Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Jordan Peterson explains his all-meat diet

At the point where he says that his daughter said she ate oranges and strawberries and that caused her debilitating symptoms to flare up again, I had an immediate and intense urge for a cold fresh orange and strawberries. So I got right up and ate them as he kept talking.

I'm sorry Dr. Peterson nom nom what did you say? I'm nom nom nom busy right now nom nom and I missed that nom nom nom last bit.

Man oh man these oranges are good. I pity da foo who cannot eat fresh fruit and berries.

Fruit and berries are like God saying, "I love you. Be happy on Earth while you're down there having a life." And I'm all, "Okay, bring it."


rhhardin said...

Morningstar soyburgers are good. I used to steam chicken and rice too but the rice cooker has migrated to the back of the kitchen counter for some reason.

Don't overnuke the Morningstar bacon strips but they're great too.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The last temptation of the nom.

nom nom nom

ricpic said...

Never in a million years would I have thought Peterson suffered from depression. But I'll take his word for it. If the all meat diet clears away depression it sounds almost too good to be true. But maybe I should try it. Has anyone here been on an all meat, or a meat with greens diet? Does meat alone deliver all the nutrients the body needs? I'm sure Peterson would have checked that out in advance.

ricpic said...

I just watched another Peterson diet video in which he says he went on a chicken and broccoli diet. And felt a lot better mentally and physically. That kind of diet I could do.

Amartel said...

I had steak for dinner last night and i feel great but, yeah, we do need our greens.

Amartel said...

And different diets work for different people. Ya gotta shop around, try different things.

Trooper York said...

I don't know if you guys read Vox Day but he pretty impressively illustrates that this Peterson guy is a cult leader and an all around cuck.

I am not impressed with him.

He is the approved opposition.

deborah said...

I think he will go deficient in some vitamins, like C. I'm picking up something a bit squirrely from Peterson. It feels like there's a psychosomatic or OCD element to this. You need C to support tissue health, so I don't know what that'll mean for his gums, long term.

The Dude said...

I don't follow him, but if he eschews fruit and vegetables he will be a scurvy dog in no time.

He always struck me as odd but I chalked that up to the fact that he is a Canadian, and we know they ain't right.

MamaM said...

Truth is there is something a bit squirrely about everyone.

Judgments and ponderings about an OCD element, psychosomatic tendencies, predicted deficiencies, cuckishness, cultishness are further evidence of such.

These are the big personal questions that hover around the fringe when it comes to food: "What role does food play in my life? What purpose does it serve? How do I use and/or misuse it? What do I notice and observes about my energy, moods digestion and body function when I eat _____________?

It sounds to me like Jordan Peterson is figuring out what works for him in order to survive and possibly thrive.

I become angry when I encounter people who presume to doubt what happens in my body when I ingest MSG. They are often the same people who are intolerant of those whose bodies respond adversely to gluten. I figure they haven't yet spent as much time in the bathroom as I have experiencing adverse symptoms themselves or found the relief I have by narrowing down the problem and giving up certain foods. If they had, perhaps they would respond differently.

As it is, I wouldn't willingly choose to give up the foods I have, if it weren't for the marked and significant difference doing so has made. I'm guessing the same to be true for Dr Peterson, who comes across to me as someone with at least as much common sense and willingness to explore options as those who are willing to apply labels and doubt his ability to figure out the value of vitamin C.

MamaM said...

Ok You made me laugh Sixty! It's the squirrelyness that damns and saves.