Monday, November 9, 2015

"Missouri football players strike amid campus racial tensions"

"More than 30 black football players at the University of Missouri have said they will boycott team activities until the school's president is removed over his handling of racial tensions on campus. The players said on Twitter Saturday night they would not participate in practices or games unless president Tim Wolfe resigns or is sacked."
"The athletes of color on the University of Missouri football team truly believe 'Injustice Anywhere is a threat to Justice Everywhere'," the statement read, quoting slain black civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. "We will no longer participate in any football related activities until President Tim Wolfe resigns or is removed due to his negligence toward marginalized students' experience. WE ARE UNITED!!!!!"
Racial tensions have been brewing for some time now at the University of Missouri. Here is a photo below of the University president Tim Wolfe, nearly a month ago, choosing not to confront the protesters, possibly believing meeting with them would only aggravate an already tense situation.

On Oct. 10, with the LBC abuse still fresh in their minds, Butler and 10 other African American students interrupted Mizzou’s homecoming parade by surrounding Wolfe’s gleaming red convertible. “We will be here until we are heard,” Butler shouted into a megaphone as Wolfe and his wife sat awkwardly on top of the back seat, “and our people are protected and they feel safe on this campus.” 
When Wolfe didn’t hear them out, Butler (the student now on a hunger strike) became even more frustrated. 
“I thought, ‘What else do I have to do to prove my humanity’?” Butler told The Washington Post. “What else do I have to do, just because I’m a black person, to prove to you that I deserve to have a good experience on campus? That’s when I started to think about the action of the hunger strike.” 
Then, two weeks later, Mizzou’s racial tensions flared again when someone used their own feces to smear a swastika on a communal bathroom wall in a brand new residence hall... For Butler, the disgusting incident, and the university’s response, was the last straw. On Nov. 2, he tweeted out a letter announcing that he was going on hunger strike.


chickelit said...

Threats, intimidation, bullying -- it isn't going to get you sympathy.

Now, if you were actually working instead of living on a full scholarship, you might have a point.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

from article:
In the 15 months since African American teenager Michael Brown was fatally shot by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., universities around the country have become home to protests the likes of which haven’t been seen since the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

The big lie that keeps on giving. Poor little tiny teenager Michael Brown. He was perfectly innocent until a white cop gunned him down for nothing.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

“My body feels like it’s on fire,”

Sounds like he's been reading your pal Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The big lie that keeps on giving.

Don't forget there have also been incidents like these in the past which later were proven to be hoaxes.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I'm just saying.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media and Obama himself are the root of our nation's new found tribalism, distrust and hatred.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Hands up don't shoot" never happened.

"It was a youtube video" is a lie.

Media never corrected the record.

bagoh20 said...

When I was in school it was the students who had to worry about getting kicked out. Then again we had something to lose back then - an education. Strange how it cost so much more today. I guess it's like bottled water. Things that were just fine before but now cost a fortune for no good reason. Our culture is full of that stuff. Marketing, marketing, marketing.

Third Coast said...

I've been following this for several days now. Just been sitting back with my virtual beer and popcorn watching the progs systematically destroying each other. It's like a nuclear chain reaction. Have we now reached critical mass for this idiocy? I'll bet the Mizzou President is one of the most politically correct, sensitive, caring progressives on the face of the earth, but it's not enough for the BLM crowd. The football coach is now saying he's on board with the striking black players.
The "coach" may not realize it yet, but their season is over.
Can't wait till this starts infecting the NFL.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Mission Accomplished.

deborah said...

Money talks.

bagoh20 said...

Don't send your kids to university. Start a business. There is not much in the university that's not available outside it for a fraction of the price or even free. You can even get the intolerance at a huge discount from many leftist outlets.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Please check out my first twitter poll, it's related to this subject.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left will use this to promote socialized tax payer funded crap education.

Education from the people who brought you the faux "hands up don't shoot"

JAL said...

Late to the party so to speak, but what have the racism incidents been? Can anyone here enumerate them, or respond with a link? I see the smoke and rumblings, but don't know what has *actually* occurred, what the actual beef is about specifically.

The feces swastika could have been done by any drunk. Did they get DNA from the feces? A feces swastika surely cannot be the basis of this idiocy.

And then there is Yale this past week.

What a bunch of total loons.

Methadras said...

The SJW's, being the attack dog warriors of the PC leftists are becoming more effective in their migration of their victimhood and martyrdom status. These people and their ideas are a cancer and people are to afraid to confront their lies and nonsense.

