Monday, October 17, 2016

"Nearly 40 Percent of Americans Report Tension With Family or Friends Over Election"

Ninety percent of Americans talk about the presidential race often with friends or family, the survey shows.

Of those, 58 percent discuss the election very often and 32 percent somewhat often. Only 4 percent never talk about the presidential election.

Thirty-seven percent of respondents said the 2016 race has caused tension with relatives or friends.

Via Drudge:


Methadras said...

Of course it has because people are seeing what deranged maniacs their Harpy supporting friends and family are. They are seeing people who are supporting an unindicted criminal who has sold her country out for money and a raw naked lust for power. They are seeing that their family and friends are willing to overlook this criminality in favor of seeing this woman who is a pathological lifelong serial lair become president and they don't understand why. What they are seeing is the second round of the cult of personality take over. What they are really seeing is how their family and friends are so easily duped by the evil seduction of leftism.

Amartel said...

Convincing yourself to vote for Clinton must be a real mental and emotional challenge. It means you are servile, a subject, unable to face life as an autonomous being, dependent, a ward of the state. That's got to be a bad day when you realize that. It's why lefties lash out all the time. Key cars, fling poo and nonsensical insults, Reichstag the opposing party's campaign HQ then call them Nazis, "fascists" who refuse to cooperate with government programs designed for the greater good of The People. The cognitive dissonance (and possibly the sneaking suspicion that they're not that great as they've been telling everyone they are) is why they're so angry and why you can't have a rational conversation. Smart lefties deflect, go off on tangents, try to redirect the conversation to emotional matters. Anything rather than engage directly about the failings and hypocrisies of the progressive movement. Most of them can't help but talk about politics, given it's personal, which always leads to emotional outbursts. So of course there's tension.

edutcher said...

Good, then you know who not to invite for Thanksgiving.

And you know you'd get a lecture on how we mistreated the Indians if you did.

Leland said...

I'll admit that I quit eating lunch with a coworker over the election. He came out as a big Bernie supporter. I decided to sand bag him at a lunch with a few others, including a guy that escaped Cuba. He spent the time explaining the virtues of socialized free education. Oh, and Trump lies about his policies. When I mentioned that either Sanders expects educators to work for free or someone will have to pay; I was told "of course Sanders didn't literally mean free". I, and the others, gave up. You just can't fix stupid.

edutcher said...

Leland said...

Oh, and Trump lies about his policies

A common theme in several circles.

bagoh20 said...

I find this election less divisive in my circles than the last four have been. Bush hate was strong around these parts, and it got heated a lot back then. In the last two elections, many felt you were a just a racist if you didn't vote for The Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Miserable Failure. The anti-Republicans I know, who always vote for the Dem, are not willing to go to bat for Hillary, and when one calls Trump a douchebag, nobody really argues, they just say "and Hillary is what?"

Everybody is more like, well yea, both of them suck, so what are you gonna do? It's a form of unity, without the singing Kumbaya, a kind of resigned detente between normal less political people. It's better than before in that respect. Nobody is on a high horse this time, except in here of course.

I know a few people who love Trump, some of them previous Obama voters, but nobody I know loves Hillary. Nobody has her bumper sticker. It seems that the women I know are ashamed she has a vagina. Personally, I'm suspicious, but satisfied to be left in the dark on that.

ndspinelli said...

Thankfully the election hasn't caused any bad feelings or words here.

chickelit said...

The Lem's Levity family is riven.

Hallelujah, it is riven!

It means we're thinking.

chickelit said...

"Riven" is the past participle of the verb rive which is intransitive, I believe. So "it is riven" (like it is risen) is past perfect and not a passive voice, present tense construction.