Thursday, April 28, 2016

"John Boehner talks election, time in office"

Ted Cruz:  Boehner made a face, drawing laughter from the crowd. “Lucifer in the flesh,” the former speaker said. “... I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

Donald Trump:  “[T]exting buddies.” for the most part accepted Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee, though he did express his surprise at the candidate’s success. While he did not praise Trump’s policies, the Speaker did say he would vote for Trump in the general election if he becomes the Republican nominee. The former Speaker said he would not, however, vote for Cruz.

Bernie Sanders:  While stating that he disagreed with Sanders on all the issues, the former Speaker also called Sanders a nice guy and the most honest politician in the race.

Hillary:  Early in the talk, the speaker impersonated Clinton, saying “Oh I’m a woman, vote for me,” to a negative crowd reaction. Later, he added that he had known Clinton for 25 years and finds her to be very accomplished and smart. Boehner also speculated about surprises that could come closer to the Democratic National Convention if Hillary Clinton’s emails became a larger scandal. “Don’t be shocked … if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen,” 

h/t twitter follower


edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

"I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

Seems to be a universal opinion. Even his friends don't like him.

But I do like that "Lucifer in the flesh” line. Kind of makes all of Troop's rimshots about Heidi and rush hour traffic believable.

I can't see Halo Joe saving the day. Fauxcahontas, maybe.

But, this may apply to the urgency of his comment. They're tied. Already.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I love that everyone hates Cruz. That makes him the most qualified to kick establishment ass.

Not to be.

Instead, we get a weird gold-plated angry clown(D).

ndspinelli said...

How can Trump be Hitler. The latter was an inspiring, eloquent speaker albeit pure evil. The former a rambling, bumbling, blowhard. But not pure evil.

edutcher said...

Sounds like Insta isn't the only place where the trip from Khartoum to Port Said is made by water.

AprilApple said...

I love that everyone hates Cruz. That makes him the most qualified to kick establishment ass.

No, it just may make him a sanctimonious jerk. Just because everybody ends up hating you doesn't make you competent.

Look at Adolf.

we get a weird gold-plated angry clown(D).

He's got better than 1000 delegates and he didn't have to cheat to get them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Instead, we get a weird gold-plated angry clown(D).

Today's English Lesson: Trump tanned in Tanzania.

edutcher said...

Doubt it.

Trooper York said...

Calling Trump Hitler is just the work of an unimaginative mind. A hack without creativity or any sort of interesting new perspective to offer.

There are tons of illusions and historical parallels in both history and popular entertainment. Lonesome Rhodes and Elmer Gantry and Harold Hill and even Jake Featherston could all be literate points of reference. Tom Watson or William Jennings Bryan or Father Coughlin or best of all Huey Long are much more relevant to what the Trump movement is all about.

Only hacks jump to the Hitler meme. Which is why you get it from media lapdogs, third rate pundits and commentors who are so over impressed with their perspicacity that they have to lecture other people every single time they appear to the point that people avoid blogs where they post hectoring everyone else.

Trooper York said...

A modicum of creativity would be appreciated in the spewing of invective but you have to realize the level of intellect you are dealing with and make allowances. Fuggededaboutit!

Amartel said...

What a timely warning as Genius just godwinned all over the floor upstream in the comments.

Amartel said...

His Satanic Majesty* probably made Boehner cry. The orange face of the establishment who could not say "no" to Obama. Cruz made his job difficult, said "no' on a regular basis. Was rude. Boehner's manly vengeance is to run to Stanford and talk about Cruz behind his back.

Amartel said...

So consider the source.

Amartel said...

Just a day or two ago all the Trump Fans were wrapped around the axle about "establishment conservatives." "Establishment conservatives" were bad, bad, bad. Elistist "prole" haters who have all the money and don't understand what it's like to work for living etc. etc. etc. Now you're quoting The Establishment (faux "conservative") positively because he's throwing Cruz under the bus. Incoherent.

Amartel said...

Incoherent like the sudden onset of Godwin concern. Rules for thee but not for me!

edutcher said...

Whatever, dear.

Trooper York said...

Who is touting Boehner? It's not Ed or me. What is happening is Ted Cruz fans are going nuts because this douche had nice things to say about Trump but hates Cruz so that somehow proves that Trump is establishment. Heres the thing. Almost everyone who gets to know Ted Cruz hates his guts. Boner is just one more of them. That's all. It's funny. You are using pretzel logic to try and make this a positive for Cruz. You can't. The nevertrumpers can't. I have to warn them. Teddy is going to really disappoint you.

Amartel said...

Cruz for President: He upsets all the right people.

Boehner and Trump are texting buddies, such pals. The Orange Establishment cometh.

