Sunday, January 27, 2019

I need your help

I was going to lead this post with some "factoid" I picked up on YouTube claiming there are more people alive today than have ever died. Upon further examination (googling), however, that interesting soundbite appears to be factually inconclusive. Link

So, never mind that right now.

I’m writing to you because I hope you can help me with something. I’m trying to raise enough money to One, get my drivers license back*, and Two, purchase a used mini-van so I can take co-workers back and forth to work**. This may eventually help me leave warehouse work, which is getting harder and harder for me to do***.  I believe I may be able to do Uber later on, after the tracking device is taken off the vehicle****.

I’ve asked family members for help, but that’s going as well as it could be expected. My mother in Florida sent me a little money but she’s on a fixed income. I’m lucky she was able to help me at all. I've asked two of my three sisters and they are helping as much as they can. I'm reluctant to ask my brother and littlest sister.

I would really appreciate your help. If you can help, please use the PayPal Donate link to the right.

Thanks. Yours trully, Lem.

* Post 2nd DUI costs in NJ are exorbitant.

** I have about 6 co-workers living near me using mass transit like myself. it take us over an hour for a 20 min ride because we have take two buses.

*** I almost broke my leg when I took a false step into the gap between a truck and the gate. I assumed there was a ramp when there wasn't. I was lucky I was able to recover in time to only get away with a painful scrape to my shin.

**** It might look strange to a fare, to see me blowing a tube connected to a sobriety tracking device.


The Dude said...

I'll chip in, but how much does a blog cost?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I have the $9.99 a month minimum plan.

Rabel said...

I do appreciate you being round.

Dad Bones said...

Will do, Lem. Take care of your health and there can be brighter days down the road.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Thanks to the folks who have contributed and to those thinking about it, but for whatever reason cannot at the moment.

I promise to post pics of the vehicle and DL, once I get them. Thanks again.

AllenS said...

On it's way, my friend.

Meade said...

Lem, I paypal-ed you 50 bucks.
I hope it helps. But I'm afraid it won't. So, in addition, I want to give you some free advice in hopes you'll take it and improve your life and never again be in a position in which you feel you need to compromise your dignity, your masculinity, your self-pride and beg.
Your "friends" here won't tell you this and since I know you no longer consider me as a friend (even though I am), perhaps, paradoxically, you'll listen to me :

1. Give up your $9.99 a month minimum plan. That will save you 100 bucks a year. By saving it, you'll have earned that money which makes it more valuable than taking charity from friends.

2. Be more careful at work.

3. Never let yourself take another drop of alcohol.

4. Cut every single paycheck in half. Put 1 half into an interest paying saving account. Spend no more than the other half. Ever.

5. A van or a car, even if you're using it to Uber, is a depreciating asset. You will never realize a net profit by Uber-ing. Never. If you want to get ahead, 1 year from now take the $100 you saved by giving up your $9.99 plan and get a bicycle, a spade, a rake, a broom, a tarp and a snow shovel. Offer your services to homeowners in your neighborhood. Get up 2 hours early and provide your services and then get to your day job on time.

6. Be careful.

ndspinelli said...

Lawn Boy Life Coach.

The Dude said...


He omitted "Marry a fat ugly desperate commie broad with an even fatter pension".

Meade said...

Meade offers money, good faith help and advice. Lem's "friends" offer... uncreative lame insults.

The Dude said...

You offered "mow lawns, rake up" which is the entirety of your life skill set. You omitted "Live rent free in the house of a post-menopausal piece of dried up slunk meat while you ride in the passenger seat of her car". You have accomplished nothing on your own in your sad, miserable, empty life yet you deign to tell others how to live. That is comedy gold right there, loser.

The Dude said...

And when did you start referring to yourself in the third person? Have you added "Become a pompous asshole to your abandon your family then perform a sham marriage to a senile old commie broad routine?" Remove the plank from your own eye, rat boy.

Meade said...

"You have accomplished nothing on your own in your sad, miserable, empty life yet you deign to tell others how to live."

