Lookie how many ways there are to say "drink." Control F "drink" or scroll down to the list of "drink" links within the "D" list. This is just one dictionary. Other dictionaries mostly agree.
* Hold an invisible glass and toss it back, also, toss back your head for a full pantomime.
* Indicate a shot of alcohol with extended index and pinkie, the thumb holding down the two middle fingers, this is the approximate size of a shot glass, and tap that onto the palm of the opposing hand, upright, as a bartender.
* Pour a drink with the "Y" hand configuration, the thumb being the spout.
* Curl the index finger and second finger and pour a quick shot into the mouth.
* Pour a "Y" hand configuration into the mouth.
Pick one of those and stick with it through the song.
Personally, I like the invisible glass one, if alcohol, then roll the eyes around and tilt the head back and forth like automatically drunk, because I like being a little bit silly.
But shot glass popped onto the hand for "get me a drink." Everyone who knows me will know "R+C" means Rum and Coke in the context of getting me a drink.
"What you want?"
"RC" [Thank you, salaam, bless your pea-pick'n heart. Weak, please. 1/2]
Just for a laugh. It's how we have fun.
"You're probably bald."
"No. I am not."
"You probably have male pattern baldness." That would provoke him to take off his hat.
Look, when you say, "baby" as "girlfriend" it's two thumbs facing each other, and the thumbs move as two people. Simply putting two fists together without the thumbs moving as people makes the sign disappear into the movement of one sign to the next. One has to be acutely alert to even see it. As it happens we know what the words are, so we see it. Otherwise we wouldn't.
When you say "cold" you actually shiver. When you simply put your arms in the "cold" position without shivering, then it looks like "clothes."
"Just like ice" is shown as "freeze" but there is nothing hard to the freeze being shown. What we see is something soft such as playing a piano. You need to show a hard freeze, not a cotton freeze.
"Hurry" is two "H" hand configurations shooting as two guns, not two "H" configurations circulating as a locomotive.
I would have the guy sharpen his signs. Harden them, crystalize them. Stop being so soft and blended together. What are you, gay? The girl is much more definitive and clear.
1 comment:
Just came back from feeding the cats, and a trip down the driveway to the mail box. Baby It's Cold Outside. But not for too long, it's supposed to be above freezing today, and it looks like the sun will shine.
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