"Pretzel logic," that's your specialty. You and Dear.

Darcy said...

Boehner needs his ass kicked worse than the obvious ass kicking given to Harry Reid. I know. Not very Christian of me.

I've tried to like that crying Cheeto (stolen from Facebook). Not going to happen. I think Cruz probably is a miserable bastard, but Boehner is worse for airing the party's dirty laundry during an election season. I have grown to dislike virtually every elected Republican and virtually all of the talking heads. Which makes it very hard to vote Republican.


Trooper York said...

You guys are getting silly now Amartel. I get it. You want Trump to disavow Boner like he had to do with David Duke? He has to swear to never play golf with him again.

Ted Cruz couldn't win an election for President of the Hair Club for Men.

Trumps hair might be fucked up but at least he has a sense of humor about it. That goes a long way with the electorate.

Trooper York said...

Trump doesn't need to disavow Boner. He should just say "Sure I text him and play golf with him. He is one of the politicians I had to buy. Just like Hillary. They are all whores. They can't buy me because I don't need the money. That's that."

Methadras said...

There is a reason why the Tang Man Boehner is not the speaker anymore and his whine just confirms what a cockbasket he really is. I'm not a fan of Cruz anymore, but the this fucking oompa loompa was the reason why Obama got the kind of traction he needed. I mean after all you could probably see Obama's skid marks on Boehners back anyway.

ricpic said...

Has there ever been a party as unrepresentative of its natural constituency as the Republicans? Boehner of course agreed with his very liberal interlocutor and his very liberal Stanford audience that social issues conservatism is such a drag on Republican prospects that support for such neanderthal stuff should be avoided at all costs. Paraphrasing but that was the gist of his hearty agreement with the death to Middle America crowd.

ndspinelli said...

Apparently obsessing on reality TV takes away peoples ability to read. It is clear, to anyone who can read on a 2nd grade level, I do not think Trump is Hitler. He cannot deliver a speech nearly as well as Adolph and he is not nearly as evil. Goebbels was a smart propagandist. I will have to reconsider. Maybe you're Oliver Stone. His brain atrophied from cocaine, yours from reality TV.

I do agree only hacks invoke Hitler. Look to your underemployed, angry, lap dog buddy. He's the one who did it. We went over this. Short term memory problems? Or, are you going to lie about me as you did bags, Mr Stone? It's on the record ass eyes. We discussed this, Oliver.

Amartel said...

You don't get it at all.
I don't care whether Establishment Don disavows his golfing and texting pal or any of his other pay for play buddies nor how he spins these "friendly" relationships. Not my problem. Don't care about his hair either. I see Fox News reporting on his new more presidential hairdo. Jesus H. Christ what a fucking joke, the news. My sole remaining form of political entertainment is watching Trump Fans' pretzel logic as their Savior, Establishment Donnie, attempts to make the difficult transition up the ladder from political favor crony to whore-in-chief.

Amartel said...

Cruz forced Boehner to shut down the government, which Boehner whined and worried about incessantly. Didn't do the Republicans any damage whatsoever in 2014 thus demonstrating that Boehner's leadership was a sham and a fraud. THANK YOU, sATANIC MAJESTY TED CRUZ.

ndspinelli said...

Amartel, You can often discern a demagogue more easily by their lemmings than by the demagogue himself.

Trooper York said...

I don't see how this is important. Another washed up politician gives his opinion on the race. Not an unusual one. He knows Trump and freeloaded off of him like many a politician does at his hotels and golf courses. And he hates Ted Cruz's guts. That describes just about the entire congress.

ndspinelli said...

LOL! I just read your little losers thread. At least he finally got some comments. H had to invoke Godwin and propagandize to do it. He's Michael Moore.

Trooper York said...

I might be obsessed with reality TV. Of course that is how you want to term it. I am interested it and follow it like I do baseball, science fiction, historical fiction, alternative history, cooking, religion, mystery writing, hard boiled film nior fiction and Westerns. I am interested in all of those things. I follow them. Write about them. Think about them.

I am not a boring control freak who has to control the conversation.

You see what I don't do is patrol various blogs to tell people what to think and what to say and to intimate that what someone says causes other people to act a certain way with a certainty of a religious fanatic. I don't presume to tell other people how to act in these threads and jump in to start trouble where there is none. If bags has a problem with me and how I have characterized his opposition to Trump then he is the one who should say it. He is a man and I respect him enough to let him speak for himself. For you to keep bringing this up is just you trying to start trouble just like you did with Lem. Why not take it back to Turley and whip up the people over there? Or did that joint decline in total comments for some reason? Could it be that hectoring posters about the content of the comments and their blogging decorum gets old real fast?