AllenS said...

Getting rid of athletic scholarships would stop this silliness.

deborah said...

Allen we both know it's about the millions raked in from college ball.

Methadras said...

It was simple economics really? How much does the university president make per year vs. how much university athletics generate? Guess who wins?

ricpic said...

Did anyone catch the university president's resignation statement? Abjectly apologetic. Yes, I deserve all that has befallen me for the crime of not being a vigilant enough policer of the oppressor white man. No different than true believer communists at the Stalin purge trials. We are the Soviet Union. The USSA. The United Soviet States of America.

deborah said...

Meth, choose the description you like, but it came down to appeasing the players for the sake of the money college football brings in.

Methadras said...

Of course it's about money or rather how that money is redistributed. The entirety of Leftism is based on the premise of envy. Leftism is nothing but an entire ideology based solely on that one thing. Coveting other peoples things and using any means necessary to take that which is not yours to give to others who did not earn it or deserve it. All of the emotional outcomes have evolved from that one thing and it has become a hydra of stupidity. From SJW's to university athletic boycotts. It's all about the cash and how to separate people from it to give to someone else.

If you are a leftist, you are nothing more than a thief that will sanction anything from murder to PC culture to get what you don't deserve and if you a leftist/liberal that believes in the tropes of the left, you are tacitly complicit in those endeavors. That is why there is a massive and a stark contrast between conservativism vs. leftism. They couldn't be more stark.

deborah said...

And then there's corporate welfare and lobbying. The Right is culpable also. And the middle gets nickled and dimed to death.

Trooper York said...

When you let the savages call the tune soon enough you end up with Burundi.

Trooper York said...

The supporters and members of the Black Lives Matters are the apologists and enablers of the criminal element that has resulted in the unprecedented increase in murders this past year. They demand the police not arrest these savages who murder elderly women on their way home from church for their wedding ring. The celebrate and lionize a criminal who tried to beat down a cop for his gun after he had just robbed a convenience store. They encourage the mentally ill members of their unholy coalition to murder policemen sitting in their squad cars.

rcocean said...

"Getting rid of athletic scholarships would stop this silliness."

According to the WaPo - the Missouri Football raked in $80 million last year. No way the Colleges are going to give up all that loot. Now that the College footballers know what kind of power they have, what's next? Pay for Play?

Trooper York said...

Kowtowing and surrendering to blackmail by these players is one of the first steps along the way to your city becoming Baltimore.

They should have revoked the scholarships of all of the athletes who refused to perform. Or better yet give them a reading test. Revoke the scholarship of anyone who can't read at a third grade level. That would solve the problem right there.

bagoh20 said...

It must suck to be a smart kid paying tuition and realizing that the dumbest kids on campus are totally in charge of things, and pay nothing. Get used to it kid, that how it is on the outside too.

William said...

Of all the most harassed and afflicted people on campus, the most oppressed are undoubtedly the black football players. The large size of the offensive lineman, in particular, make them stand out in a crowd. They feel very unsafe on campus. Surely the administration can arrange some safe place where they can go to avoid the constant threats and hostile stares that bedevil their every move on campus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The tyranny of the offended.

chickelit said...

Most anyone who watches televised college sports is complicit in this. You give the advertisers eyeballs.

chickelit said...

So I don't really feel for anyone upset by this.

The University President was a screaming lefty anyways. And he's a total pansy for admitting his so-called "white privilege." It's too bad that the whiners all but demanded that a person of color be put in place as a replacement. Let them be overrun I say.

chickelit said...

A few liberal public universities are going to have to ratchet downwards before people wake up to what going on here. Just like more American cities will have to hit bottom before a majority of people step in to correct it.

Keep your eyes on the cheerleaders just now. Especially the ones in academe.

chickelit said...

Obama steps in it

ndspinelli said...

Look on the bright side. When normal Americans, who are not political, feel things are out of control, they get off their asses and vote for the grownup daddy party.

ndspinelli said...

We have seen that the last 2 elections.

ndspinelli said...

But, you all do realize we need more than 2 choices when we go to vote?

chickelit said...

Come on, Nick -- that's like saying we need more than two teams in the Superbowl. It'slike saying we need more than choice between good and evil. A bipartisan, first-past-post system works quite well at the upper levels of government. I always see more than two choices when I vote. We get into trouble when that system is forced downward to the lowest level.