Wednesday, December 19, 2018

President Trump is not the issue

It's those who oppose him.

Would you like to read something truly spectacular?

This piece is by sundance at the Conservative Treehouse written in response to Eeyore-type comments that appear in large number after Trump moved to ban bump stocks for firearms and agreed to send Mexico 5 billion dollars for economic development. Those things do not sit well with Tea Party types who voted for Trump and support him. They make it appear Trump is caving to entities they elected Trump to check.

I urge you to read it, you will not see the likes of it anywhere else. It is unique perspective, and from an impressive altitude. I have endured four years of undergraduate economics classes and for someone who's mind tends toward pop-up cards and Egyptian art and how to make oatmeal taste great, the classes are all dry and boring as h-e-double drill sticks. The books go, words, chart, words, chart, words, chart, words, chart and you reach the point rather quickly where you go, "before flipping the page, guess what the chart looks like." And then you go, "skip all the charts you can write them yourself." You can make charts say whatever you like. You can make anything look good or bad simply by how you draw your chart, long or tall, stretched out or compressed. You can make the charts lie by what you put in and what you leave out. And now laptop computers make charts of every type by the information put into them. Dummkopfs do it everyday all day long without a trace of individual creativity.

But I've never read anything so complex explained so clearly as sundance does at the Treehouse. It's not so easy to read and it is a bit dreadful. Sundance explains what Trump is up against, basically everything; every interest controlling American and global politics and economics. Everyone.

Goes like this:

Lobbyists write the laws and Congress sells them.

Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer are writing a short-term continuing resolution to fund government and avoid a shutdown knowing President Trump is comfortable with a shutdown.

Why would Republican McConnell do such a thing that puts the Republican President in a position of opposition and compromise?

Because he wants to.

Trump said he would not sign another CR that didn't fund the border wall and right now McConnell and Schumer are writing one that doesn't fund the border wall. Why would McConnell do that?

Because he wants to.

McConnell, Schumer, Pelosi, and Ryan are putting together a 'take it or leave it' bill to put in front of the President to try to force him to accept it. Republicans presently control the House and the Senate. Why would McConnell and Ryan do that?

Because they want to.

Anger towards Trump is misplaced. Anger should be aimed at McConnell and Ryan. Directing fire against their enemies is what politicians are professionals at doing, it's what their plan is designed to do. This is the world of politics.

The people who oppose Trump are the people who write the laws, lobbyists. McConnell, Ryan, Pelosi, Schumer are the political team doing the bidding of lobbyists and special interests. This is the Uniparty.

Trump represents a second party in Washington.

[Didn't I say reading the Wikipedia page on the Whigs would be helpful to comprehension? This is the exact same situation immediately pre-Lincoln]

The people who write the laws, lobbyists, and the people who sell the laws, politicians, cannot allow this second party intrusion. They need to get back to business. They need to get rid of Trump.

[That's why we keep reading them saying that Trump is an aberration. They simply cannot accept the Tea Party types who gave Republicans the House, Senate, and Executive are not going away and are looking for new candidates to reform the Republican party. Re-form in its literal sense. Like molding clay, re-form it to genuine opposition to Democrat wild ambitions. They've failed to internalize conservative American voters have deemed their beloved GOPe dead and all these Uniparty GOPe types must go where the Whigs went. It does take time and several election cycles. This is the area between transformation.]

Simultaneously President Trump is deconstructing decades of economic manipulation by multinational banks and international corporations, the same lobbyists, with trillions at stake. Essentially Wall Street vs Main Street with extreme consequence.
Everything you need to know about the tentacles of multinational corporations and banks can be found in the following reality: the U.S. economy is in a period of unprecedented growth ... and the U.S. stock market is losing ground.
Sundance discusses the Federal Reserve policy and interest rates, how inflationary data is collated, the effects of low interest rates and high interest rates, and the secondary effects that are also important. Sundance discusses how leaving out high consumables, food and energy from the accounting affects the reporting so affects the Federal Reserve policy to manipulate markets to the advantage of multinationals, indifferent to the effects on the American economy. Their interest is in cheap goods worldwide and not the vibrancy of the American economy or the health of American middle class as they move production and jobs away from America.

