Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Not the Onion: Minnesota Parents Sue To Get Trans Classes In Kindergarten

Parents of a 5-year-old “transgender child” have filed a complaint against a St. Paul charter school, alleging it failed to protect him from bullying and refused to teach all the students their preferred transgender-awareness curriculum.
David and Hannah Edwards, whose child was born a boy but now thinks he’s a girl, has filed with the city’s Department of Human Rights, claiming their child “wasn’t able to take full advantage of Nova’s educational opportunities because of her gender identity and expression. This violated her rights.”
When the boy showed up at school wearing pink tennis shoes and wanting to wear a jumper like the girls in gym class, other children reportedly pointed and laughed at him. The parents contacted the school and wanted something done to protect their child from bullying, despite the fact that the school currently has an anti-bullying policy.  (Link)
Link to photo


AllenS said...

Two people who won't be voting for Trump.

Trooper York said...

Two people who will be dealing with tragedy for the rest of their life. I feel sorry for them.

edutcher said...

The kid isn't the problem. It's the parents, it's really child abuse in the name of being fashionable.

The Dude said...

They are not parents.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Interesting article. thanks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Federalist link.

Darcy said...

I just can't even.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

From the Federalist Link:

Whether it’s transition products, hormone blocking, sex changes, or forcing schools to help a young child make the transition from one gender to another, experts have come out strongly against this kind of gender ideology being imposed on children.

The American College of Pediatricians issued a report urging “educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.”

The report states that “human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: ‘XY’ and ‘XX’ are genetic markers of health – not genetic markers of a disorder,” and “No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

...one final quote from same link>

A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-V). The psychodynamic and social learning theories of GD/GID have never been disproved.

“Puberty is not a disease and puberty-blocking hormones can be dangerous,” the report states. “Reversible or not, puberty-blocking hormones induce a state of disease – the absence of puberty – and inhibit growth and fertility in a previously biologically healthy child.” In other words, to treat children in this way is “to do harm,” something neither parents nor doctors should ever do.

IMO -If you give your child puberty-blocking hormones, you have a cruel mental disorder of your own.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I added another link to the Federalist post.

Thanks April.

AllenS said...

The address that they used: 550 Rice St, St Paul, MN 55103 goes to this place --


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Washington Post had to admit (only two pinocchios) the possibilities Ted Cruz may be onto something by claiming Obama wants school boys and girls showering together.


Fundamentally TRANSformed.

Methadras said...

What did they think was going to happen? Kumbaya acceptance by other five year olds? These RMPC's are dangerous people because they are idiots.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I went to high school with a guy who wanted to be a girl. Back then, in the 1980's, it was not accepted as normal. He (she) was tormented by bullies. Normal or not, he wanted to be a she, and her small circle of friends treated "her" as a she. (I had NO idea what was going on biologically)..
High school was a nightmare for this person. After HS, "she" moved away and that's the last I heard until a few years ago. Another old friend from HS told me "she" was a nurse, had a boyfriend, and had most of the surgeries to make it all official.

My point here is that if an adult wants to make these drastic decisions, fine.

Children? No way. Seek professional physiological help for the kid, and do your best.

Trooper York said...

The last episode of "Call the Midwife" had a heartbreaking episode. In it a baby was born deformed without arms or legs. When Sister Julienne went to look for it she could not find it in the nursery. She heard mewls and crys from the sluice room where they keep the garbage. They had the baby naked on a counter with the window wide open to the cold winter air to hasten its death. It was a powerful statement about abortion and euthanasia and many of the things we fight about here. It was a visceral gut punch. She picked up the baby, wrapped it up and prayed over it as it died. Now the mother did not know that they did this. It was other people who made the choice for her. Who knows what she would have done?

I talk about this because of my initial reaction to this story. Of course I think the parents are idiots. But does the state have a right to interfere on how they want to raise their child? It is a slippery slope. Upon reflection if they want to indulge their child's psychopathy then as some Catholic guy once said "Who am I to judge?" On the other hand I am not going to punish five year olds for making fun of a weirdo. Look if you want you kid to be mocked and treated like shit knock yourself out. You have that right. But don't expect us to make it easy for you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If we had not let things get out of hand so much child protective services could have rescue that child. But, I'm afraid that horse has left the racetrack.