Not "how to live" but "how Lem can" live if he freely chooses. And even a "post-menopausal piece of dried up slunk meat" like Sixty Grit isn't going to want to form a partnership with Lem if Lem doesn't first get his act together. (Although I would not advise Lem to marry a "post-menopausal piece of dried up slunk meat" like Sixty Grit on any terms. He seems to have anger issues.)

The Dude said...

You really don't understand biology, do you, Needy? See, men do not have uteruses, women do. Well, you might, too, but I was referring to men, not lawn boys.

Run along now, your mommy needs you to service her, and since that is your job, let me retract the "rent-free" comment from earlier. You pay a hefty price for staying in a house that is not yours, and riding around in her expensive German car. A far, far greater price than I would ever be willing to pay to even be proximate to a two time Obama voter and Hillary acolyte.

So, how is your ex-wife doing these days? Has she stopped smiling since you abandoned her? Count your blessings, sweetie, you got the best part of that deal.

Meade said...

So much projection. So much contempt and anger.

How does that help Lem?

Rabel said...

Meade, if you hit his Paypal then you have his email and can offer advice in private rather than making a show of kicking him in public while he's down. And yes, that's what you did.

Lem's a good guy. He often tries to be a peacemaker in these forums. Why do this to him?

The best thing you could do now is delete your original comment. Then if you want to fight with Sixty or nd or me, go for it.

Meade said...

"And yes, that's what you did."

No, Rabel, I might respect your opinion, but it isn't "what I did."

There is no crueler kick than to enable and contribute to a man's self-destruction. You want to offer Lem a link to a Beatles' tune — your prerogative. I offered Lem a hand up and some practical tough-love advice. No coddling. Stand up and take it like a man. He can take my advice or leave it. Just as he is free to delete my comments if he chooses. Hell, he has the power delete this entire blog if he chooses. It's all for Lem to judge. Not you. Or me.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I've been told there is no shame in asking for help, when you really needed.

I've made some bad choices before and I've admitted them and I'm attempting to make restitution.

I logged on just now to make an update post on how much I've collected so far. I want to be as transparent as possible about this, without compromising the anonymity of those people who are helping me. I will do this as time permits until I secure a vehicle and get my Drivers license back.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Rabel said...

"I offered Lem a hand up and some practical tough-love advice. No coddling. Stand up and take it like a man. He can take my advice or leave it."

And all that would be just fine in a private conversation.

And what I "offer" to Lem is also private and not your concern or anyone else's.

Meade said...

"And all that would be just fine in a private conversation."

Okay, so that's your personal rule. I respect it but I disagree.

Lem chose to start the conversation — in the public forum of this blog. (Unlike, for example, the supposed private forum of Trooper York's blog which is only open by invitation so that what is said at Troop's stays at Troop's, right?)

Meade said...

"And what I "offer" to Lem is also private and not your concern or anyone else's."

Part of your "offer" was a link to a Beatles tune. That offer was public, not private.

Here, I'll publicly offer you this:

Now, each of us has his own special gift
And you know this was meant to be true
And if you don't underestimate me
I won't underestimate you

Rabel said...

"(Unlike, for example, the supposed private forum of Trooper York's blog which is only open by invitation so that what is said at Troop's stays at Troop's, right?)"

Is that what this is about?
You're trying to start a fight with Trooper?

The Dude said...

Meade causes trouble because he is bored. He has no friends, heck, his mommy won't even let him have a dog, so he comes around here out of frustration with his empty life and stirs up shit. That's all he is good for. He learns nothing, he makes nothing and he is too dim to even write well. That is his true nature and he is too self-unaware to accept or change that.

Meade said...

No. I don't start fights.

MamaM said...

There is no shame in asking for help.

Lem was clear about what he needed and requested.

He didn't ask for free advice.

Rabel was right. A friend would have written a private email

The game is on the table is an ugly one. Giving with one hand, while slapping with another. It's a game abusers play, and it was played out here before with another "friend" who came on hard times and was publicly shamed.

