Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dave Janda's take on Trump shutting down government

He's interesting. He speaks slowly. Skip the first few minutes as he pimps his other activities; radio show, podcasts, other websites, cost of subscriptions, newsletters, etc. The end also. In the middle he offers a unique take that I haven't seen anywhere else. Trump using the shutdown as a trial run. He went into this one more prepared than I knew and he learned during this one and made changes during during this shutdown to better handle Federal employees for the next one. Janda explains all that.

I looked for a list of airports with private security but didn't find one. Apparently the numbers fluctuate as airports experience unacceptable long lines, also trial programs of various methods take place at airports across the country like SPOT (Screening Passengers by Observation Technique) that is used at some big airports. Wikipedia has an interesting writeup. They must be learning from the Israelis. Denver International uses this system along with several others. 


edutcher said...

Contrary to popular opinion, I think The Donald is always learning, the mark of a truly intelligent man - he knows he doesn't know everything.

The Dude said...

I hope what he says is true.

ricpic said...

If Donald doesn't pull the trigger on The Wall after this three week "debating" period is's OVER.