Thursday, December 20, 2018


2 million views, 6 thousand positive comments. Sample:

* You can easily tell the Asians apart from the rest of the comment section just by seeing who connected the dots or cried.

* This is one of the best short films I have ever seen ,it is so relatable and reminds me of how much my mother did for me , I just want to say to my mum I love her and everything.

* I work at a movie theater and watching people react to this short was the highlight of my day.

* Dude this is honestly so emotional and bitter-sweet. I was surprised by how much detail was in this! Absolutely gorgeous and touching. ❤

* I feel like a lot of people are either confused or emotional about this short film and that's okay. But what I really want to talk about is how much I actually relate to this. Most people grow up with parents and have the same feelings of their parents not wanting them to leave and grow up, but coming from an immigrant parent, it's so much harder. Not only are you leaving the house, but you're also leaving the culture. I'm thankful that my mom wanted me to achieve anything I do, but she also wouldn't let me go out with friends because she wanted to see me successful. Now that I'm in college, she worries a lot about me and my behaviors, but thankfully my dad stops her from being a helicopter mom. But for some reason it makes her really happy when I come home to visit. Even if I don't say much and am texting my friends all the time, she's so happy to see me. It makes her even happier when I take all the leftovers and make fried rice and take multiple containers back to school to share with my friends. I don't know why the full short was uploaded on YouTube, but I'm so thankful because I can finally watch it whenever I want and remind myself that my mom worked hard for a good life for me, and I need to do the same for her. Thank you, Pixar! Thank you for telling amazing stories for the sake of wanting to tell a great story, not just to make a big profit!

* I believe that when the mother ate the little dumpling, it symbolized the fact that she was in a way "consuming" her boy's life and not allowing him to grow; keeping him to herself.

* My mom balled at the end of this then turned to my brother (who is in collage and is growing up very fast) and said "you're my dumpling!"

* This came from a Chinese saying: it's better to give birth to a dumpling than a living child because you can eat it whenever it get's naughty.

* I remember a collective gasp of horror in the theater when she ate him

* What a fantastic little film! As usual, Pixar manages to play with our human heart strings on such a raw level! Loved it 😘

* I remember my mom laughing so hard when the mom ate the son, i was like: MOM HOW COULD YOU LAUGH LIKE THAT

* The fact that there was tin foil on the stove top made me emotionally and spiritually connected....

* I come from a family that used to practice a lot of traditions together. Chinese New year, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving. But after my Grandpa passed, we've all drifted apart.
After watching this, I just want to get together with family and practice some of our old traditions.

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