Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Kevin Hassett, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors

White House nerd.

His self-description, not mine.

I saw this first at the Treehouse, then at the Daily Caller then again at the Gateway Pundit, then again at Lucianne.

You can't even swing a cat around here without hitting a copy of this video.

↑ That was a cartoon by Pugh of the guy swinging a yellow cat around inside a living room and the cat going, "Again! Again!" As children do when you wear yourself out and dizzy yourself senseless swinging them upward and around as personal amusement park rides. Kids always want more.

It's a very good video. And exactly like a 202 macro economics class; boring as h-e-double X and Y axes. <--- plural of axis, not the Paul Bunyan hand tool.

Obama, in his appearances, suddenly out of the darkness to protect his withering legacy to 750 avid followers, risibly claimed Trump's economic success is the natural extension of Obama's policies trending beyond his term, that Trump inherited Obama's success; Trump didn't build that Obama did. Hassett says, "Au contraire mon mulâtre." Je voulais dire mon frère.


The Dude said...

Votre utilisation de français est totalement excellent, mon nègre.

edutcher said...

Zippy is still trying to figure out how insurance works.

chickelit said...

I’m kinda shocked that Obama did so poorly with the economy. His mother was a renowned economist who practically invented micro economics.

edutcher said...


Also, Zippy isn't that smart.

ampersand said...

When they bring a knife, Obama brings a gun, then Trump drops an anvil.

Chip Ahoy said...


Based on these observations, Dr. Soetoro concluded that underdevelopment in these communities resulted from a scarcity of capital, the allocation of which was a matter of politics, not culture. Antipoverty programs that ignored this reality had the potential, perversely, of exacerbating inequality because they would only reinforce the power of elites. As she wrote in her dissertation, "many government programs inadvertently foster stratification by channeling resources through village officials", who then used the money to strengthen their own status further.

Politics IS culture. Cultures can change and so can the politics within them. Japan, Europe, Russia, China are all clear examples. If this politics has lasted for a thousand years, then the nation's culture is to blame.

Interesting article you have there.

edutcher said...

Renowned is somebody like Friedman.