Thursday, April 28, 2016

Overheard At Lem's

ndspinelli said...
For Trump fans, Herr Goebbels has posted his newest propaganda piece and the circle jerk has commenced.

 My reading is that the Trump=Hitler meme is still alive and thriving. How widespread is it still?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump isn't Hitler.

Hillary is Castro, and every corrupt South American dictator.

Trump is a clown.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Trump is Hitler meme doesn't work because Hitler has been so many people now, he could be just about anybody and we would not even know it. If I may exaggerate a bit.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If they ever do it as a HS play, anybody could do it. I'm sure of it ;)

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I’m sorta anti trump, but I don’t think he is Hitler. Hitler had a master plan all thought out in advance as well as a party fanatically united behind him.

The Dude said...

I should mark my calendar to see if there is a lunar causation or at least correlation with the periodic meltdowns like the one currently on display over at Insty.

edutcher said...

nd just likes being sour.

Jim in St Louis said...

I’m sorta anti trump, but I don’t think he is Hitler. Hitler had a master plan all thought out in advance as well as a party fanatically united behind him.

He invented the party, for all intents and purposes. Even the founder gladly gave way to him.

As for master plan, I'll bet Trump has it a lot more thought out than the Cruzzers will ever believe.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When I see the hack word "Cruzzer" - forces me to be #NeverTrump.

Go going, ED. Those Hillary payments are working.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Trump is a clown.

Funny how he's the winner. Outsmarted all those other people.

Sixty Grit said...

I should mark my calendar to see if there is a lunar causation or at least correlation with the periodic meltdowns like the one currently on display over at Insty.

That would require a surfeit of estrogen. They are just following Gordon's route to Khartoum.

edutcher said...

And another old refrain. IN sees the "alliance" as insider politics. Looks like the really are dumping Kasich for Trump.

Off Ras, Trump tied with the Hildabeast at 38.

The Dude said...

For the Gordon analogy to be more apt Hillary would have to be Gordon - a drunk with homosexual tendencies.

edutcher said...

So we know where we are and who's the real clown, consider this:

Trump has 987 pledged delegates with 34 unpledged*.

For those whop need to take off their clothes to add, that's 1021.

* For those who distrust the Gray Lady (and who can blame you?), they use AP's count.

If you don't trust the AP, the GOP website has yet to update. Rinse must be looking for his seppuku knife.

Dumb Plumber said...

Or....Trump chooses Rubio as VP. They kiss and make up and Rubio's 169 delegates put the team over the top. Rubio might just go for this since his political career is in the tank after his dismal performance in his OWN state.

Stranger bedfellows have been known to occur.....politically speaking that is.

edutcher said...

No, Trump gets nothing from that.

But a tough Hispanic might be where he's looking.

A Conservative with some Hill cred might be more useful.

I'll bet it's more imaginative than the Anointed One's choice.

And, from one of the Demos' Bubba experts, Trump will beat Hillary like a baby seal.

Michael Haz said...

The Trump = Hitler meme is something said only by shallow thinkers who cannot be bothered to think about Hitler actually did before they comment.

The Dude said...

Rubio is the kiss of death. Little tiny kiss of death.

Someone actually said "Trump is Hitler" in my house. I was stunned by the lack of intelligence and manners, but then again, dude is a democrat, so say no more.

I should have told him to take his hate speech elsewhere. Problem is my triceps don't wobble to and fro.

Trooper York said...

I had an interesting thought. Or more correctly I read something that gave me an idea.

I think Trump will win Indiana convincingly. Ted Cruz will take stock. Then do what he always does. What is best in service of his personal ambition. He will concede the race and throw his support to Donald Trump. But he may ask to do it at a price. The VP.

I predict that is what is going to happen. Wait and see.

The Dude said...

Well, other than Cruz being a slimy greaseball canuck, I could vote for that ticket.

Michael Haz said...

To expand on my 12:02 comment above:

It is embarrassingly foolish to state that any American politician of any political party is equal to Hitler or any of his Generals.