I think we are all big boys and girls and can speak for ourselves. Nobody is a puppet and nobody controls "lemmings" or whatever other bullshit that you can come up with to denigrate the opinions that you don't agree with.

ricpic said...

Did Trump make love to Boehner? No, it was Boehner who got all dreamy about Trump.

As John Friendly, the labor boss in On The Waterfront said to the Marlon Brando character, "Get rid of her [the Doyle gal], it's an UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP!"

My point? Think of Boehner as the Doyle gal.

Plus, I always wanted to sneak that comedy gold line into a comment. Screenplay by the great Budd Schulberg.

Trooper York said...

It is very hard to lose. When you team loses you get upset. That is natural. It is human. My teams lose all the time. But they also win a lot. I root for them when they are the Horace Clarke Yankees and I root for them when they are the Derek Jeter Yankees. Just as hard. Just as vehemently. That is why I respect Lem for his devotion to those loser Red Sox. You have to be true to your school.

One of the main differences between men and women is that most women don't play much competitive sports. It is changing but the nature of competition is changing as well. Stiill most don't have the experience of losing and having to come back the next time. The #Nevertrumpers are losing. Losing badly. They are womanish in their petulance. I know that is not politically correct and sort of insulting to real women like DBQ and Darcy and MamaM. But those ladies are what I term "real women." Who are strong enough not to care about what other people say and what is the politically correct thing to say or do. They are practical and have extensive real world experience.

I understand why it is hard to come back when you have lost and take the ribbing. It is human. No harm done.

It is important to be a gracious winner. I hope Trump can do that. I have my doubts but lets see how it goes.

edutcher said...

No, Troop's right about David Duke. Face it, anybody who can get the support of David Duke and Louis Farrakhan is a uniter, not a divider.

Amartel said...

Cruz for President: He upsets all the right people.

Good thinking, sweetie. And how does he govern? If everybody in Congress hates him, how does he get any legislation through?

Or does he just do executive orders? (we've already got that)

PS Had this confab any number of times at Insta and never did get an intelligible answer.

Cruz forced Boehner to shut down the government, which Boehner whined and worried about incessantly. Didn't do the Republicans any damage whatsoever in 2014 thus demonstrating that Boehner's leadership was a sham and a fraud. THANK YOU, sATANIC MAJESTY TED CRUZ.

Tell me, how much money did that save?

If it saved any at all. It was a gesture. A show.

ricpic said...

Who's Troop's "angry. lapdog buddy?"

I feel so out of it.

Gosh, I hope it's not me!

Trooper York said...

Budd Schulberg is a giant. But as ricpic can tell you he is in the New York Jewish tradition and uses a lot of memes and themes common to his time in that tradition.

Two of his movies are particularly relevant to the current political situation.

"A Face in the Crowd" starring Andy Griffith of all people in a riveting role as a media creation that surely will remind you of the Donald.

"What Makes Sammy Run?" with its depiction of a grasping shmuck who is the epitome of so many politicians is uncanny in its relevance to what is going on today.

My personal favorite is his novel "The Harder They Fall" which was made into a movie with Bogart. Crime writing at its best.

Ric has good taste.

ricpic said...

I've got an uncomfortable feeling Darcy could beat the tar out of me in a competitive sport.

There, I've said it! Talk about honesty.

Trooper York said...

I think he is talking about chickenlittle. You see Mr. Peabody was mocking chickie for people not commenting on his posts to cause trouble. When he has never attempted to post anything on any blog anywhere. It is not easy to throw something up there to get people to comment on and to get responses. It is especially not easy to do it every day. That is one of the joys of Lems Levity. No one person has to carry the load. Thanks to Lems Leadership and generous nature we can all do our thing and bring something to table.

I'm Full of Soup said...


We need less legislation not more.

Let's repeal half of the bullshit regulations we have now.

Saw Rep. Trey Gowdy last night trying to explain to OReily why they haven't passed Kate's Law. He explained they combined it with a bunch of other rules and regulations and so it can't get support.

Kate's Law should be one f-ing page long for God's sake and it would force Dems and Repubs to publicly take a stand before this election. Yet our Repub Congress can't get it to a vote? Sheer and utter stupidity and incompetence.

ndspinelli said...

Hey ass eyes, every time I call you on your horseshit and bullying ways you invoke Turley and then project onto me all of what YOU do. You just got busted ass eyes. You KNOW I wasn't invoking Hitler. I was invoking a right wing propagandist and you AGREED calling you Herr Goebbels was OK. IT'S ON THE RECORD! But, being Oliver Stone, you tried to demonize me and help your little buddy while I was out on the beach walking. Speaking of walking, you should take some. We are body, mind and spirit and you desperately need to balance those 3 spheres.

