Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Pence reveals tear-jerking story of H.W. Bush writing a letter for his son

Daily Caller with video. I read it to see if a tear would jerk. It almost did.

Pence delivered a eulogy that contained this story.

When Pence's son made his first tailhook landing on the USS George Herbert Walker Bush (tenth and final supercarrier of United States Navy), Pence took the liberty of writing the president to sign a picture of the flight deck so Pence could give it to his son.

Bush had long since stopped signing autographs, and Pence understood that but intruded anyway.

Pence tells his audience that he did not write as a vice president to a former president. Rather, he wrote as a proud dad of a Marine aviator to a former Navy pilot.

But you did, Pence, you are vice president and he is former president.
But little to my surprise, just in time for my son’s winging, there came not only a signed photograph but, of course, a letter. Hand-signed as well. August 2018. In that letter, President Bushwrote to my son in his words, ‘Congratulations on receiving your wings of gold. I know how proud you and your family are at this moment.' 
And then in words that assured us that the letter came directly from him, he wrote, ‘Though we have not met, I share the pride your father has for you during this momentous occasion, and I wish you many C.A.V.U.days ahead. All the best, G. Bush.’ 
Later, Pence learned that C.A.V. U means ceiling and visibility unlimited.


edutcher said...

If he'd ever seen North By Northwest, he'd know that.

ricpic said...

C.A.V.U. What a great bit of pilot lingo.

Amartel said...

I'm not going to say much about this other than I hate State funerals.
Since I hate it for pols that I don't like (McStains) I have to hate it for all pols.
Unless you're Abe Lincoln or similar.
Then it's okay.
This guy? And McStains? (Especially.) And everyone in recent memory.
So pay for your own damn funeral and professional mourners.
Fucking pols and their free shit and free media.