Monday, September 3, 2018

Man with Down Syndrome reunites with his dad

The man is 53 years old but never separated from his dad, except one time briefly. Now he was separated by choice for 5 days to fly off and see his favorite baseball player. His mum knew his reunion would be epic so she had her cell phone ready to record them. This was published by People Magazine and after that quickly went viral world-wide. This scene makes people verklempt.


ampersand said...

There was a man with Down Syndrome and I assume his dad that I used to see on the bike path regularly. They had a bicycle built for two. I haven't seen them for a few years though.

Trooper York said...

The simple joy you see is a bitter rebuke to all of the horrible people who celebrate and facilitate abortions.

ampersand said...

Coincidentally, I just saw the biking guy and his dad today walking through the neighborhood.

MamaM said...

A genuine portrayal of love and affection, given and received.

Raising a child who is different requires a different more tandem approach, not the same as giving a young child a bike with training wheels and sending them off on their own with a push and shouts of encouragement from alongside or behind. Getting them to the point of solo flight takes time and patience, and even then independence shows up in seemingly small but monumental ways, like leaving home for five days.

You will help to uncover his gifts
You will figure out how he learns
You'll get as much support as possible

The greatest barometer of success is parental involvement
Not to wrench him out of comfort
But to join him where he is

And when he is ready
You walk him into the world.

from the TV show "Parenthood"