Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sign of the times!

This the face of the people who want to destroy Donald Trump and his campaign to end illegal immigration. This is who you enable when you support Ted Cruz who has no chance of winning the general election. Trump is the only one who can reach out to disaffected Democrats and independents and flip enough states to beat the Democrats. Cruz and Kasich and the GOPe and the #Nevertrumpers are doing everything they can to make America Mexico again. Not because they want that to happen. But because they lost and they won't give it up and come on board and try to defeat Hillary. Cruz I can understand. He will always do whatever he can in service of his ambition. Kasich agrees with untrammeled immigration. The GOPe like Ryan want unlimited immigration to satisfy the  Chamber of Commerce. Trump brought this issue to the fore. He is the one who wants to stem the tide. He won the nomination in the face of 17 rivals. When he wins Indiana they will still keep on trying to steal the nomination. Regardless of how many votes Trump will have won.


Shouting Thomas said...

Trump will be the nominee.

When all the anger and hurt feelings start subsiding, the party will support him.

AllenS said...

ST, I hope and pray that you are right, and I think you are.

edutcher said...

I think that may happen sooner than expected. I know we have some haters here, but the past couple of days show who is feared - truly - and who is not.

Many of the rest have already come to terms and a lot of the Whigs understand their chances of holding the Senate (which they don't dare lose) are a lot better if everybody's on the same side.

Trooper York said...

I hope you are right. But a lot of people have dug themselves into a pretty deep hole and I don't know if they can stop digging.

I really hope you are right.

ricpic said...

All you have to do is imagine a white kid holding up a Make Mexico America Again sign in Mexico and you'll understand what an explosive image this is.

edutcher said...

ric, that's an interesting point.

At the end of the Mexican War, the US Army held territory in Mexico from the Rio Grande down to Vera Cruz, across to Mexico City and up to Chihuahua. Some advocates of Manifest Destiny wanted all of the country from the Rio Grande down to Vera Cruz and across to Acapulco. We kept very little.

When the need for a transcontinental railroad was acknowledged, the original Gadsden Purchase was for the top tier of states in Mexico (Baja, Sonora, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and Coahuila). again, we agreed to settle for less and were quite generous.

OTOH, When the Mexican War began, there were only about 5000 Spanish speakers in California, concentrated along the coast from San Fiasco to Monterey and Santa Barbara to San Diego. There was really nothing to the east until you hit the upper Rio Grande where the colony of New Mexico had about 16,000 Spanish speakers - New Mexico was the only really prosperous colony in the Southwest - and they had been run out of the country for almost a century.

Most of the 3500 Spanish speakers in Texas at the start of the TX War of Independence were concentrated south of the Nueces River (where many of the Spanish place names are) and along the Rio Grande, places like San Antonio were essentially outposts. The reason there were so many Americans in TX at the time was that Spain, and then Mexico, couldn't even pay people to settle there, so they opened the land to American impresarios, people like Moses and Stephen Austin.

So the land really is ours.

rcocean said...

Hopefully, if Trump wins Indiana Cruz will see how dumb it is to keep on fighting and will start trying to cut a deal with Trump.

Did you see that George Will has now stated that Hillary would be preferred over Trump?

Maybe now, people will stop calling Will a Conservative.

rcocean said...

"So the land really is ours."

Plus, we paid Mexico $millions$ for their land - that was back in the days when a Million$ really meant something. Pretty nice of us, considering that Mexico attacked us! And thought they could win. And were going to take back all of Texas and kick out all the Yankees - without a dollar of compensation.

Its funny that the one war the USA fought that made sense, that gave us California, Texas, NM, and Arizona is the one that is the most criticized. Americans are morons.

edutcher said...

You saw how the attempt to have John Wayne Day ended.

rcocean said...

So the land really is ours.

Plus, we paid Mexico $millions$ for their land

Essentially, we paid them the original price what we wanted for California (only SF Bay and Monterey and a lodgment to the Louisiana Purchase) and the government assumed any indemnities of Mexico.

Considering it might well still be unsettled land today, we got it cheap.

And thought they could win.

