Thursday, April 21, 2016

Paglia suspects Hillary goiter

"And what about that persistent cough? “Allergy season,” the hacking Hillary claimed on a New York radio show this week. (“You all right? Any mouth to mouth CPR?” joked a host.) I’m just a Ph.D., not an M.D., but I’ll put my Miss Marple hat on here. Am I the only one who noticed Hillary’s high-wrap collar, pallid, puffy face, and bulging eyes during her choleric New Hampshire primary concession speech in February? (Another unusually high collar followed the next morning.)

My tentative theory is that Hillary may have sporadic flare-ups of goiter, worsened under stress. Coughing is a symptom. High collars mask a swollen throat. In serious cases, an operation may be necessary. Is this chronic thyroid condition disqualifying in a presidential candidate? Certainly not in my view, but I don’t like being lied to—by candidates, campaign staffs, or their media sycophants."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hilly Clinton is a goiter.

edutcher said...

Do they explain the bulky coats?

Prolly not.

The Blonde says it's something neurological. She also says her color's off.

Any takers?

ndspinelli said...

Before we started putting iodine in salt, people would get huge goiters. My old man had a friend w/ a goiter the size of an orange. If this is the case w/ Rodham, I don't know why she just doesn't have it removed. My bride had hers removed. Minimally invasive. Just take a hormone pill daily. Makes me think it's more than this.

The Dude said...

I suspect Paglia is a communist. Sadly, that can't be removed.

deborah said...

Ed, I think she looked fab at the NY victory speech, but I kept an eye on her dress as she turned. There may very well be something to 'what could be under there?'

I don't know, Nick, let me go over to Wiki *disappears*

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm fine with Paglia being a "progressive". If it means other progressives will listen to her, then good. She's correct on most issues.

deborah said...

"Goitre is treated according to the cause. If the thyroid gland is producing too much T3 and T4, radioactive iodine is given to the patient to shrink the gland. If goitre is caused by iodine deficiency, small doses of iodide in the form of Lugol's Iodine or KI solution are given. If the goitre is associated with an underactive thyroid, thyroid supplements are used as treatment. In extreme cases, a partial or complete thyroidectomy is required.[9]"


Dust Bunny Queen said...

She looks like someone who has an very swollen abdomen like you see in heavy drinkers. Liver? Spleen? Add to that the middle age spread that some women are subject to, especially those that are sedentary and sit around (drinking) most of the time.....well.

The coughing. Throat cancer? Also caused by a lifetime of excessive drinking. Being married to rutting Bill Clinton and having to hide your own lesbian love life...who could blame her.

The Chairman Mao coats are not camouflaging her Weeble Wobble physique. The woman is just not well on many levels. Physical illness is the least worrying.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A lifetime of being a crook, a liar and a sociopath takes a toll. Good thing she has piles of money to spend at an expensive and exclusive New York spa.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clinton voters overlook money lust, shadowy surrogates, sociopathic policy shifts, horrific overseas record. Why?

Power, connections, willful blindness, tribal-D bad faith.

deborah said...

I don't get the impression that she drinks heavily. Let's face it her face would be very puffy all the time, and I find it hard to believe she could keep up with the severe stress of a campaign hung over all the time.

The cough could be just from speaking all the time. If it were throat cancer she'd be on chemo and have had an operation by now. That's not something you can keep under wraps.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

As long as we are doing what the internet does best, diagnose things that we have no expertise in and without actually seeing the person.

Goiters can be caused by Use of certain medications. Certain medicines to treat heart problems, psychiatric conditions, and cancer can sometimes affect the production of thyroid hormone. These include amiodarone (Cordarone), lithium, interferon alpha, and interleukin-2.

There we are, back to the throat and larynx cancer. Coughing being a prime symptom. Perhaps treated and caught early but still with the residual hoarseness and coughing.

Dr. Dust Bunny Queen :-D

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It would be a shame if she dropped dead.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media won't touch any fact surrounding the on-going FBI investigation into her private server, the security leaks, and her use of a government department to stuff her family foundation. It's really quite astonishing, even for a horrid biased pro-D press.

deborah said...

