Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas tree ornament

Make your own Die Hard Christmas tree ornament. I bet you $10.00 you can figure it out without instructions. (No fair playing dumb just for $10.00)

If these aren't mass marketed already then budding American entrepreneurs aren't what they're cracked up to be.

Let's check Etsy.  

Etsy [die hard christmas tree ornament] Ha! They're all over the place.


bagoh20 said...

Merry Christmas Lemites.

Yippee ki yay.

ricpic said...

Traditionally there's an ornament shaped like a pickle and hidden in the tree that kids are supposed to search for and the one who finds it gets a treat like candy. How's that for a run on sentence? Nice tradition.

ampersand said...

Unless the treat's a candied pickle.