Sunday, September 16, 2018

Weather Channel parodies

A new industry is created. Truth is, most are not that great. But the thing is, it takes cooperation to produce, you need your wife, girlfriend, neighborhood friends to turn the hose on you, keep the leaf blowers aimed, and other people tossing things past you, the more random the junk tossed at you the better, and the reporter must ad lib hysteric drama. And all that is funny even when the result isn't that great. People trying to be funny is itself rather funny.

YouTube [weather channel parody]
YouTube [weather channel spoof]

Twitter [weather channel parody]
Twitter [weather channel spoof]


ricpic said...

Downpour Disinterested

At least it's not personal, not like the weather's out to get you.
How different from a dunning letter threatening termination.
There is no mercy in man only in the sun shining through
After an impersonal near drownding inundation.

Amartel said...

Fake news
Fake weather
Fake everything!