In this situation, the $50 given as a "gift" is accompanied by a public display of negativity, friend dissing, pomposity, and shaming (with reference to begging, implied carelessness and general cluelessness as to how to be a manly man)

Publically announced together, the money and the "free" advice present a double bind in which the receipt accepts the money with the ugliness and distortions attached to it in order to address his physical and financial needs, or he calls a friendship he valued and thought he had into question and doesn't accept the money or the premises presented with it, resulting in loss and less for him.

A true friend wouldn't put Lem in such a bind.

The Dude said...

Tell us about where you and your "wife" jetted off to on your honeymoon. It must have been someplace exotic. Oh, that's right, neither of you can fly. No frequent fly miles for houseboy. Poor baby.

Before you resume your domestic "duties" tell us about all the big parties you have thrown at your house and all of the marvelous friends you invited. Tell us what a big hit you were with your fellow leftists at the faculty get togethers. Your academic credentials must have impressed them. Summa cum Mower. PhD as in piled higher and deeper, like fertilizer. You are a perfect match for all those geniuses in Madison.

And while you are at it, what did you name your dog? What kind of fence you built to keep your dogs safe. Come on, you can do it.

Meade said...

"It's a game abusers play, and it was played out here before with another "friend" who came on hard times and was publicly shamed."

Are you yourself not an "abuser" — moralizing and playing the game of publicly shaming others?

Trooper York said...

There is no shame in.asking for help.

The Dude said...

On January 24, 2019 at 9:06 PM Mead the submissive liar wrote "I'll leave you all to yourselves now. Good luck and goodbye."

Today, Meed the pussy wrote "No. I don't start fights."

Classic dishonesty from a boy who never learned how to operate anything more complicated than a lawn mower. Pathetic.

But what can you expect given whom he "married".

Trooper York said...

I think you have a good plan Lem and I hope you can get the transportation you want to get. I have several friends who do Uber and it is a tough gig. Don’t limit yourself to Uber. sign up for Lyft and Juno and any other service to increase your chance of getting fares.

The Dude said...

I agree with Troop - Uber and Lyft at a minimum. A friend of mine does both and he is doing okay with it.

Of course Meade doesn't like that plan - him mommy won't let him drive her car.

Trooper York said...

I have no interest in fighting with anyone these days. This is just a reminder of the bad old days and I don’t want to revisit them. Let sleeping dogs lie.

My blog is dormant these days and no longer private.

Meade said...

Jeez, Trooper, quit publicly shaming Lem by giving him free advice. It might hurt his feelings.

The Dude said...

Meade said...
No. I don't start fights.
January 28, 2019 at 4:25 PM

Then proceeded to try and start one 25 minutes later. What an ugly little troll. Give the computer back to your mommy and fill her wine glass, she's sobering up.

Trooper York said...

I have been primarily working with instagram these days.

Plus I am thinking of starting a podcast.

You know we can do a split screen Instagram live program like those old Blogging Head videos.

What do say Sixty? We can do one to give the very far right and the even farther right perspectives on the news.

Meade said...

"My blog is dormant these days and no longer private."

Your dormant blog is an open public forum of calumny.

Trooper York said...

Meade I wish you and your wife well. Life is too short.

Trooper York said...

This is about Lems heartfelt request not old scars and battles.

You need to move on bro.

The Dude said...

So, bad cop and really bad cop, eh? Works for me...

Trooper York said...

I think it could be fun. We can do an hour and it costs nothing. It then replays for 24 hours. I think it could be a hoot.

Meade said...

Go read your dormant blog, Trooper. You lie and slander and you invited others to do the same, lulling them into believing they were in a safe private space in which their own lies and slanders would be kept private. Then you changed the setting, making it, as you say, "no longer private." You're a snake and you belong in hell.

The Dude said...

Meade's life is completely empty. Seriously content-free. He has nothing. He clings on to that old hag and all he can do is think about old scars. That's all she has. Well, that and wrinkles. And saggy ass cellulite.

He did mention that he found a left over French fry in one of her jowls the other day, but it was still edible, so it couldn't have been there for more than a couple of days.

Trooper York said...

Imagine what we could have done with the Covington story.

The Dude said...

We would have been marching to the beat of a different drum, and I don't mean like someone's stepsons.

Trooper York said...

I feel like someone turned on the way back machine.

