Monday, April 25, 2016

Would colleges play this movie today?


Methadras said...

Blazing Saddles would be right out. It would make all the special snowflakes run to their safe spaces and whither into fetal positions.

Amartel said...

Yeeeaaah, so much for Tropic Thunder Studies 101. Honestly, I didn't really like it that much. Kept getting it mixed up with Pineapple Express. Those sloppy-stoned-fatsos-somehow- get-happy-endings Apatow movies all started to blend together after a while.
But yaknow, this movie's probably been incorporated into a Media Studies course of some kind. White Transgressions: An Exploration of the Appropriations of Black Bodies in 21st Century Cinema.
Some shit like that.

Leland said...

Colleges have gone full retard. You never go full retard.