Trooper York said...

Parents have been screwing up kids since the beginning of time. We need to keep the government out of it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did you get weepy, Troop? I did.
The deformities are caused by that anti-nausea drug.

Every situation is different.
Parents must be sensitive not only to their own child, but to others. Forcing government run schools to conform to a "preferred transgender-awareness curriculum".. - at that young age? One more reason our government run schools are failing us. Instead of education, it's baby-sitting, victim mongering, navel gazing. Send your child to school to learn. This is why I am all in favor of uniforms.

I remember Bullying a part of life at school. Not good, but it's probably fair to say you cannot stop all forms of bullying. Unless you want to end recess. because "no fair."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"This is why I am all in favor of uniforms."


Olson Johnson is right! said...

We are assuming no genetic issues, or some kind of endocrine/hormone type problem? Meh, I say the kid grows out of it, unless of course the extra love and hugs from the parents reward him acting weird.

Are there any follow ups from all the "My kindergartener is gay" stories from a few years back?

The Dude said...

Thalidomide. Walter White, the character in Breaking Bad said that the problem with that molecule was one of chirality. Who knows...

As for uniforms being the end to bullying - bullshit. That's like saying that if everyone on the planet looked alike in terms of skin, hair and eye color then discrimination would end. Human nature does not change and it sure doesn't go away based on superficial things - people have always, and will always, find some reason to hate other people.

ampersand said...

Uniforms like Mao suits? Like Hillary wears?

Trooper York said...

This storyline is a pain in the ass April. We can't watch it at dinner time.

I want happy limeys pushing out babies.

Chip Ahoy said...

Does the story take place in the 50's or 60's?

That must have happened in Britain more than in the United States, possibly because of socialized healthcare. I don't really know. I do know they joke malevolently about it more than Americans do. They call affected babies flids. It is a broadly used insult. Urban dictionary links flid to Thalidomide (German invented, used in 50's and 60's)

Conversely, around that time rubella was nearly eradicated, the cause of most deafness I encountered. Most deafness in people younger than me is caused by something else.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Parents have been screwing up kids since the beginning of time. We need to keep the government out of it.

I think you just defined Conservatism.

AprilApple said...

The deformities are caused by that anti-nausea drug.

The thalidomide thing goes back to the early 60s and was the foot in the door for the abortion crowd.

One more reason our government run schools are failing us. Instead of education, it's baby-sitting, victim mongering, navel gazing. Send your child to school to learn. This is why I am all in favor of uniforms.

You never went to Catholic school. You can't ever level the playing field. There will always be the cool kids, the brains, the nerds, the jocks, the loners, the class clowns, the tough guys. My sister went through all that.

There will always be the kids who wear the uniform well and the ones who don't - fat, short, too tall, skinny, big bazooms or round in the rump.

Nice idea, but the only time it seems to work is when it keeps the kids with bucks from walking in with the latest cool jeans or whatever. that's why you see it in a lot of Third world countries.

The Dude said...

There was plenty of Thalidomide in this country. I remember a Life magazine article about how badly it damaged babies in utero.

I have, with my own eyes, seen cases of that drug. No idea why it was where I saw it or what became of it, but along with Bon Vivant vichyssoise, a cranberry sauce scandal and several other outbreaks of bad things, we never lacked for suitable subjects to discuss at dinner.

edutcher said...

It was a big issue (I remember that Life story, too).

Went to Computer School at U of Penn with a guy born without arms because of that. Toughest guy you'd ever want to meet, took nothing, could do everything with his feet.

ndspinelli said...

Having worked for a juvenile court I have seen horrors inflicted on children by "parents." I have also seen horrors inflicted on parents by incompetent nanny social workers. Finally, I have seen the system work correctly, a GOOD social worker either working w/ the parents to get their minds right or see there was no hope and work hard the rights of the parents terminated and the child placed in a foster home. It's not easy to terminate parental rights and it should not be easy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Chi p - Does the story take place in the 50's or 60's?

Late 50's early 60's Britain.