No American politician has rounded up Jews and Catholics, put them into cattle cars, and had them transported to places where they were starved, tortured, killed and cremated by the millions. Period.

To equate ANY American politician with that horrible history is beyond shallow, it is hateful, and utterly ignorant.

Michael Haz said...

Trump will not choose Cruz as his VP nominee. Two reasons: (1) Cruz is a loose cannon with a big ego, and (2) Losing a Republican seat in the Senate has the potential of tossing the majority to the Dems. Texas Governor Abbott could appoint a Republican to fill out Cruz's term, but that person would have to stand for re-election in what would no doubt be a very hotly contested race with no guarantee that the appointee would prevail.

Trooper York said...

It makes a lot of sense. It would certainly discombobulate the #NeverTrumper's and cut them off at the knees. Cruz would do it because he is always about Cruz first. I hope Trump makes a better deal. I would not pay off Cruz with the VP slot. Trump should promise him the Supreme Court with an added bonus that if Roberts leaves he would appoint him to be Chief Justice if he is still President when that happens. Cruz would jump at it and betray all of his followers in a New York Values minute.

I think he concedes and endorse Trump no matter what. But I do think he will extract the best price he can get.

The Dude said...

Haz, no need to explain - those of us who know, know. Those who cannot see the truth will stick to their hateful lies.

If Trump were to invade Poland, for example, it would only be to build yuuge gold towers with his name on them, maybe a couple of casinos, and, then probably sue them. He's TRUMP!

Trooper York said...

I don't think Trump would do it either Haz. I do think Ted will ask for it. Trump will New York him down to the Court. Every whore has her price. Trump knows that. He proved it with the Megyn Kelly thing. He had her coming to him. Cruz will do the same thing. Down on his knees so to speak.

Cruz will always do the thing that services his ambition.

Chip Ahoy said...

Trump is a clown.

Yes, his hair is clownish. He should let me shave it all off for super villain effect. It would totally work and I men that in all seriousness. That he does not allow it, in favor of risible remnant feathering is all the proof one needs he is unwilling to fully assume the role he is playing. He is playing his role half-heartedly, tongue-in-cheek, not fully committed because he will not let go of his ridiculous clown hair. Everything else is exaggerated as cartoons are exaggerated. Voters less rational than you failed to support a conservative hero who has actually made life miserable for GOP, did the things that they wanted all along, rather, they give their support to a cartoon version of super-hero, as such they know they cannot believe. They know they cannot fully believe in cartoon super hero of their own making. It's why I believe they appear to be in on the joke. At his events I see only the back of their heads, it's hard to tell, what isn't hard to tell is the rave-like quality to the events, the magic pie-in-the-face phrasings that reject common manners proven to receive instant applause. There is a giddy unreal quality to it. All this meaning that his support is based largely upon facing fantasy with opposed fantasy while privately counting on sensible measures of the copybook heading sort to prevail eventually. Hopefully. That is their hope. The basics to prevail. His teleprompter policy speech was all fundamentals. The sensible basics. Basic border seriousness, basic fiscal responsibility, basic international relationships.

Without a trace of faculty room theory.

This video is one month ago, so ancient at this point, and yet Carolla nails this, I think he has this explained precisely. Even Carolla's explanation is basic. I'm surprised anyone can find anything in this that is new to them. Yet the person he's talking to is surprised with such strange and thought provoking insights. And so are commenters on YouTube. "So, ah, this is the pushback, this is what's happening ... " Carolla agrees with me. He says it better than I do.

Chip Ahoy said...

There's a lot he left out that we discussed here and elsewhere. All over the place, actually. Dreadful details of how government departments, taxpayer money is spent to gin up social disruption. From the very start, the Boston cop and the rose garden beer session, through Travon Martin, the federal government interference is left out of the discussion, taxpayer money to advance a false racial narrative, Carolla left out concocting new racial categories to capture the race of Zimmerman as white.

Remember? Went like this:
Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white, Zimmerman white, Zimmerman white, Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white, Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white
Zimmerman white, Zimmerman white

That's by the minute reporting. Oops. HIs mama is native South American. Or something. But he sure does look and behave white. Okay, he's white-mexican even though mexico has nothing to do with it.