There is nothing on my blog that anyone has to worry about.

Ancient history. Much like what we are seeing today. Some people can’t let go. I bet they sanitized their blog but I don’t care enough to look.

Just read this thread if you want the flavor of what went down.

As Yogi said it is Deja Vu all over again.

Trooper York said...

You know what this feels like?


We just had a nasty outbreak and need to rub on some cream or something.

MamaM said...

Are we back to ChipAhoy's perennial questions over which shoe fits? Or which boot is most needed? Which hand sign works best? Which seeds will grow? Which online presentations are the most bizarre, unseemly, or on the other hand most entertaining?

With a serving of side questions to include: Who is begging for what? Who is looking for charity? Who best to hold forth on compromised dignity?

And the big one: What keeps popping up over and over? Does it look and smell like friendship?

This thread is about Lem, and those who've chosen to support and encourage him.

May the funds you received from your request bless and help you on your journey Lem.

May you continue to find your way as you survive adversity and set-back to realize growth, opportunity, flow, meaning, purpose, and friendship that is healthy, real and good.

Trooper, I'm in the Amen mood with your comments here today.

ndspinelli said...

It's too cold to go out and play w/ neighbor dogs.

The Dude said...

LOL - nd - you crack me up. And when I read "play with" I envision "interfere with" as seen on the Grand Tour tv show when they visited Colombia. More than that I will not say.

MamaM said...

It's too cold to go out and play w/ neighbor dogs.

Definitely too cold here, with 5-8 inches of snow dropped, and 5-8 more on the way. In the face of that much weather, cabin fever and the desire to see oneself as more than a vulnerable clump of cells trapped in a house starts to vibrate. It's enough to cause manly men to dream of Boss plows. We compromised with the purchase of an Ego Snow blower instead, battery operated, and lightweight, easy enough for me to man-handle on my own. It works great on the short sidewalk, with a younger manly man addressing the driveway with his own truck and plow, at least for now.

When MrM asked me what I was writing this afternoon, I described Lem's situation and request and read him the 10:55 AM drop of "free" advice. "What an asshole! was his heartfelt response (and he wasn't referring to Lem), which made me smile as the thread where previous feather ruffling and territorialism transpired contained a similar judgment from a different direction. My response there was this:

Yeah, everyone has an asshole and enough inner shit to cause a stink wherever they choose to dump. And yes, some are more adult about where and when they choose to do so than others. In the end, however, it's the faithful journey that matters, along with character, integrity and whatever levity and gravity one wishes to honor with sincerity along the way.

MamaM said...

Are we back to ChipAhoy's perennial questions over which shoe fits? Or which boot is most needed? Which hand sign works best? Which seeds will grow? Which online presentations are the most bizarre, unseemly, or on the other hand most entertaining?

It occurs to me as I reread this part of my comment that it may come across as a dig at ChipA or dissatisfaction over his choice of topics, when that is not my intent. I see the questions and topics he presents in keeping this blog alive, representing the questions that need to be asked while reading this thread.

Which shoe fits? (Who revealed abusive behavior)

Which boot is most needed (What part of the advise given needs to be kicked to the curb)

Which seeds might grow if invested in with time (Uber, or a blog)

And what is the point of the unseemly exchange that took place (to entertain? encourage?)

With this for added clarity as well: Charity is received, it's not taken from friends.

chickelit said...

I say let sleeping blogs lie.

chickelit said...

I planted a pink grapefruit tree outside today. I've had good luck with citrus out here -- lemons, limes, oranges -- but I never tried grapefruit. We need to grow our own because we go through them like crazy on the weekends -- cocktails, you know.

I also pulled my leopard lily seeds out of the fridge (used to simulate winter in Southern California) and planted them in jiffy pods -- ten in all. They're supposed to germinate in 21-60 days in a dark closet. After that, they can start photosynthesizing. By then I will have completed a new home for them outdoors in a protected area with anti-squirrel deterrents. I hope to make the lilies the centerpiece of a window planter box. I'll post pictures when there's something photo-worthy.

Meade said...