Sundance discusses the system of financial manipulation that affects all Americans.
If  “monetary policy,“ specifically interest rates, are primarily driven by inflationary measures; and if global financial elites need to use U.S. monetary policy to finance their endeavors (they do); then those same officials need to control what goes into the measures for inflation. This is a critical aspect to economic control. 
[This was not taught in those boring undergraduate classes because it was not so keenly and broadly developed, less pervasive, back then.]

Even if you are not interested so much in following economic discussion I think you can find interest in this. The discussion of multinationals needing low interest rates to finance business outside the U.S. and how the figures are manipulated, thus how the Federal Reserve is manipulated, is fascinating.
As an intended consequence food, fuel and energy prices could skyrocket and the inflation index would *appear* artificially low because those sectors were no longer part of the equation.  This false inflation index permits low interest rates that benefit Wall Street.
Outsourcing American jobs meant cheaper goods; those cheaper durable goods were quantified in the feds measure of inflation; the prices of those goods were deflationary (getting cheaper); the U.S. economy was shrinking but the justification for lower interest rates (cheap money that benefited the global expansion) remained.
I don't think it's legal to quote the whole thing. I recommend reading the rest.

* Multinationals expanded market influence into highly consumable goods and began merging. No longer influenced by domestic supply / demand the prices skyrocketed but are not reported so not used for Fed policy. In this way the system is rigged.

*  We live through the results; manufacturing moved out of the U.S., jobs lost, wages suppressed, low growth while prices for food and energy rose sharply.

* U.S. middle class squeezed by cheap money policy that benefitted multinationals.

* Then, Trump.

* Trump reverses with MAGA policies

* Prices for consumable goods slowly begin dropping. But these sectors are not counted for inflation measures used by Federal Reserve for monetary policy. By design.

* Conversely there is sight upward pressure on durable goods because Trump is confronting the global system.

* The prices on durable manufactured goods will slowly rise and over time the domestic production will return as the total cost of production plus shipping are recalculated and equalized.

* The Fed no longer counts the cost of stuff going down, they only measure the prices of stuff that naturally go up. Durable goods rise, so the Fed quantifies increased inflation. The Fed raises interest rates that stall domestic growth.

* Wall Street doesn't like increased interest rates, but they dislike the dissolution of their rigged global system even more.

Much more at the link. Recommended.


edutcher said...

The 5 mil was al ready promised to Mexico as part of the deal that Mexicvo do more to hold the layabouts.

The bump stocks thing is neatly summed up here, but Insty cuts to the chase.

I’m fairly sure the ban is unconstitutional, and even more sure that it’s inconsistent with statutory law. I expect it to be struck down, and I also suspect that Trump’s okay with that.

the Tea Party types are mostly Libertarians AFAICS and will bitch about anything.

Except maybe free weed.

Chip Ahoy said...

I think it's 5 billion.

And I think another 5 billion for other S. American countries.

10 billion total. But I'm not sure. My information comes from comments that shuffled things around discussing possibilities.

I am an Eeyore.

Because Trump has only 6 years maximum.

Say he does get his wall built.


Then in due time Trump is gone.

And the insects and weeds take over, Trump's wall is neglected with no interest in maintenance the wall slips to desuetude, along with all border protection, it decays, disintegrates, gets bashed through, beaten down, trampled, stripped, recycled and sold, spit on, written on, cut into shivs, bent into whistles, used to surface remote landing strips, used to make rough housing, transported, redistributed, used as a lesson to NEVER cross global interests that OWN the United States.

Thus sprach Zarathustra.

And I don't even know who that is.