Carolla leaves out a ton of damning detail. Too wearisome to enumerate as litany. The unspoken wearisome litany too long to bother with anymore, it makes you sound like a little wound up bitch, and that more than anything explains Trump.

I like Carolla's description of the Guns and Roses musicians who has to grunge himself up for the stage. Trump doesn't know how to middle-class himself up. It's all new to him. Hardhat on the worksite with a gold shovel doesn't count. He behaves as he imagines he should behave to meet their expectations, he relies on their immediate feedback. And it's working brilliantly to secure their votes. He speaks their language fluently. That behavior is not of a clown. Clowns do not have national and world leadership in mind with their antics. It's too dismissive to be accurate.

I am interested and at this point becoming eager to see him bring all this directly to Hillary. He's already shown repeatedly his willingness to go where non-clown sensible people dare not tread. He goes directly there. And she's such a rich target adversary. Every single year of her political life is bursting with targets. Everything she did and didn't do is pulsating target. He is their cartoon super hero expected to tear her a new asshole and drag everything through it. Every and any unpleasant detail that flies through his cranium and spit out his mouth. That is what they (and I) want to see. Any crap he can think of and he thinks of lot just throw it out there. And while she's responding sensibly and presidentially throw another cold wet cow pie. Let everyone know why the woman is unfit for office and why it's an insult being on the same stage with her when by all justice she must be already locked up serving her time.

If he caves wouldn't that be a total bummer? People have caved before. But he really does have a ruthless I-don't-give-a-shit attitude, one that comes from security of money, that a lot of people find attractive.

Trooper York said...

Trump needs to spend the VP coin for the general. A woman or a minority or maybe even a general or something like that for foreign policy cred. Condi is a three way pick. Not that she has ever been in a three way.

It doesn't count as a three way if all three of them are girls.

Michael Haz said...

Supreme Court nomination would be a good offer. Could be a challenge, though, because so many Senators hate Cruz, bollixing up the nomination process.

Trump is going to name today the dozen or so people whom he would consider nominating to the Supreme Court. It'll be interesting to hear whther Cruz or Rubio are on that list.

Trooper York said...

Trump would only invade Poland if he got tired of Melania and wanted a replacement from a different Eastern European country.

Which is not happening because Melania assures me they are good.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

I think Trump will win Indiana convincingly. Ted Cruz will take stock. Then do what he always does. What is best in service of his personal ambition. He will concede the race and throw his support to Donald Trump. But he may ask to do it at a price. The VP.

I predict that is what is going to happen. Wait and see.

Cruz is getting more toxic - and more of a joke - by the day. As I've said, I'd love to see a poll regarding his shot at re-election - or how many Texans who, knowing what we know about him now, would like their primary vote for him back.

Cruz really gets him nothing. And he should have conceded yesterday, if he wanted a deal. If Trump takes IN by double digits (see my link above), it's too late. Also, if the West and the Bible Belt turn on Cruz after hearing about the delegate poaching, etc. (and I'll bet they do), he's toast. Even if he stays in until June, I'll bet Trump finishes with close to 1500 delegates.

The diehard Cruzzers will go home and sulk anyway.

Your idea about Cotton (or mine about Sessions) would be a much better fit in a lot of ways, particularly dealing with Congress, where nobody likes him.

Michael Haz said...

It is embarrassingly foolish to state that any American politician of any political party is equal to Hitler or any of his Generals.

I think you really mean his homies in the party.

Even some of the SS generals like Model and Dietrich acquitted themselves well, and the ones in the Wehrmacht - Rommel, Guderian, Kesselring, Doenitz, and von Manstein - are pretty well regarded.

The Dude said...

Marlene Dietrich? Yowzah!

edutcher said...

Michael Haz said...

Trump is going to name today the dozen or so people whom he would consider nominating to the Supreme Court. It'll be interesting to hear whther Cruz or Rubio are on that list

Just curious, but why would Rubio end up on a SCUS list? I wasn't aware he had any real legal cred.

