Sunday, April 17, 2016

In praise of N.Y. values and The Walking Dead

Let's see how the pop-up world understand New York.

It's a nice book. Simple. We could make something similar. It's more art than mechanics. There's enough room left we can stick our favorite places in it. Our NY pop-up would have six freakin' zoos.

There is another one about Christmas in N.Y.

This book shown above is inexpensive. You can have a new one for $5.00 + $4.00 shipping. This is a nice book to own. By this book we see N.Y. is a snazzy place with culture all over everywhere, and maybe even a zoo if there were enough pages.

Nice and simple however mechanics-wise not that complex. Simple Vs all over with additions to them. And lift up separate pages with information and words. Opportunities passed all over this book, so a bit frustrating this way.

Conversely, this next book, The Walking Dead is a mechanics rich book each main vignette is complex with multiple characters and the extras that fill the blank spaces are themselves little treasures with opportunities indulged instead of passed. It is a splendid book with inspired mechanics throughout, however, with art more dreadful than the Mason family themselves, and not anything that I'd want in my home. Beautiful mechanical book, masterpiece really, with awful repulsive disgusting art. I would never own this or buy this for a gift. But that's me. Other people love this television show and I cannot force myself to watch one minute of it. It receives five star rating on Amazon. Their following is loyal and they have themselves a great book. But not for me.

Maybe I'll lighten up. It's kind of funny in a way. Is this comical?

It's an expensive book. You can buy it greatly reduced, nearly half off for Prime and it's still expensive. I sense once out of print it will become another collector's item.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My brother is a Walking Dead head.

Chip Ahoy said...

Show him this book. He'll freak out. I don't know anybody that watches but I see posts referring to it all the time.