Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Religious war may have come to the streets of NYC

There was a massive fire in a beautiful old church in Manhattan's Flat Iron District yesterday. The Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava was burned to the ground on Orthodox Easter Sunday along with two churches in Australia and Russia that were torched on the same day. It appears that it might have something to do with the continuing death spiral between Serbia and Croatia.

I went to a wedding at this Cathedral once. It was beautiful as old churches so often are. Ornate and quite different than a Catholic Church. The artwork was fascinating. I spent an hour just looking at the religious artifacts. It is a tremendous loss  to people of faith everywhere.

Here is the article from the New York Post that really explains the craziness that is going on:

New York Post, May3, 2016 by Isabel Vincent and Chris Perez

The historic Manhattan cathedral that was gutted in a massive fire was one of four Christian Orthodox churches to go up in flames on Orthodox Easter Sunday — sparking fears of a coordinated attack on the religion.
While FDNY officials said the blaze at the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava on West 25th Street does not appear suspicious, members of the Orthodox community have doubts.
They are worried that the blaze — along with church fires in Australia and Russia — were set in retaliation for the religion’s role in blocking the canonization of Croatian Nazi supporter Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac — whose potential sainthood has created a rift between Serbia and Croatia, with the leaders of each lobbying Pope Francis.
Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic discussed the issue in a visit to the Vatican in early April, while Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic made his case last September.
Francis decided last week to postpone the ceremony for Stepinac, prompting concerns about potential retaliation.
“Too many churches have burned to call it an accident,” said Dr. Dušan T. Bataković, a former Serbian ambassador who is now director of the Institute for Balkan Studies in Belgrade.
“It is very strange that it happened, that the fires all took place on Easter, the greatest Christian Orthodox holiday,” he said. “Some kind of terrorist action cannot be excluded.”
In addition to the fire that engulfed St. Sava, churches in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, and in northern Russia were all engulfed in flames just hours after Easter services.
“Within the last six months, the Serbian church was urging Pope Francis not to canonize into a saint Cardinal Stepinac, for his complicity in the large-scale massacres and genocide against the Serbs, Jews and Roma [Gypsies],” Bataković said.
“Despite protests from the Croatian church, the pope postponed the decision of making Stepinac a saint, and there is a lot of anger, because he is considered as one of the key church members in the Croatian history.”
In a letter to Francis, Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Irinej said, “We are afraid that there are too many open questions and wounds which Cardinal Stepinac symbolizes.
“His canonization, to our great regret, would return the relations between Serbs and Croats, as well as between Catholics and Orthodox faithful, back to their tragic history.”
Barry Lituchy, executive director of the Jasenovac Research Institute, a Brooklyn-based human-rights nonprofit, told The Post he has been bombarded with calls from worried Orthodox community members.
“This is a terrible tragedy, and the thought that this is an attack has not escaped us,” he said. “This deeply affects everyone in the Serbian community.”
In Sydney, fire reduced the Macedonian Orthodox Church of the Resurrection to rubble, rending the 126-year-old sanctuary in two, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.



edutcher said...

Weird, but that's what happens in a Balkanized society, which seems to be what not only the Demos, but the Whigs as well, want for this country

A shame, too. Looked like a magnificent building.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It probably didn't have a sprinkler. I'm guessing, I don't know for sure.

Trooper York said...

I don't remember seeing a sprinkler Lem. Most old churches don't have them. It could be a coincidence. There is a real estate controversy as well. It is just strange that it happened at three places all on the same day. A holy day at that.

There might be something to it.

In any event it destroyed a beautiful church that can never be rebuilt.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

That is horrible news.

XRay said...

That is a shame. Looks well planned to have burned that throughly, though old wood burns fast of course.

ampersand said...

Why blame Croats? Serbia has it's Muslim problems too.

Trooper York said...

It relates to problems going back to the Second World War. It all seems to revolve around the naming of a saint. Pope Francis is mixed up in it in some way. It just isn't clear that this is what caused these arsons.