Friday, April 22, 2016

Just popping in to say Happy Earth Day?

Cat photobomb


ndspinelli said...

I like both cats and dogs. I'm not a fan of "you gotta choose."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As long as kitty flew in using his private jet, it's all good.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Look at that face. That's a face.

ndspinelli said...

I was looking @ AirBnb's for a destination. I looked @ ~10 properties and 8 had cats. I do like cats. I'll always stop and pet them. But if I'm in a house w/ cats sometimes my eyes get watery. WTF w/ AirBnB and cats?

ndspinelli said...

I'm afraid to name the destination as it might be "snobbish."

AllenS said...

Go ahead, Nick.

deborah said...

I can haz gorlivr burgr?

deborah said...

It's just us, Nick.

edutcher said...

Earth Day, another phony observance from the campus commandos.

PS Looks like Mooch (no, not her, the one from Mutts).

The Dude said...

That is a good looking kitty.

Mutts is an SJW strip for animals, and it became so preachy I couldn't stand to read it. I have plenty of pets, full up, thanks, but all the preaching in the world will not make me rescue any more. A man's got to know his limits. Ultimately the humor in that strip got replaced with smugness and earnest virtue signalling. No thanks.

AllenS said...

You're better off owning a cat. Obama has been known to eat dogs.

edutcher said...

Sixty, I don't think it's that SJW, but, yeah, I can see a little consciousness raising a couple of time a year about adoption wouldn't be that bad.

To each his own.

The Dude said...

I get it - what bothered me was the constant harping. Message received. Endless repetition of a message, even one I agree with, to the exclusion of humor put me right off that strip. Comedy - focus on the comedy.

On a side note, a friend of mine who volunteers in a shelter says that for the first time in years the place is not overrun with puppies. Perhaps more people are being responsible pet owners. I have my doubts, but that is a trend I could live with.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Everyday is earth day at chateau D & D (Dumbplumber & Dust Bunny Queen). Just not in the way that the pretentious Green Weenies think it is. We are just about ready to burn the trimmings from the apple, pear, cherry, plum, walnut trees. The ash gets tilled back into the ground. The compost bins are also about full and marinated enough to put onto the raised beds and turned into the soil for planting. Our growing season is pretty short, but with global warming and all, it seems to be getting longer :-D

Time to break out the sprayers and get rid of the weeds and grass growing in the drive, around the buildings, among the pipe and other plumbing supplies stored outside. I'm not pulling an acre of weeds by hand. Die weeds DIE. Too bad if it means I don't get my eco-badge again this year.

The grass/yard area needs to be re seeded and mulched. The gophers did a number on it last year...the little pricks. Till the orchard area and smooth it down from the GD Ground Squirrels and Gophers. Roses and some trees treated for aphids. One apple tree seems to have gotten a fungus so ...spray time there too. Time to power wash the decks and the gutters. Took the backhoe to the blackberry bushes and cleared them from encroaching on the other plants. Blackberry bushes just never learn to keep in their place.

Speaking of cats. Our male cat, who just showed up one day and now owns the place, is a hunter extraordinaire. He gets the gophers, squirrels, mice, snakes and birds. Not too happy about the quail, but waddagonnado. A cat has to be a cat and it keeps the quail on their little birdie toes.

Earth Day. Every single day.

Methadras said...

Adorable cat face. I'm not a cat guy, but that's an adorable cat.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Cats keep away mosquitos?

If true, are they a natural answer to zika?

ndspinelli said...

Allen, It's Minneapolis. With our new granddaughter, we want to spend more time in the Twin Cities this summer but don't want to impose, or stay in hotels. So, I'm looking for a simple place on the cheap in someone's house. But, all I'm seeing are spooky cat ladies and gay boys. NTTAWWT.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If lefties were serious about Earth Day they would put down every house cat in America. They are an introduced species and kill a lot of birds. Of course if they were serious, they would put down 99.9% of the human population. I wonder who they would let live...

The Nazis used to call it lebensraum and lebensgesetzlich

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Seen on Twitter...

"It's always earth day in NK."