They had a sizable standing army, we had 8 infantry regiments, 2 of dragoons, and 4 of artillery, mostly coast. There was also the danger of a naval war with Britain over Oregon (considered at the time the likelier scenario), which we probably would have lost

We also had Winfield Scott, US Grant, Robert E Lee, and the Texas Rangers.

rcocean said...

"Considering it might well still be unsettled land today, we got it cheap."

No, we didn't get it "Cheap". We gave Mexico fair market value. If it became valuable later, its because we settled it and made it so.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A tweet I just read...

"Trump is bad for America" said the group of people waving every flag but an American one.

edutcher said...

rcocean said...

Considering it might well still be unsettled land today, we got it cheap.

No, we didn't get it "Cheap". We gave Mexico fair market value. If it became valuable later, its because we settled it and made it so.

Actually, Polk was willing to go as high as 40 mil, so 15 was a bargain, especially since Mexico could have kept Southern CA.

edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

Hmmm, I have a feeling Heidi may be taking another stroll in rush hour expressway traffic real soon.

Tells an audience Cruz is an immigrant.

Chip Ahoy said...

You guys sure know your history.

I saw some dumb f'n signs.

"Dump Trump" Now, this is a sign waved around in a patch of like-minded people against and ignored by the much larger group assembled inside. Effectiveness: nil.

"Trumptard" Effectiveness: nil.
"cartoon of T. with no parking symbol" Effectiveness: nil.
"Picture of a snake: Trump, puts the hiss in history." Effectiveness: nil. That's mine.

That joke occurred to me by switching hysterectomy with history, then, "puts the hysteria in hysterectomy. I meant to say history just now." You can steal it. Go ahead, save it for a perfect time, "puts the hysteria in hysterectomy." If told that one to my dad he would crack up laughing and there is no greater joy. Then he'd use it thereafter. Because that really was one of his subjects he discussed from his knowledge base. Too bad, all that is in the past now for there are no hysterectomies in heaven. There the joke loses all of it's force that it might have here on Earth. I feel a real loss. A missed chance. I must now pray and tell my dad a joke he'd find irresistible while alive. It's just not that funny anymore.

rcocean said...

"Actually, Polk was willing to go as high as 40 mil, so 15 was a bargain, especially since Mexico could have kept Southern CA."

Yeah, so what? FMV is what's paid for the property - not what a buyer was willing to pay for it.

In any case, my point still stands. We paid them for the land, even though MEXICO started the war - and wasn't going to pay the USA a damn red cent if the they'd beaten us an taken Texas back.

Again, it shows the bizarre weirdness of Americans, that you have to actually argue with them to prove they aren't the bad guys and don't have to feel guilty. Because they want virtue signal and FEEL guilty.

Judas priest.

Its like WW2. The Japanese attack us, kill 2,000 men at Pearl Harbor, kill another 1,000 at the Bataan Death march, kill another 8,000 American POW's, and all the USA can do is cry and rent their garments over us ending the war by dropping the A-bomb. As if the Japanese would've thought for 2 seconds about dropping 100 A-bombs on US if they'd been able.

Trump talks about "America first" and about 40% get their back up and thinking about how horrible that is.

This "country" deserves to oblivion. Rant over.

edutcher said...

rcocean said...

all the USA can do is cry and rent their garments over us ending the war by dropping the A-bomb.

All American Leftists could do is cry and rend their garments.


Most Americans were just glad it was over and we had been spared the casualties. If you were in the military at the time and not assigned to the occupation of Europe, you were going to be in the invasion of Japan or the reduction of the Japanese Army in China (about half the IJA), neither of which promised to be any fun.

You weren't born in the first cohort of the Baby Boomers, I take it. Kind of like every Baby Boomer was a hippie and one of the campus commandos in the eyes of succeeding generations.

virgil xenophon said...


Yes, most people forget (if they ever knew) that Japan also had half its Army sitting in China. My Father (having just survived the little delio in the ETO) was sitting in a mile-long troop-train in Union Station in St Louis with the HQ elements of an entire Army (3 Corps=9 Divisions) on the way to the West Coast to ship out to China when VJ Day was declared, his life being probably saved as he was a battalion commander whose unit would have been thrown directly in the fray.

edutcher said...

Almost nobody knew.

Operation Liquidator is almost unknown even to WWII buffs.