"When MrM asked me what I was writing this afternoon, I described Lem's situation and request and read him the 10:55 AM drop of "free" advice. "What an asshole! was his heartfelt response (and he wasn't referring to Lem), which made me smile as the thread where previous feather ruffling and territorialism transpired contained a similar judgment from a different direction."

Isn't this what toxic femininity smells like? Girls will be girls?

The Dude said...

How would you know, Needy - you "married" a harridan. And your "wife" married a nasty little bitch.

Now go shave her feet.

Meade said...

How would I know? Good question. It's true, I don't know much. One of the few things I do know is that "leopard lily" is the common name for at least 5 different species only 2 of which are in the lily family.

Meade said...

Lem, how are you doing? A little better, I hope.

The Dude said...

Oh, looky here, Goat Boy has access to Wikipedia. Aren't you ever so smart. I am sure mommy will give you a gold star, but first you have to, well, you know what she wants. Now run along and be sure to take a dust cloth and something to deal with the spider webs.

chickelit said...

Not trying to sow discord here. The leopard lily seeds I have are also called Freckle Face Blackberry Lily. They are sold by Swallowtail Garden. The Latin name is Iris domestica. If someone can suggest a better source, I'll listen.

MamaM said...

People will be people. Some reveal more integrity than others.

Those acting as if advice is "free" when it comes with a donation are attempting to fool someone else in addition to themselves.

Meade said...

You're mamamsplaining there, ma'am.

MamaM said...

Trotting out of the word "never" when attempting to advise, much less encourage, a friend in recovery comes through as taunting or foolish as well.

MamaM said...

To live one day at a time is the focus for those in recovery. Doing so in truth and grace is mine.

May God bless you, Meade, with the truth, grace and insight needed to address and reconcile whatever is motivating you to respond to your friend Lem as you have here.

Meade said...

Sorry. Should've said never ever ever. Ever. Never.

May I 'splain something for you? There is no such thing as "recovery." Either you've quit or you haven't. Only a foolish false friend will offer pity and empathy and money to a friend who is choosing to self-destruct. It's like paying for an adult's elective abortion because you feel sorry for her. And then later, setting her up on a date with a splooge stooge because she's lonely and you want to do something nice for her.

Meade said...

Thank you. And may your rational mind free you from superstition, magic, 12-step gobbledygook, and sanctimonious moralizing.

MamaM said...

May the Spirit of Truth and Grace be with you, Meade.

The Dude said...

You are pro-abortion, Larry, otherwise you would have never voted for Hillary when your mommy told you to. Funny you should mention splooge stooge, as that was the point at which your mommy went absolutely insane during a black out drunk period. So your knowledge of drunks is up close and personal, I get it. You are "married" to one.

Speaking of twelve steps, is that how many you have to take to serve her wine in bed? Chop chop, goat boy.

Trooper York said...

My brother-in-law moved out to California and he has lemon trees in his backyard. He just sent me a sack of lemons and they are just great. Big and juicy and I made lemonade all week.

Meade said...

Back at you, MamaM.

And may you discover peace and quiet, Sixty Grit (or whoever you are, the person who masquerades around in ladies panties as "Sixty Grit."

And finally,Jim Dolan (Trooper Yerk), may you suck/choke on lemons, pass purgatory and limbo, and go straight to hell. Because, let us not talk falsely, we all know that's exactly where your manipulative, defaming, lying little soul belongs.


Meade said...

York, not Yerk.

ndspinelli said...

Meade is channeling Stephen Paddock. Blogs are his Mandalay Bay.

Meade said...

Very kind of you. You are golden stardust.

The Dude said...

You are a grifting man whore who engages in elder abuse.

Meade said...

And you are an artist and gentleman who exemplifies superior human intelligence.

MamaM said...

And you are an artist and gentleman who exemplifies superior human intelligence

Well, there you go, like the sun from behind a cloud, or maybe more like a broken clock, the truth emerges. Unless of course, dishonesty is in play here. In which case, integrity would be compromised one more time.

The Dude said...

Having intelligence superior to yours is not a compliment. Fucking toads are smarter than you, bitch boy. Now go suck your mommy's ass.