Saturday, April 30, 2016

Live feed view of Earth from the International Space Station


Dead Sea from the Israel side (Link)


ndspinelli said...

John Coleman was a local meteorologist in Chicago when we lived there. He started the Weather Channel, sold it and moved to San Diego where he was an affable local weather guy. He has been an outspoken critic of Global Warming and often points out 64% of meteorologists don't believe in it. He produced a movie, Climate Hustle, that comes out in a few days. Look for a full propaganda assault from the left. They have a superb propaganda machine, particularly on this subject. I wonder if Charlie Hustle is in the flick?

ndspinelli said...

Lem, I don't have your email, otherwise I would write you back channel. Giovanna and Mr. Peabody are Ingeberg Dieterich, a person who has stalked me and my family. Could you please delete her comments on the Peggy Noonan and ISIS threads. I am truly sorry for all the drama.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

No problem...

ndspinelli said...

Thank you, Lem. I truly appreciate your help.

ndspinelli said...

And, I will delete my comments that are in response.

Anonymous said...
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ndspinelli said...

Here's a heartwarming story. Clyde Stubblefield is known as the Funky Drummer. He was James Brown's drummer. My son is engaged to one of Clyde's nieces. Clyde is a great guy and as you might imagine, has many great stories. Clyde has serious medical issues. He has battled cancer, the sugar, and kidney failure. He's on dialysis. A while back, Clyde had some serious medical bills from a battle w/ cancer. Prince heard about Clyde's troubles and paid the bill. 90K. Prince wanted no attribution. But, since he died, Clyde and his wife thought folks should know.