And when I do catch them, a moment here, a few seconds there, my very first thought is always always, always, "you skank-ass lying p.o.s" *click* It's a direct line uninterrupted from visual stimulus to thought, an established neurological iter, autonomic, no further thought necessary. Collectively they are more damaging than not being worth listening to. Their existence is damaging whether or not I listen.
So have at it, Mr. Veritas, the only people who'll even see this are people already unaffected by American media. People who already know this. The people who need this won't see it.
(Unless Trump tweets about specific media names when Veritas exposes them. Then media will come out to denounce him, and only then will they be exposed.)
We're seeing this even now. And it doesn't take much for people to see what's been happening.
Since Kavanaugh's accuser is suddenly uninterested in telling her story, it won't be long before this starts to worm its way into America's consciousness.
I saw this. Good report Chip.
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