Friday, May 6, 2016

The Sorry Story At Lem's

Check this out on Chirbit linky


Trooper York said...

Thank God you didn't say old bag.!

That would have started a war right there.

Of course.

ricpic said...

dutch is Mr. Ed?

The rule of Lemnity said...

What did you say to April?

It must have been something unforgivable. April doesn't upset easily.

chickelit said...

Lem said...What did you say to April?

Nothing as far as I know. I'm just taking the fall.

Trooper York said...

Lem don't get all paranoid the way some idiots do when somebody is not around for a while. We can't control people. Only control freaks what to do that. April was vociferous in her disdain for Trump. Here and at Insty and I am sure in other venues. So she is most likely just taking a day or two off. Not everyone is tied to the net like us. We are addicts.

I am posting a lot more than usual because my situation has changed. Now that my shop is primarily lingerie it is not great if I am hanging around. Women don't mind talking about dresses when a dude is there but they don't want to mention their unmentionables. So I have to hide out and do paperwork and wait to bounce homeless guys or sweep up. So I have a lot of free time where I am stuck in front of the computer. But other people like bags and April and others all have a life.

I wouldn't read too much into it myself. People are free to do what works best for them.

edutcher said...

You're blaming me?

Considering all the things she said to me, I was awfully restrained.

But Troop may have a point. It's a lot more her kind of people at Insta. At least until Reynolds gets a look at how the hits have dropped and gets rid of Driscoll as co-blogger.

chickelit said...

Women don't mind talking about dresses when a dude is there but they don't want to mention their unmentionables.

I'm surprised they wouldn't want a man's opinion -- under close supervision of course.

chickelit said...

I'm surprised they wouldn't want a man's opinion -- under close supervision of course.

I keep forgetting that that role has been usurped by the Titus's of the world.

The Dude said...

How does one say "bete noir" in French?

The Dude said...

I had to start another browser to hear that - good one! Water bag indeed!

edutcher said...

Black beast.

chickelit said...

Sixty: Bête noire looks better using its circumflex over the "e." It's also a clue to the etymology because the circumflex usually stands for a missing "s" in the original word. Other examples include fête, tête, arête.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I've decided not to exempt from following trumpkins on twitter.

That's as far as I'm prepared to go, for now... I know, I sound like Ryan.

But the things is... is the same old saying... if it's too good to be true, it probably is.

I'm not getting burned by Trump.

Trooper York said...

That's the right way to do it Lem. If you don't mind me expressing my opinion. You should do what is good for you. That is what everyone should do.

When you are faced with the choice of taking a chance with Trump or picking a sure thing like Hillary I am sure you will make the right decision. I am sure that in the privacy of the voting booth most people will do that. It is that simple.

Trooper York said...

I know that Evi says I am overstating it but most of this fanatical anti-Trump stuff is because he is upsetting their rice bowl. That the people are listening to him and not Glen Beck or FOX News or Mark Levin or Ace or Jeff Goldstein or any of these other mooks who are now laying on the floor and beating their little fisties into the carpet and screaming NEVER TRUMP.

The real whores have already put on their makeup. They put on the red dress and called up Big Daddy Trump. Megyn Kelly. John McCain. Rick Perry. Rance. Roxxxxaaaannnnneeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

The Dude said...

That's easy for you to type, CL!

Trooper York said...

I specifically exempt Bags and April from that description. They had legitimate reasons that they have stated many times to oppose Trump. They fought nobly and well. They did it from principle and not self interest like most of the more vociferous anti-trump lemmings.

It is perfectly understandable if they can not bear to support Trump now and are turned off on Politics and arguing on the Internet. I just hope they don't move to Canada like Rafael Cruz did when his good friend Lee was assassinated. That would be unfortunate.

AllenS said...

You do what you think is right, Lem, don't worry about anyone else.

The Dude said...

Ustedes dos entendido lo escribió Lem? ¡Estoy impresionado!

chickelit said...

Trooper typed Roxxxxaaaannnnneeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

I feel a WKLEM post coming from you, Troop.

Methadras said...

Lem said...

I've decided not to exempt from following trumpkins on twitter.

That's as far as I'm prepared to go, for now... I know, I sound like Ryan.

But the things is... is the same old saying... if it's too good to be true, it probably is.

I'm not getting burned by Trump.

Lem, Trump isn't even remotely to good to be true, but he's a universe better than the Pantsuit Maoist.

edutcher said...

Lem, an echo chamber is never good. Sample what's out there.

Trooper York said...

Asked and answered chickie.

rcocean said...

No one's to blame for anyone leaving except themselves.

You can take all the nastiness at Lems, times it by 10, and you still wouldn't reach the level of vitriol at most websites.

rcocean said...

If it wasn't for Trump we'd be looking at a Jeb! vs. Hillary election, right now. I guess that what all the best and the brightest wanted.


chickelit said...

If it wasn't for Trump we'd be looking at a Jeb! vs. Hillary election, right now. I guess that what all the best and the brightest wanted.


That was the originally scripted version, yes. Guys like Jeb! and Hillary! were going to ignore every single one of the numerous grievances the Trump candidacy thrived on: Bush because he's so hopelessly out of touch with the electorate and so hopelessly in touch with big donors; Clinton because she deliberately said she wanted an Obama third term and thereby gave the finger to Bernie supporters.

chickelit said...

The scary news is that Hillary could learn exactly what it is that people hate about her and then pivot to counter that.

edutcher said...

Don't hold your breath.

She's had 50 years and hasn't figured it out yet.