Saturday, December 29, 2018

Trump sells rice to Chinese

For the first time ever, China has provided clearance for U.S. rice imports into its domestic market.

It's a positive sign before scheduled trade talks. The agreement was signed last year and is on time but the announcement right now pleases key constituencies in the U.S.

Thailand and Vietnam are dominant in the Chinese rice market so U.S. sellers face a considerable challenge.


AllenS said...

Shortly, Trump will be selling ice to the Eskimos.

Chip Ahoy said...

No, wait. Next thing you know, Trump will be selling corn to American Indians.

No, wait, wait. Trump is going to be selling coal to Newcastle.

No, wait, wait, wait. I got this. Trump is going to be selling ... um ... going to be selling ... uh ... selling ... cocaine to Colombians.

No, wait. He's going to be selling carpets to Persia. No wait, he's going to sell cheese to France.

No wait, that's no good, Trump is going to be spoon-feeding bullshit to Democrats and to American media.

No, not that, he's going to sell cotton to Louisiana. Pineapples to Hawaii, tobacco to North Carolina, oil to Texas, pot to Colorado, poppies to Afghanistan, whiskey to Tennessee, milk to Wisconsin, tech to Silicon Valley, beef steaks to Omaha, alligators to Florida, sausages to Germany, tacos to Mexico, silk to Japan, monkeys to jungles, turtles to Galapagos, and penguins to Antarctica. And that's just getting started.

The Dude said...

He better sell some tobacco down here - it used to be a major crop, now it's gone. A trip down east will indicate that the vast agricultural areas are depopulated, the biggest business are farm equipment suppliers and the crops of choice are those that can be planted, tended and harvested mechanically - soybeans, cotton, corn and sour gum, er sorghum.

edutcher said...

IOW they need us more than we need them, contrary to what we were told the last 50 years.

ampersand said...

No worry, Sixty, marijuana er... hemp will be the next cash crop.

chickelit said...

@Sixty: Maybe you can learn me a thing or two about American tobacco. I understand that we grew the stuff for cigarettes which conquered the world markets. But what about cigars? Did Americans ever produce superior wraps? Seems to me that the Caribbean nations alway excelled at that.

Fr Martin Fox said...

We don't grow any rice around here. Soybeans and corn,that's what we grow hereabouts. Lots and lots of corn and beans. Please sell that, Mr. President.