Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Three D's

While walking in the rain and reflecting on the past year it occurred to me that three women who have stopped commenting and posting here all have handles that begin with "d" - deborah, Darcy and DBQ. I hope the new year finds them well and happy and if any of you read this shout out, all I can say is "Hey!" Oh, and stop by and write something.

This is our first non-overcast sunrise of 2019. It's about danged ol' time.


WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Once upon a time, a few years ago now, Darcy and I were chatting in a thread on althouse. We agreed to connect and I e-mailed her thru her account on her web-site. (and the one she pointed me to) I used my real name and real e-mail address and introduced myself. I never heard a word from her. Perhaps my e-mail never arrived, but I did send it.

This has happened to me a few times and I decided that it's best to keep my internet life separate from my real life.

Hello ladies if you are out there.

ndspinelli said...

I chat w/ Darcy[Tari] on Twitter once in awhile.

The Dude said...

I was talking to some friends last night, in fact the dude is the Uber driver who told me about "Picking up Jesus" and he and his wife asked where I posted that story. I declined to tell them - mentioned the concept of "When Worlds Collide", the book, the movie and the Seinfeld episode - my point being that very little good can come about as a result of worlds colliding. IRL versus Cyberspace - who knows what might happen when they hit each other!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

When Worlds Collide. George is getting upset.

The Dude said...

George was a bit excitable, that's true.

AllenS said...

Darcy got married. That might have something to do with it.

MamaM said...

Darcy was not a prolific co-contributer when she was commenting here, though what she said was often insightful, on the spot and appreciated. Last time she was around, in addition to saying she'd recently married, she also made mention of moving to another state to live, which to my mind (after recently completing a move that still left me connected to some of my old haunts) would be a double dose of moving change.

Our move in May caused a huge splash in my life with ripples still present enough to gently rock my boat though moments of calm, peace and center have since returned.

Which deborah would show up if she were to return? While I'd prefer it to be the lemony yellow personality with the incisive, insightful commenting style I first encountered at Althouse and later Trooper Yorks, or the sharp-edged lover of poetry, art and political opinion that first came over here to post and comment, her provocations and invitations are missed in whatever form they take.

As for DBQ, I miss her here and continue to enjoy reading her clear, non-silly but sometimes fun take on things whenever she comments at Althouse.

The Dude said...

Well, there you go - it is not worth it, to me, to visit the blog of resident evil even if that means I miss DBQ's comments. I am glad to hear that she is still around. That's a good thing.

windbag said...

The ever-changing landscape of blog commentary, eh? I'm hesitant to collide worlds myself. Over at IAMO someone who apparently lives nearby asked to make contact in person. I declined. Partly because I had kids living at home at the time and partly because I had a business that I didn't wish to politicize, regardless of how remote the chance that it might affect me. I rarely step out from behind the relative anonymity of the internet, although I've donated to a cause here and there, which requires some exposure. I was friends with Trooper on fb, but deleted my account a few months back, so that connection is severed.

I read blogs for years before realizing there were comments. Then I rarely read those. Now, they're a main feature on many blogs. Other blogs...not so much. Comment sections can become toxic and dominated by a few personalities. Others remain obscure communities that roll along day to day.

DBQ and Darcy were always interesting contributors.

ricpic said...


A DBQ comment was always comprehensive
And always full of sense;
Countering the current lie reprehensive
That smarties are whacked and tense.

Okay, reprehensible. Give me a break.

The Dude said...

LOL @ ricpic - channeling Ogden Nash again, I see.

ampersand said...

There's no anonymity on the internet if you write or post something that triggers the Internet Rage Mob. Case in point that guy who posted the video of Trump wrestling the CNN logo.

I've been trying to set up a new email account with Gmail or Yahoo or Microsoft. Guess what? You can no longer set it up without a mobile phone number to verify the account. Even If I had a mobile phone I'd be reluctant to hand over my number to this bunch. They're going to tag and track everyone like a wildebeest on a nature show. I tried to get help from Microsoft but communicating with them is like going through 7 translations of babblefish. Google doesn't have any support, no phone number no email. Ironic no?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They always had good things to say.

MamaM said...

I believe human beings carry something good like light inside and we bring it with us to whatever table or point of connect we come to, whether it be one on one or a group setting, or through words spoken aloud, written on paper with a gap of time between or delivered electronically via the internet.

We are wired to relate.

Missing one another, noticing when someone is absent, valuing what's been given and received over time, is part of recognizing (re-cognizing--to again learn, know) what matters most.

Blogs are tricky places to engage with others, with trust as difficult to realize as its counter partner, control. The goodwill of others is revealed over time on a comment by comment, post by post basis. And when it shows up, as it does, it has the potential to illumine, shine, twinkle sparkle, hearten and invite like a light in the night.

Dad Bones said...

Well said, MamaM, as always. Commenting can be a tricky business. Some people know exactly what they want to say and can knock out a great comment, whether short or long, on the spur of the moment. Not me. I'm already wondering whether I should delete this one. Oh WTH....

MamaM said...

Thank you, Dad Bones. It's good right where it is!

MamaM said...

Synchronicity! A post over at the motherblog today contains this quote from the NY Times:

'What’s gone from the internet, after all, isn’t 'truth,' but trust: the sense that the people and things we encounter are what they represent themselves to be. Years of metrics-driven growth, lucrative manipulative systems, and unregulated platform marketplaces, have created an environment where it makes more sense to be fake online — to be disingenuous and cynical, to lie and cheat, to misrepresent and distort — than it does to be real...."

And that dovetails with chickelit's post on Dolly P about what is real and fake, and what inspires Dolly as she lives with a persona and a talent that includes both.

chickelit said...

And that dovetails with chickelit's post on Dolly P about what is real and fake, and what inspires Dolly as she lives with a persona and a talent that includes both.

Consider Dolly's paradox: "She dreamed herself into a corner."