Thursday, May 12, 2016

Gabby is just exhausting.

Do you guys watch Chicago Fire. I like it because of the neat rescues and unique incidents that they copy in the Law and Order style. It is made by same guy who did all the Law and Orders. Now he is focused on Chicago. He started with Chicago Fire. Then he did Chicago PD. Next Chicago Med. Actors in all of the shows do cross overs all the time. It is filmed on location so it is quite well done most of the time. The crossovers are fun. I reminds me of one of my old favorites Emergency from the 1970's.

The only problem is the Gabby situation. It is a Mary Sue deal all the way.

Who is Mary Sue you say? "Mary Sue for female characters, and Gary StuMarty Stu or Larry Stu for male characters, is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment." Firefighter Gabriella Dawson is that to the Nth degree.

You see every story line revolves around her. She was a paramedic. Wanted to be a doctor. Changed her mind. Had the hots for her lieutenant who unfortunately was engaged. Well they killed that bitch off so she could get her guy. Who she breaks up with when he proposes. But doesn't let him go. They get back together and she wants to foster a kid. Which he doesn't want to do. But she wins in the end.

She is in the middle of almost every rescue. This 110 pound girl outperforms the 6 foot tall burly firemen. Everyone turns to her as a fount of wisdom. She is fucking exhausting man.

I like the forums at Previously TV where fans post comments about their favorite shows. There is so good fun snark there. It was the successor to "Television Without Pity." In all of the threads and all of the posts I have never met anyone who is hated as much as  Gabby Dawson. Man do people hate her ass. Anyway next week she charges into a building by herself of course to rescue someone. It blows up. They imply that she doesn't make. Dozens of people swear that if she survives they will never watch another episode. The hatred is amazing. I mean it is a fictional character. People really buy into this stuff.

Don't get me wrong. I hope they blow up her ass too. Call me #NeverGabby. It might start a trend or something.


rcocean said...

This reminds me of all the hatred for the new Female Hero in Star wars, i forget her name. She can out-shoot, out-fight, out-pilot, out-think and use "the force" better than any Jedi knight. She even knows more about the Millennium Falcon then Hans Solo - despite being a young girl who collects junk in the Desert.

TV/Movie producers always justify these characters as being "good role models" for girls.

Trooper York said...

She is a Mary Sue for sure.