Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Smiley Face Madison Wisconsin

With all of this talk about going to Hell I want to share on of my favorite podcasts. It is called "Tim Dillon is Going to Hell."

Tim Dillon is a pretty funny comedian who actually occasionally offers a conservative take. He has to kiss ass and offer a ton of caveats so the SJW majority in comedy world doesn't ostracize him but he actually does understand the working class perspective because he is a mook from Long Island. His podcast is often pretty funny and even informative. The one curveball is that he loves conspiracy theories. This episode is about the Smiley Face Killers operating in Madison Wisconsin.

Hmmmm. A weird couple abducting young college guys in Madison Wisconsin. Killing them. Then leaving a weird art project. Hmmmmm.

1 comment:

ricpic said...

Everybody says that kid was smirking. He WASN'T SMIRKING. He had the kind of frozen grin on his face that happens when you're suddenly in a situation that's not only bad but incomprehensible...I know something's not right, very not right but I don't know what it is and I'm internally in a panic but I'm trying to show nothing, or as little as possible to survive it. I know this kid because I was this kid. Not a tough kid who wouldn't have taken a minute of that shit Indian's abuse. What's called a nice kid, and he is nice but he's also timid and untested. That's all.