine humanistic education, they are recognizing the spiritual impoverishment of their crudely politicized culture, choked with jargon, propaganda, and lies.

I contend that every educated person should be conversant with the sacred texts, rituals, and symbol systems of the great world religions — Hinduism, Buddhism, Judeo-Christianity, and Islam — and that true global understanding is impossible without such knowledge.