"Trying to start trouble" is not what I'm doing ass eyes. I'm simply one of the folks who stands up to your bullying and Trump propaganda. Almost all my comments are good nature. Try commenting on some light hearted threads. You'll see. There are good "tranny" and Venezuela ones by Lem. I engage in friendly banter almost all the time. It's on the record.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Kate Steinle will be dead one year on July 1st - in a little more than 60 days and yet our Congress can't even get this simple idea to a vote by now?

edutcher said...

Oh, cute, the donors must be distancing themselves in droves. Now the One True Ted wants to raise money off death threats to his stooge delegates.

Stick the proverbial fork.

AJ Lynch said...

We need less legislation not more.

Let's repeal half of the bullshit regulations we have now.

Even that requires a bill through Congress

Trooper York said...

Bullying? Is that what I am doing?

I don't care if you call me Goebbels. I think it is trite and hackneyed but that is the best you can come up with so I agreed to go along with it so you don't hurt your fingers slamming onto the keyboard to TYPE IN CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!

First with Lem and now with bags you are inserting yourself in between two people who did not ask you for your help. I am not trying to "help my little buddy." Chickie is more than capable of standing on his own two feet. I think he had the same experience that I had with you and Turley. You came over here and campaigned for people to leave Lem's place to go to Turley's and when we found it distasteful for a variety of reasons you freaked out. Some people like Pogo found a new home there. Nobody cares about that and we all wish him and anyone who prefers it there well. Chickie and I are not the ones trying to control the dialogue. We are just putting out posts for people to commment on. That is what blogging is about after all.

I don't think I am a bully. Maybe I am. I would take other peoples opinions on that. Objective not obsessive people. If that is the general con census then I will dial it back a little. I know I like to argue and I have some strong opinions and I can certainly be an asshole. But I go into it with my eyes wide open. I think if we have an election for bully in chief I might be Little Marco. That would make you Trump.

Enjoy your walks. Maybe being off the internet is the best thing for you.

edutcher said...

Hey, I thought Lonesome Rhodes was the Anointed One.

Or was it Kasich?

Maybe Bernie?

The Dude said...

Andy Griffith was a rat bastard communist.

Darcy said...

Hi Rick! I would let you win. ;)

On another note, I <3 Chick's posts! They're often way above my pay grade which is why I may have been timid to comment! But I read.

ndspinelli said...

I always enjoy my walks. Got caught in a rare rain shower. But still enjoyable. BODY, mind and spirit. BODY, mind and spirit.

ndspinelli said...

I did not know that about Andy. I do know Floyd had a stroke after the first season and Andy pushed to have him stay on. That's why, after his stroke, Floyd was always seated in the barber chair. And, Ron Howard always said Andy treated him like a son. I'll take your word Andy was a Commie. But, he seems to have been a good guy.

ndspinelli said...

Can one be a Commie and a good guy? I tend to think so. Others will disagree.

Amartel said...

Andy Griffith shilled for Obamacare.
"A Face in the Crowd" is a great movie. Directed by Elia Kazan of Shunned-by-Progressive-Snowflake-Hollywood fame for telling the truth, about himself and his commie pals.

Amartel said...

"Can one be a Commie and a good guy?"
Yes. See above. Though I think Kazan had second thoughts about commies.

Amartel said...

Once they start making money suddenly they're not commies anymore.
Gives me some hope for these millenials I keep hearing about.
Though their opportunities to make money are fast being disappeared.

ndspinelli said...

Putin is probably the richest man in the world. I consider him a Commie.

ndspinelli said...

There be some rich fucking Commies in China!

The Dude said...

He was a collectivist and believed in massive overreach of government. He played an aw shucks kind of guy, but talk about a grasping, greedy, mean spirited man. Once he got his he pulled up the drawbridge. Maybe that makes sense, but those who encountered him say he was a miserable human being.

He went full commie when he started shilling for Obamacare. Never go full commie. I cannot stand to hear that RBC's voice to this day.

But AFitC was directed by Elia Kazan, so I can't get all vituperative about that movie.

As for good commies - sure, it is said that Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was as sweet as could be to the 40,000,000 people he murdered. Just misunderstood, right? And Castro? A laugh riot as he imprisoned and tortured those who could not escape his glorious socialist utopia. Have you ever talked to anyone from Cuba? They all speak very highly of Fidel and Che - the wit that Ernesto used when he lined up school children against the wall and shot them, all while laughing - still heart warming after all these decades.

ndspinelli said...

The Venezuela thread shows the perils of rich Commies Gone Wild.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, I'm not talking Commie leaders. I agree they are all, to varying degrees, evil and murderous. I'm talking the average Joe Commie.

ndspinelli said...