As for Cruz, I know he's supposed to be the One True Conservative, but some of his votes say otherwise - he's also mobbed up with the Bush family and Heidi's The Girl From Goldman Sachs when she isn't walking into traffic. Seems to me somebody that untrustworthy is the last guy you want in the most influential sinecure in the world.


Trooper York said...

You have to look at the big picture Ed. If Trump gets Cruz on board it is a big get. He neutralizes a lot of the arguments of the #nevertrumpers and gives them cover to back down. Since Cruz is a rigid ideologe and not a deal maker he doesn't realize his leverage really goes down if he loses in Indiana. Now is the time to strike a deal and get the most out of it. He is deluded if he thinks he will be the nominee at a brokered convention.

I agree that his position is much worse after Indiana. But he is too ambitious not to take a shot. I just have a feeling he will betray his most fervent supporters. Just a feeling I have.

Trooper York said...

I think Cruz is a decent pick for the Court. A great deal for Trump to make. It gives him conservative cred and the chances are the Senate will reject him anyway since they all hate his guts. It's a win/win.

Michael Haz said...

If a deal is to be made, it will be made with Rubio, not Cruz. Rubio signaled interest yesterday when he said that he would not support Cruz if Cruz is the nominee. He did not make that same statement about Trump. A Trump/Rubio ticket would have a lot of positives, probably more positives than a Trump/Cruz ticket.

edutcher said...

Haz, the deal with Rubio was done long ago.

Trooper York said...

You have to look at the big picture Ed. If Trump gets Cruz on board it is a big get. He neutralizes a lot of the arguments of the #nevertrumpers and gives them cover to back down. Since Cruz is a rigid ideologe and not a deal maker he doesn't realize his leverage really goes down if he loses in Indiana. Now is the time to strike a deal and get the most out of it. He is deluded if he thinks he will be the nominee at a brokered convention.

No, I see where you're looking, but Cruz isn't the one.

And he's got that lovely history of knifing people, Trump included.

I agree that his position is much worse after Indiana. But he is too ambitious not to take a shot. I just have a feeling he will betray his most fervent supporters. Just a feeling I have.

On that, we agree. This piece was out back in IA, but it says he's the martyr.

edutcher said...

One other point about the NeverTrumpers; can't recall whether I saw it on Last Refuge or Surber, but the point was made most of the people behind that are out to soak the people with more money than brains out of as much money as possible between now and June.

When the primaries end, the NeverTrumpers go with them.

(I'll see if I can find the piece)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I got into it over at RedState, a few of the moderators are going there. They are going so far as saying they will vote for Hillary. That is insanity. Trump is likely a grifter, but he aint Hitler.

Many of those #NeverTrumpers are saying they are #NeverHillary too. You can always go to Colorado and reconcile your Gary Johnson vote with a bong hit and some edibles.

#NeverTrumpers will not be a factor. There will be conservatives who don't vote for him but I doubt any appreciable numbers will vote for Hillary instead. Statistically that will be a non issue. Trump does not need conservatives to win, he needs to win Democrats and Independents.

edutcher said...

5% say the crew at Last Refuge.

Trump will get plenty of Conservatives, just not those who fit the Libertarian definition of Conservatives.

Michael Haz said...

No doubt a good number of the #NeverTrumpers are liberals trying to make sure Trump is not the nominee.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cruz's only chance at winning at a brokered convention was doing decent last week, winning Indiana and splitting or winning California. The first is gone, Indiana looks in doubt and at best he might split California.

The GOPe will not go with Cruz, they will go with Trump at this point. Which is why they trotted out that old drunk Boehner to send a signal to the party. You also saw that with how the unfettered delegates went with Trump in Pennsylvania.

Michael Haz said...

Teamsters For Trump.

edutcher said...

Haz, Teamsters went for Nixon and Reagan. Always happens.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cruz's only chance at winning at a brokered convention was doing decent last week, winning Indiana and splitting or winning California. The first is gone, Indiana looks in doubt and at best he might split California.

