Saturday, December 15, 2018

Texas judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional

1) The Hill: Federal Judge in Texas strikes down Obamacare.

2) Politico: Judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional, endangering coverage for 20 million.

The Hill leads with a video showing a courtroom then an Obamacare campaign office then protesters holding up placards supporting Obamacare while the narrator says the ruling will be challenged and both sides expect the challenge to the health law will not succeed.
In a controversial move, the judge added that because the mandate is "essential" to the rest of the law, without the mandate, the entire law is invalid.
More words at the Hill link.

Politico opens with a large photo of a man holding an Obamacare placard close to the ground above deplorable once white athletic shoes. Ew gross.

What do they do, hire bums to do their protesting for them, or what?

First line:
A federal judge in Texas threw the health coverage of some 20 million Americans in limbo by ruling Obamacare must be scrapped because Congress struck the penalty for failing to obtain insurance coverage.
Really? Well, Obama said the individual mandate is definitely NOT a tax, while the Supreme Court okayed the whole thing so long the individual mandate IS a tax, then Obama said, fine then Suckers, it's a tax. While many lost their coverage and many more people were required to pay far more for far less coverage with much higher deductibles. So frame your first sentence however you wish, your readers take it in through their own experience. Propaganda fail. You never do quit with your party propaganda.
The invalidation of the landmark 2010 law is certain to send shock waves through the U.S. health system and Washington after a midterm election seen in part as a rebuke to Republican efforts to tear down Obamacare.
Sure. In part. No doubt. While the election of Trump in the first place is seen in part as rebuke to obnoxious cynical and corrupted Democrat power grab overreach. But do, explain things however you wish.

More words at the Political link. If you can stand reading them.

Most of the commenters to the article casually denigrate Texas the way conservatives casually denigrate California.


edutcher said...

Judge appointed by Dubya.

I'd love to be able to quote Nixon and say our long national nightmare is over, but Winnie Churchill seems more apropos, "Now this is not the end; it is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning".

What do they do, hire bums to do their protesting for them, or what?

You broke the code.

Most of the commenters to the article casually denigrate Texas the way conservatives casually denigrate California.

Most of the commenters to the article do not understand what a Federal judge is.

AllenS said...

Take that Hawaii!

ampersand said...

Look for Cheese Justice Roberts to rule it's not a fine, it's not a tax, it's a same sex marriage.