I had a philosophy professor who was a Commie. He was funny, let us smoke in class, and as I look back on some of what he said, prescient. We called him Radical Ray Backus. He was friends w/ Angela Davis. Now, she was a bitch Commie!

The Dude said...

So, Bernie bros, who want to be the next Che.

Communism is as close to pure evil as anything on this earth. There is no excusing it, no ignoring it, and as long as our institutions are run by communists, it is an evil that will flourish in this formerly great nation.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Trump is a grifter, but he aint Hitler!

Amartel said...

Angela Davis, leading the Comfortable Communist life as a professor on the public dime, giving lectures calling for revolution and the release of various and sundry "political" prisoners, aka murderers who, unlike herself, were successfully prosecuted and imprisoned.

Amartel said...

Rich commies don't earn or make money, they take it from other people. Then they say it's for the "greater good."

ndspinelli said...

The Pope is a Commie and wrong on many issue IMO, but he seems like a nice guy. I have friends and family who are pretty far left, not Commies, but pretty fucking close. Some are assholes, some nice people. At the other end, I have some pretty to very conservative friends and family..same deal. Some, nice, some assholes. I had a dear friend die a couple years ago. A WW2 veteran, retired Federal Probation Officer. He was a hardcore socialist. But, he was not one to foist his beliefs and he didn't propagandize. He walked the walk. He was always helping the homeless. He got me to do the same. Just one on one. No organization, just helping homeless people. I've been continually called "judgmental" by a certain person here. I do judge people. We ALL do. But, I judge people by how they treat me and others. Their politics is down the list w/ me.

ricpic said...

"Trump is a grifter..."

Not saying he ain't but how? How is he a grifter? In his hotels and casinos he provides a service. Enough find it satisfactory for him (most of the time) to turn a profit. As to using the bankruptcy laws to his advantage...I don't pretend to understand how he uses them but is that theft?

ndspinelli said...

Show business is virtually all Commies and the most ruthless biz out there.

ndspinelli said...

Let me say to the lies about me wanting people to "Leave Lem's Place." NEVER did I suggest, think, feel, want people to "leave" Lem's. That accusation comes from someone who led an exodus from TOP. All I ever suggested was people TRY another venue. This either/or is so ingrained in some people. You're either "with us or agin us, pardner." This accusation comes from someone who has routinely talked about trying other blogs. I have been a faithful commenter here. I have said when I thought this place got stale and I have praised it when I thought is was interesting. Some folks demand blind loyalty. Thankfully, Lem isn't one of those people. He has a successful blog.

ndspinelli said...

Lem obviously doesn't feel threatened by other blogs. He links to them. Including Turley's. So, there's that.

The Dude said...

Enough about history, okay? How about we discuss what is vitally important to the world right now - will the Raiders move from Oakland to Las Vegas. What are the pros and cons? Would the NFL even allow such a move?

You were just there, Nick - what do the bookmakers say about that subject?

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

Trump is a grifter...

Not saying he ain't but how? How is he a grifter?

That's a troll's trick. Throw something out like it's fact without anything to back it up.

This is why I don't spend much (if any) time at Insta. Or TOP.

Always too much of that.

Amartel said...

Pros: Raiders leave the SF Bay Area.
Con: Oakland stuck with the bill for building out that stadium with public funds.

The Dude said...

As if I care about Oakland - ha - it is to laugh!

Amartel said...

Ha, you asked for the pros and cons. Just pointing out that that was a "con," just like all sports stadiums funded by the public.

The Dude said...

Al Davis knew cons, that's for sure.

Trooper York said...

All the cons used to play for the Raiders. That was when they were good.

edutcher said...

This should warm the cockles of everyone's heart. Looks like the honeymoon, and the marriage, is over.

Cruz now denies he-and Kasich had any alliance.

Kasich calls Cruz a liar.

Amartel said...

True. Back in the Madden days. Now they just show up on game day and riot in the parking lot. Vegas can have them. Put 'em out in the desert somewhere.

The Dude said...

Aw, you say that like it's a bad thing. SILVER AND BLACK, BABY!!!

Leland said...

I'm late to the party, but interesting that Boehner's Republican predecessor was recently judged to be a serial pedophile, yet to Boehner; Cruz is Lucifer.

Michael Haz said...

Boehner has proved himself to be as loathsome as we had though him to be. He was the enemy of conservativism, and we knew it.

Michael Haz said...

Eyes on the prize, don't be disheartened, friends. Do what needs to be done to protect the constitution, no matter how unseemly that may feel to you.

edutcher said...

Leland said...

I'm late to the party, but interesting that Boehner's Republican predecessor was recently judged to be a serial pedophile, yet to Boehner; Cruz is Lucifer.