The GOPe will not go with Cruz, they will go with Trump at this point.

Dude, at this point, they have no choice.

And splitting CA was a pipe dream when Trump went 28 up.

Trooper York said...

I agree Evi. He is going to reach out to the Reagan Democrats and even some of the Bernie Sanders millennials who would vote for him as a goof and to say fu to Hillary.

I keep saying this time and again and people like us who are too politically tuned in don't seem to get it. Most regular nonpolitical people are not afraid of Trump. He has been a guest in their home. They have seen him laughing with Joan Rivers and talking like a stern Dad to Darryl Strawberry. They have seen him jiving with rap stars like Lil John and talking patriotism and vets with Trace Atkins. So when some pointy headed poindexter political pundit calls him Hitler they just tune them out. If Trump can whip them up and motivate them they will vote in the millions. He is already on a pace to get the most total votes in Republican primaries ever in history. Don't the pundits and critics get that or can't they count?

Or do they just think that the peoples votes should not count. Aye theres the rub.

Trooper York said...

I think the VP will be a nod to the general electorate. My list starts with Tom Cotton but I don't think he needs to do that anymore. Condi is on the list. Senator Scott. Little Marco does have a shot. People forget that when Ford won he offered Reagan the VP slot and he turned it down. Kennedy took LBJ because he wanted to win. Their are often strange bedfellows.

I heard a longshot pick that might work. Joni Ernst.

The Dude said...

Joni Mitchell. Oh, right, she's another canuck. Never mind.

But I hear she likes Captain Morgellons, so come on down, matey!

windbag said...

...Hitler has been so many people now, he could be just about anybody and we would not even know it.

David Byrne agrees.

windbag said...

Since the VP rarely is important or ever heard from again, he could pick Bernie. Talk about a uniter, you'd have Millenials, Tea Partiers, Earth Firsters, OWS, and Dead Heads all waiting in line to pull the lever for the same guy.

edutcher said...

Ernst is a good pick, but she's only in the Senate what, 2 years?

Most Hispanics considered Conservative on the big stuff go squish on immigration.


Trooper York said...

She is a tea party conservative and a vet. Without a paper trail. Also a women to pick on Hillary. All of Carly's positives with none of her negatives. The only downside it is not a battleground state.

Little Marco is from a battleground state but Trump is very popular there already. So he is not really a good fit. Kasich is ...well he is Kasich. More trouble than he is worth. So he has to go full retard and pick a token as a nod to the idea that he has to be more presidential.

Niki Haley and Susan Martinez have sort of eliminated themselves. So Condi and Joni and Senator Scott are the tokens that are in the mix.

Darcy said...

Gosh, Condi would be amazing. But I can't see her standing on stage with the Trumpster. The class she exudes would upstage him and make him look even more buffoonish. Sorry. My rage is escaping.

I will get that under control and vote. It may take many martinis.

edutcher said...

Trump has more class than some want to believe.

Frankly, I think he's just having fun.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I agree with Troop that a lot of people get that Trump's thing is a shtick, like Don Rickels. They do not take it seriously.

Hillary hardly inspires the masses.

So he can win. But that assumes he can win over enough Democrats and minorities to make it work.

People have said she will go solid moderate with a Tim Kaine, rather than with someone like Fauxahontas (who could whip up a war whoop with the Bernie Comrades). We'll see.

Darcy said...

I don't think it's fun to hear him denigrate women the way he has. Not as a presidential candidate. Fun in a barroom, maybe. It's real, I'll give him that. I believe his various disparaging comments towards women are his actual thoughts/opinions. And truly, I am no better. But yikes. It's often too raw for me. Too negative. (Also, I'm not running for president)

Regardless, this is the man who has apparently been chosen to defeat evil Hillary. God help us. :)

edutcher said...

If it makes you feel any better, it doesn't endear him to me, either, but the Lefties will bowl you over if you let them. What he's doing is letting everybody know Hillary gets no slack cut because her plumbing is weird.

Trooper York said...

So Condi and Joni and Senator Scott are the tokens that are in the mix.