Dr. DBQ, it is an honor to consult with you. What a fascinating analysis. I am reminded of throat cancer originating in herpes nodules.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

Ed, I think she looked fab at the NY victory speech, but I kept an eye on her dress as she turned. There may very well be something to 'what could be under there?'

Herself spent decades in communicable disease, rehab, oncology, and med-surg. If she says your color's wrong, she means something serious is wrong. And it's also other stuff. There's something wrong with her eyes - one's different from the other.

This article shows a close-up. The text is drivel, but take a look at the eyes. One is off center, also, one is a bit larger. Sure sign, according to The Blonde, she's got something bad going on.

YMMV, but, if you know any nurses, let them see it and see what they say.

BTW, you were talking about no wrinkles. Picture of Dorianna Gray.

Woman's gonna die having to listen to The Donald rip her a new one(s) in a debate.

Go home, sweetie, it's over. Play with the grandchildren while you can.

I don't get the impression that she drinks heavily

Look at the way she slugs 'em down. Sh knows how to hoist a few.

AprilApple said...

A lifetime of being a crook, a liar and a sociopath takes a toll

She's no sociopath. If she were, all her sins wouldn't be sins to her. She's no Willie or Barry, who can be whatever she thinks other people want. The hook is she's a terrible liar, like Ted.

And the crook part, she figures that's a means to the end. But she may know she can be caught, just like the Watergate Committee.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

from the link:
The gushy indulgence around Hillary in the Manhattan media was typified by Vanessa Friedman’s New York Times piece, “Hillary Clinton’s Message in a Jacket,” after last week’s debate. Evidently oblivious to how she was undermining the rote sexism plank in the Clinton campaign platform, Friedman praised Hillary for “playing the clothing card” against Sanders: Hillary’s long white jacket made her look like “New York’s white knight,” riding to the rescue.

Gee, that sure wasn’t my reaction. My first thought was: “Why is Hillary wearing a lab coat?” My second was: “Isn’t this a major gaffe—reminding people of abortion clinics?” My third was: “The big belted look is not recommended for those broad in the beam.”

Broad in the beam - LOL!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I find it hard to believe she could keep up with the severe stress of a campaign hung over all the time.

Ah. Deborah, you sweet innocent thing ;-) I guess you have never known any hard core, long time drinkers. Professionals. They build up a tolerance and hangovers are a thing of their past. In fact, if they don't drink, then they have symptoms.

It is the occasional drinkers who have the hangovers.

I used to have an acquaintance who would start his day out with a shot of Jack Daniels for breakfast and drink all day long. He never appeared drunk. Could converse quite well. Seemed like a normal person, looked pretty normal too..... if you didn't know he was pickling his insides. Died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 50. He was at the extreme end of the alcoholic spectrum though.

deborah said...

"She's no sociopath. If she were, all her sins wouldn't be sins to her. She's no Willie or Barry, who can be whatever she thinks other people want. The hook is she's a terrible liar, like Ted."

lol there's hope for the internet.

Ed, that's a poor pic to judge by, as she's looking of to the side, with her face slightly turned.

The Dude said...

If she has throat cancer, and I doubt that she does, as it is very easy to detect, my money would be on HPV [human papillomavirus] as the cause, and Huma as the source.

Hey, it was good enough for Michael Douglas...

As for goiter (I am an American) that's an easy one - mix in some iodine, and cut back on the cassava root consumption.

But coughing can be a symptom of many problems. The eye thing is due to brain damage. The barking is, too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No - she's a sociopath. Ed- you're a boring bad faith orangeObama worshiping troll.

deborah said...

Oops wrong pic, Ed. But still, that one she's looking off to the left. And many have little anomalies as far as eye size, eye levels or angles not quite symetrical, etc.

deborah said...

Got it, DBQ, but wouldn't she be more puffy? Is she on massive diuretics to cure puffy face and high BP?

edutcher said...

Which one, wrinkles or eyes?

And, no, on the eyes, when Drudge put it up, people everywhere were remarking on it.

You really have to specify.

AprilApple said...

No - she's a sociopath. Ed- you're a boring bad faith orangeObama worshiping troll.

You wouldn't know a sociopath if one bit you. She may well be psychotic, but she never saw the day she could snow people like our own Black Narcissus.

deborah said...

First comment wrinkles, second comment eyes.

edutcher said...

Try this one.