To work with.

An important qualifier.

ndspinelli said...

"Just win baby!" Davis son is buffoonish. The NFL treated his old man like a redheaded stepchild. They treat his son like a mongoloid. Sixty, I have not heard about the Raiders moving to Vegas. I always thought an NBA team would make that first step into Satan City. I am sick and tired of all the Chargers need a new stadium horseshit. There should not be one fucking cent of taxpayer money for any stadium. Hard working cooks, janitors and maids paying for a new palace for royalty. It sickens me.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

"Trump is a grifter..."

Did you just call me a troll ed? Because of course it's fine to call Cruz "Lyin' Ted"

Since you asked: A grifter is one who swindles you through deception or fraud. Here's an example of Trump doing that:

Trump pretends to be all anti immigration and pro American and then hires seasonal foreign workers for his properties in Florida (literally hundreds of employees). I am sure those foreign workers he hires are great and make superb Cuba Libres and probably easier to deal with and control than South Florida employees, but...

So is Trump actually doing something illegal (leaving that whole Trump U fraud suit thing out of this), no he's playing the system. But is he grifting his followers by saying one thing and doing another?

Hey, if he wins and proves me wrong, I will be first to say I was wrong about the guy.

Trooper York said...

That's fair enough Evi. It is the same for any politician.

Trump has the morals of a New York Real Estate Businessman.

Cruz has the morals of a Trial Lawyer.

You have to decide which one you can stomach.

edutcher said...

I said it's a troll's trick to make provocative a statement and not back it up.

And hiring seasonal workers does not make him a grifter. Trump says he can't get the help. Prove he's lying.

How many cattle calls has he held and had few Americans show up? How many people backed out because it was only 13 weeks' work? Unless you have stats to back it up, you've got zip.

And I think you should show us all how it's illegal. We've been through this before, so it's old ground.

And the Trump U suit has nothing to do with fraud or it wouldn't be a civil suit.

But what you're trying to do, saying it's illegal is a troll's trick because there's no basis for it. If there were, the Lefties would be all over him.?

edutcher said...

One other thing.

When I worked for the IRS, we used to have cattle calls right before tax season. If you knew the people who came in for a couple of weeks' training to be "tax examiners" and process your return, you'd melt.

Think biker girls with tats and nose rings who could bench press a Harley, chicks looking to make just enough money so they could live their true avocation - following the Dead on tour.

Just because somebody shows up doesn't mean they're right for the job.

Methadras said...

AJ Lynch said...


We need less legislation not more.

Let's repeal half of the bullshit regulations we have now.

Saw Rep. Trey Gowdy last night trying to explain to OReily why they haven't passed Kate's Law. He explained they combined it with a bunch of other rules and regulations and so it can't get support.

Kate's Law should be one f-ing page long for God's sake and it would force Dems and Repubs to publicly take a stand before this election. Yet our Repub Congress can't get it to a vote? Sheer and utter stupidity and incompetence.

There should be a law governing that all legislation must be titled to actually reflect the purpose of the law. No more titles that are flowery and to seek sympathy. Also, they should be no more than 12 pages long in plain english with no amendments allowed. All amendments should be laws on their own. Legislation as it stands currently is the worst form of sausage making I've ever seen. The utter crap in written laws now are just abhorrent.

edutcher said...

I think a big part of the problem is lawyers write the laws so only they can understand them.

The other is you have professional politicians. They want people to think only they are equipped to govern. If Mark Levin was right about only one thing, it was term limits for Congress.

ndspinelli said...

While the term "trial lawyer" refers to any litigator, it has evolved into referring to plaintiff's attorneys who sue on behalf of injured parties. Cruz didn't practice law very long. He was hired by a litigation DC firm[Cooper and Kirk] but mostly worked for the NRA which was a big client of his firm. So, "trial lawyer" is not accurate. He only practiced for a year.

I despise spin, propaganda, lies, horseshit. I can smell it. I can fucking taste it. Cutting through this bullshit is what I've done for a living for 40 years. This middle school, ham n' egger, propaganda repulses me. I don't really give much of a shit about Cruz, Trump, Kasich. I despise Hillary. But even despising her, I don't want propaganda. It is antithetical to everything I believe.

Methadras said...

edutcher said...

This should warm the cockles of everyone's heart. Looks like the honeymoon, and the marriage, is over.

Cruz now denies he-and Kasich had any alliance.

Kasich calls Cruz a liar.

Cruz laid a trap, got Kasich to take one for the team and then did a bait-and-switch. Guess what he'll do as president? I never thought Cruz would be this slimy on the way to gaining power. This is what being DC this long does to you. The entire place is a cursed den of corrupted thieves.

Trooper York said...