As I say, Joni would be great, but she needs a little more time in grade.

edutcher said...

FWIW, and we'll see, first OR poll. Trump up 17.

OR goes 5/17.

Trooper York said...

I think women should not take it as a personal affront when he talks about specific women. Should men take offense when Hillary slams a particular man? Listen when Trump slams Rosie O'Donnell he is not talking about all women. He has many women in his life who love him and speak highly of him. Even both of his ex-wifes which is very rare.

On the other hand who speaks up for Ted Cruz? Just sayn'

The Dude said...

Time in grade, what, to warm up? Where is John Nance Garner when you need him?

Trooper York said...

Lying around in a bucket of warm spit.

edutcher said...

All I'm saying is nobody is going to want someone with so little time in the majors.

Sessions or Lee would generate more confidence.

The Dude said...

Spit if you are lucky!

edutcher said...

The latest rumor, touted by Krauthammer, no less.

Rand will endorse Trump before IN.

Michael Haz said...

Losing candidates in a presidential primary are for sale. Most of them have left-over campaign debt and need to go begging for money to pay it off. Cruz spiffed Walker $50,000 for Walker's endorsement just before the Wisconsin primary.

Cruz also paid Fiorina $50,000 a month or so ago, and another $500,000 to get her to stand as his VP nominee.

No doubt Rand Paul has campaign debt that needs to be paid off, and no doubt Trump has money. A Rand Paul endorsement of Trump is not at all out of the question.

Remarkable how people who want to run the largest economy in the world can't manage their own campaign finances on any sort of a budget.

The Dude said...

An endorsement by Ayn Rand would have some value.

edutcher said...

Haz, Cruz paid Fiorina 2/21, not last month.

Michael Haz said...

Thanks for the correction.

Trooper York said...

I think the Rand Paul thing would be possible if Trump wasn't so freaking cheap.

edutcher said...

We'll soon see.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Discussing how Trump could be made to look better based on a really strategic and awesome VP pick - a bit like polishing a turd.

as Darcy said - 'Opps my rage is showing.'

Agree with Darcy @4:26.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

what else - Hitler is down in hell face palming. 'That orange Akin is nothing like me!'

edutcher said...

Lessee now, Trump is just shy of 1000 delegates, up 28 in CA, up 24 in Jersey, up 17 in OR.

Where are all of April's choices - besides Hillary, of course?

And, of yes, Trump in no longer in a dead heat, he's tied. When will he pass her?

While April is still bitching because she can't get a grip.

Trooper York said...

Ed we have to be good winners. You have to let the people who are losing miserably to get it out of the system. It is not seemly to gloat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What grip? Oh that crayon that's still lodged in your cranium? Can't help ya. You're still a good little blind faith soldier for Trump tho. Keep marching!

btw- I often say that I think Trump will be the nominee. You can't even tell the truth about that, can you? Nope.

edutcher said...

Trying real hard not to gloat, but, fool that I am, I think, if I point out the facts, we may get the reality across.

Yes, I know I lose patience.

the Irish in me. Maybe the dutch, too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thank you Troop.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Trump wins the presidency--- Ok Remember all that crap that was thrown at Dan Quayle? He was so Schtoopidz. hollywood insisted. You ain't seen notin' yet.

edutcher said...

A man takes a fortune in the millions and multiplies it several thousandsfold into the billions.

That man is not stupid.

And, if you believe Hollyweird, you deserve what you get.

Trooper York said...

Trump will be fine. He is an entertainer and he will keep America amused.

He can hire Butlers to do the rest.

edutcher said...

Somewhat OT, but in the spirit of the original post.

Letter with white powder sent to Donald Trump at his campaign HQ.

5 office workers and 1 NYPD officer under observation.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

edutcher said...Somewhat OT, but in the spirit of the original post.

Thanks, ed. It is in the spirit of he original post. Kooks who think Trump is Hitler or is even like Hitler will feel obliged to get rid of Trump. It's exactly where their mental illness will lead them.

The Dude said...

Quayle is stupid.