Sunday, September 2, 2018

Ginger ale (second attempt)

This is in the category of fermented foods that somehow are supposed to be good for you. It's probiotic, apparently.

It does not taste like delightful carbonated sugary ginger ale product such as you buy at the grocery. It has that distinct alcohol taste to it, and for me, it's not nearly sweet enough. Insufficient sugar to balance the ginger. My taste preference is more on the hummingbird side of the sugar scale. And it's not nearly so fizzy as to actually foam. But I don't think the Soda Stream will improve it.

The recipe is on Wellness Mama. Commenters there like it. I chilled it and strained one of the jars into another jar. I think I'll add sugar and see if that helps.

I didn't have molasses so I substituted part brown sugar that has molasses added to it. That might be why mine tastes a bit like a sour cocktail.

Four days fermentation and these jars indicated carbonation when opened. It continued to bubble and move things around even after I closed them back. 

Maybe you would really like them given your sour dispositions. I meant to say given your refined tastes.


chickelit said...

What about ginger lager? Can't you cold brew with a yeast that sinks to get a smoother flavor?

chickelit said...

Chip, how did the artwork/beer label project end up?

Chip Ahoy said...

They chose the one with an Adirondack chair.

The labels were small. 2" x 2" and they look really cool.

I went to a party where the beers were served and the people there already knew about all of the labels. They told me Paul was showing them the pictures as I sent them. So they saw all twenty or so. They told me they had the best time checking out the wildly varying ideas. They voted for the chair. And they look really cool on the bottles. Just a chair, no words, no-nuth'n. They like the simplicity of it. And I have to admit, it works.

I miscalculated and printed too few.

So I printed more. Paul said, "I'll do this at home."

So when I saw that he failed to trim them as instructed to eliminate the broad white borders on both sides , I said in utter disgust. "Goddamnint! Must I do everything? "

For some reason they thought that was hilarious. The whole party cracked up. They can't even take a correction properly. Because the extra borders didn't bother them at all.

deborah said...

You STILL don't have molasses? WTF?

Do you mean you don't think Soda Stream will make more fizz, or improve the taste?

MamaM said...

This batch is visually more appealing. I'm wondering if the use of molasses would give it a deeper color? It's only a Tablespoon, but molasses is pretty dark.

ken in tx said...

You should try Old Blenheim or Buffalo Rock ginger ale. They are non-alcoholic but will burn your throat just like alcohol. Very good for when you get a stomach virus.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I tried to make pickles and it was a failure. I did the natural brine, with dill. They did get sour, but tasted "off" so I tossed them. I did not get sick from the one I ate, but there was something wrong with them.