He is a lawyer who practices so he is a trial lawyer. Just like a pathologist is a doctor even if he doesn't prescribe pills.

Which might be someone to consult if you run the danger of ranting like a lunatic over simple phrases. Also a head doctor might help with the delusions of grandeur that force you to comment on every other comment to tell everyone what the true facts are in every single case. Jeeeze. Chillax dude you are gonna pop a vessel.

Methadras said...

Michael Haz said...

Boehner has proved himself to be as loathsome as we had though him to be. He was the enemy of conservativism, and we knew it.

It looks like Boehner extended his extermination business to his seat in the House. He sure knew how to kill the infestation of prosperity all right.

Blogger Michael Haz said...

Eyes on the prize, don't be disheartened, friends. Do what needs to be done to protect the constitution, no matter how unseemly that may feel to you.

I'm sure with Ryan on the scene The Constitution is in good hands. After all, passing a $1.1T omnibus bill against the will of the voters sure makes you look like a Constitutional warrior doesn't it? You know what was funnier? His excuse for why he and the house had to do it. There wittle, itty, bitty hands were tied. To hear him say that and not laugh in his fucking face for the bald faced lie it was would take all of my powers to control my anger and not crush in the skull of that doe-eyed goober.

edutcher said...

Methadras said...

Cruz laid a trap, got Kasich to take one for the team and then did a bait-and-switch

In what way did Kasich take one? And what kind of trap?

If anything, it seems to me Kasich drilled Cruz, by not staying out of IN.

If you're seeing something I'm not, please feel free to elucidate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The two orange frauds text each other. Is that constitutional?

ndspinelli said...

LOL! I got a fucking bra salesman telling me shit about my biz for 40 years. NYer personified. Not all lawyers are trial lawyers. That is a FACT. Indeed, many lawyers NEVER set foot in a courtroom their entire career. I don't know the percentages and don't want to waste time researching for a bullshitter. But I would make an INFORMED and EDUCATED guess that most[over 50%] of attorneys are not litigators. Amartel is an attorney and might weigh in on this. You just pissed on your leg big boy.

Trooper York said...

Well I stand corrected. When you put it that way not all lawyers are trial lawyers. So Ted Cruz is a real estate lawyer or probate lawyer and never litigated? I was not aware of that. I thought he argued cases and went to trial even to the Supreme Court. I must be misinformed. Thank you for clearing that up.

Trooper York said...

Also I would never try to tell you your business. Who am I to do that. I mere bra salesman. I am not worthy of such an honor.

I don't know anything about peeping in windows and going through peoples garbage cans for clues. You are the expert. Bar none.

The Dude said...

Just here to roll the odometer.

I guess I could repeat my favorite knock-knock joke - that's always good for a laugh. You know the one, from Catch Me if You Can. Tom Hanks as Agent Hanratty tells it. Best knock-knock joke ever. Evah!

Methadras said...

edutcher said...

Methadras said...

Cruz laid a trap, got Kasich to take one for the team and then did a bait-and-switch

In what way did Kasich take one? And what kind of trap?

If anything, it seems to me Kasich drilled Cruz, by not staying out of IN.

If you're seeing something I'm not, please feel free to elucidate.

Let me rephrase that. Cruz/Kasich worked out some sort of collusion. I thought Kasich agreed to pull out of IN and when he didn't, and their collusion broke down, and Cruz threw him under the bus by baiting and switch that he never had a deal. Did I see that wrong? Maybe I did. It happens that I misinterpret things.

Methadras said...

AprilApple said...

The two orange frauds text each other. Is that constitutional?

If it isn't enumerated in the Constitution, then it's left up the states, if the states don't enumerate it, then it's good to go.

edutcher said...

OK, I'm hip.

I don't think that's bait and switch as much as a lawyer pulling something out of the fine print to let him out of the deal. In this case, Cruz is trying to say he didn't do on Monday what he crowed about doing on Monday. I don't see this as throwing Kasich under the bus as there isn't any bus. Besides, the damage is done.

Kasich, who I believe already has a deal with Trump, did what he's been doing all along and looking out for Number One.

We keep hearing how smart the One True Ted is, but this week he's done nothing but dumb stuff.

But, I agree. It's all in the perspective.

Consider the hissy fit over at Power Line. They're mad at Daniels and Pence for not trying to throw IN for Daddy Cruz the way Ryan (who goes unnamed) did in WI. They yell about how Walker endorsed, but they don't mention how the Amanda Carpenter crowd is bombarding Pence with all manner of tweets threatening his political future.

Daniels is lucky, he's retired.

chickelit said...

spinelli wrote: I do agree only hacks invoke Hitler. Look to your underemployed, angry, lap dog buddy.

