Friday, January 25, 2019

Fake @ss news for stupid people

Like every person I know IRL. They eat this up like processed homogenized pasteurized Gerber pap spoon fed to them, then spit it all out onto their bibs as general received wisdom. Without ever questioning how CNN happened to be there in advance, nor if they would find this acceptable were it not their own Party doing it. The only way they'd acknowledge Gestapo behavior is if it were done to them and then have it explained by their Party's media branch, or perhaps read it on some random bumpersticker.


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Sean Davis from the Federalist posed a good question on twitter.

"The FBI had to do a bin Laden-style pre-dawn raid on a guy who was just released on his own recognizance? Ok."

Chip Ahoy said...

They could have called him and Stone would have turned himself in but they needed a show for the dopes who still get their news from Democrat's CNN.

Another process crime since Mueller doesn't have anything real.

* bring bring*

Hello, this is Torquema... Mueller. I meant to say Mueller just now.

Say, Mueller, can you do something to get this Covington thing off the news cycle? And fast? "

Sure. I'll just open another one of these here indictments.

Thanks, Mueller, You're a pal.

De nada. I meant to say, "nothing to it" just now but that other thing came outta me.

AllenS said...

This stinks.

edutcher said...

25 G-men and a SEAL platoon.

A SEAL platoon? What did they have to do, scuba up the water line into the house?