That ain't no anomaly.

PS At the time, there was a lot of comment here about what it might be and everybody with a mother, sister, wife, or girlfriend that was a nurse was given a different take.

edutcher said...

PPS According to Herself, there shouldn't be any anomalies with the eyes - same size, orientation, etc., in iris, pupil, etc.

deborah said...

Still looks normal to me, what do you see wrong. Need a straight on pic.

edutcher said...

One eye is looking toward her nose, the other is straight on.

That's not normal.

deborah said...

Ed, I interpret that as looking left, the eye that is closer to the subject being viewed will be less far over than the eye further away from the subject (which is to her left).

edutcher said...

Then both eyes would look left. One isn't tracking correctly.

deborah said...

Let us agree to disagree. I just looked at an image page of close ups, they looked normal except for a couple, which were probably flukes.

I do not disagree she may have bad health problems, but I'm not seeing it in the eyes so far.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think Hillary has plain old COPD.

Does she drink too much? It's possible. I think she lies too much.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

Let us agree to disagree.

No prob. It's a perception thing.

AprilApple said...

I think Hillary has plain old COPD.

Where's the oxygen tank and the tube to her nose? And I don't recall ever seeing her smoke.

(I know you can get it from other things...)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why do you act like a know-it-all, ed? It's really annoying.

My best friend has COPD. She doesn't walk around with an oxygen tank or a tube out her nose. btw- I'm only guessing Hillary might have COPD. Coughing like she does is a symptom of all sorts of problems.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If any GOP candidate coughed like that, the media scrutiny would be harsh and unrelenting. They would insist he/she not healthy enough for office.

(but we know this)

Amartel said...

I'm diagnosing this as Fatloaditis.
Poor some hot sauce on it. Feel the Bern.

Anonymous said...

"Why do you act like a know-it-all, ed? It's really annoying."

Because the blond told him so and the blond is God's gift to medicine, even Pulmonologists, Neurologists and Endocrinologists call to consult with the blond.

The Dude said...

Not knowing that there is an "e" on the end of the word "blonde" when referring to a woman makes me think that we have a DP on our hands.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I thought Ed was married to a guy. Sorry Ed.

edutcher said...

Sixty Grit said...

Not knowing that there is an "e" on the end of the word "blonde" when referring to a woman makes me think that we have a DP on our hands.

For the record, that's how you distinguish.

And a dark-haired man is brunet, a woman is brunette.

From the French.

See? I do know it all.

edutcher said...

Giovanna said...

Why do you act like a know-it-all, ed? It's really annoying.

Because the blond told him so and the blond is God's gift to medicine, even Pulmonologists, Neurologists and Endocrinologists call to consult with the blond.

Actually, most doctors will ask the nurse what's going on, if they have any sense. The nurse is there for 12 hours, the doctor for 5 minutes.

You don't know much about hospitals.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ampersand said...

Given her alleged proclivities, I expect her to hack up a hairball any day now.

The Dude said...

So who is Giovanna - Mede in drag or Inga, fresh out of her ward? She does know a lot about hospitals, mainly from having spent years inside of one.

Anonymous said...

Sacky blue! Wee wee! Forgot which pupette I was was there for a minute.

Anonymous said...

Sixty, I'm your ex wife you dolt.

The Dude said...

Typing from beyond the grave - that's a neat trick even for someone whose career topped out at mowing lawns.

Anonymous said...

I always told you I'd haunt you.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't have killed my parakeet.

The Dude said...

Prince, is that you?

Anonymous said...

You were secretly married to Prince?

ndspinelli said...

There were many stories of Lady Macbeth and McCain slamming vodka on the trail. She's a drinker. Almost all pols are drinkers, many heavy, a good number alcoholic. She likes to get snockered and then wolf down pizza. That has been reported. The most accurate reporting on Lady Macbeth occurred back in 2008 when she was running against the Messiah.

ndspinelli said...

Don't expect any more accurate reporting on the Lady.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I know it’s all joking in good fun, I sincerely hope Hillary is in good health and will live for years. I would hate it if she comes to trial and is found guilty of playing loose with emails that belong to the US taxpayer, or of outright bribery, and at the sentencing she asks for no jail time due to ill health.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump bombshells in waiting.