That, folks, nearly word-for-word --is the essence of "mean-Titus" right down to Titus' obsession with "underemployed."

Where I'm coming from folks is an exchange I had with Nick a year or so ago about Titus over at Troops after Titus had obviously engaged in what I would call snooping. Nick's response was, parapharsing: "No, he [Titus] hasn't gone too far -- I'll tell you when he's gone too far."

Fuck you and your high horse, Spinelli.

chickelit said...

@Spinelli: I do appreciate that you mostly stay out of the comments in my posts. Please keep it that way.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Nick, I am finding a negroni or two helps. I know you like them too.

I like Cruz, but damn if he doesn't have the gift of running people the wrong way. Cruz did nothing wrong, he was just not right for enough voters. So he is not going to prevail. Unfortunately if you can't build any momentum in your own party it is hard to win the general. I do not see any path for him other than back to Texas as Senator. He can tell McConnell to go fuck himself, which is always fun.

I am a #NeverHillary. If Trump is the candidate, and he looks like it will be him, let's see how he does. I think it is a mistake, but let's see how he does against the Red Witch. I wonder if she starts to falter if they will pull the plug on her and try to stick Biden in there. The Democrats are the party of choice.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I despise Boehner, but I have the feeling he was sent out to signal it is over for Cruz. Like an Orange Roughie wrapped in a cocktail napkin.

edutcher said...

FWIW, I'll try to keep this neutral.

I think Cruz did a lot more wrong than his admirers want to believe, but that's matter of perception and that perception is part of what did him in.

If you want some good objective analysis of why he didn't prevail, try this one as well as this one.

As for Trump as a mistake, he, as Troop noticed, seemed to do well in open primaries, so he appears to be attracting crossovers. He's also disabled 2 of Hillary's biggest weapons and, before either of the conventions, is tied with her, rare for anyone running as a Republican.

I don't think he's a mistake, but a different kind of candidate. If there's a mistake, the Demos made it, and I think they'll pay heavily.


chickelit said...

edutcher said...I don't think he's a mistake, but a different kind of candidate. If there's a mistake, the Demos made it, and I think they'll pay heavily.

The Dems will fight dirtier than ever before to destroy Trump. They may even invent new, never-before-seen methods of trench political warfare. We are in unfamiliar territory. Witness the VA convict voting, for example.

ndspinelli said...

Evi, If people would do a little background work I would have some respect for what they say. My choice is Cruz over Trump. I know Cruz is a slimeball and it is unenthusiastic. Who the fuck running isn't a slimeball? But the Cruz haters could do some work instead of running their mouths and shooting from the hip. In response to the "Lucifer" comment Cruz says he hardly knows Boehner so how could Boehner say that about him. Well, it turns out, Cruz's DC firm represented Boehner in a dispute w/ another Congressman over a taped phone conversation and Cruz was assigned to the case. So, for the Trump operatives, alert Trump Tower. There is some factual evidence to back up the "Lyin' Ted" claim.

ndspinelli said...

chick, You come @ me w/ your passive-aggressive horseshit, armed w/ your Monroe, WI. Cheese Days cheddar slicer, and do a nasty hit job accusing me of something that is false. So, I hit you w/ both barrels of my 12 gauge. You KNOW I have not commented on any of your posts for some time and have deleted my comments going back to last year. You come @ me and I will come @ you much harder. But, it won't be on your thread. Even when you slime me w/ a post.

ndspinelli said...

And get some help w/ that Titus obsession. I mean damn..he is in your head big time.

edutcher said...

chickelit said...

The Dems will fight dirtier than ever before to destroy Trump. They may even invent new, never-before-seen methods of trench political warfare. We are in unfamiliar territory. Witness the VA convict voting, for example.

They're scared. They know Trump won't be "Presidential". They know he won't be a "gentleman".

They know he will beat them at their own game.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Nick, I am a Cruz supporter too...but it is not going to happen.

Yeah, Trump has been full of shit in sliming him. Okay. I am not going to lose friends over this. I am waiting to see the general election now. I hope I will be pleasantly surprised and Trump will prove me wrong.

Somehow I doubt it, hence the negronis. Sometimes I go with Manhattans.

So congratulations to my Trump friends. I wish you the best against Witch Hillary.

And Leave Ted Cruz Alone!, he's suffered enough!

Anonymous said...

He has the kiss of death. At TOP, then Turley, now here, lol. Turley's blog has crumbled, all that's left are conspiracy theorists and The Dick. Once anyone gets to know him, they pretty much hate him. Oh Karma, you are so sweet.

ndspinelli said...

Giovanna is a takeoff on my granddaughter's name. Ingeberg Dieterich stalks my family. She better be cautious. Very cautious.